
Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts PDF


Added on  2021-12-13

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Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts PDF_1

Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts 1
Leadership, culture and organizational contexts.............................................................................2
Macro and micro challenges faced in the organization...................................................................3
The concept of the character, ethical, values and belief dimensions...............................................4
The range of relevant leadership theories relevant to the organization...........................................5
Motivation theories and employee engagement..............................................................................6
Talent management, training, development and its role in the leadership......................................6
Belbin team roles for the hard and soft management......................................................................7
Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts PDF_2

Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts 2
The leaders set direction, build an inspiring vision and create something new. The leadership is
all about where the followers are required to go to win as a team. The leadership is a dynamic,
exciting and inspiring process. The leaders set the direction by using his management skills and
guides people. On the other side, organizational culture is a significant factor in the success of
the business organization. The organizational culture comprises an organization’s expectations,
experiences, philosophy, and values which guide human behavior. It represents the way things
are done around in the organization. The organizational culture influences the behavior of the
employees in the organization. This report defines the leadership and the challenges faced. These
challenges are classified into the macro and micro. The dimensions such as ethical, values and
beliefs are considered in the range of macro and micro perspectives. A range of relevant
leadership theories is introduced and analyzed. A range of practical examples is also illustrated
related to the leadership.
Leadership, culture and organizational contexts
The leaders have the ability to conduct the activity of leading a group and people in the
organization. They coordinate and balance the conflicting interest of all the members and
stakeholders. They have even able to think and act creatively in problematic situations. The
leaders conduct the activities in the diverse conditions through talent and skill. The leadership is
an ability through which leaders can attempt to do something. The people having strong
leadership skills often rise to the executive positions like CEO, COO, CFO, chairman, and
president. The leaders are capable enough to provide direction to the company. The employees
are also required to know the direction in which they should be headed and whom to follow in
order to reach the destination. It guides people the way they have to effectively perform the
responsibilities and handle the completion of the tasks. It is all about setting a positive example
for the staff and motivated them to learn new things. The effective leadership comprises strong
character. It exhibits morality, integrity, reliability, and ethics (Shamir and Eilam-Shamir, 2018).
The strong leadership comprises clear communication skills for successful accomplishment. The
true leadership visualizes the trends in the industry and takes risks to grow the businesses. The
productive leadership is truly concerned about the wellbeing of the staff. It provides positive
Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts PDF_3

Leadership and cultures in organizational contexts 3
energy to the staff. The leaders find the best way for the staff to work together and attain
maximum results in an efficient manner (Sosik and Jung, 2018).
The leadership concept is allied with the organizational culture along with the national culture.
The organizational culture comprises the morals, beliefs, and rules which are followed in the
organization in the long run. The culture of the organization is basically made up of the
employees as it relies on the attitude and behavior of the staff. The organizational culture is
supposed to be user-friendly and should be enriched with the positive environment. The job
satisfaction of an organization is associated with its culture. The culture of the organization is
made up of its members (Ruch, Gander, Platt and Hofmann, 2018). The culture has a role in
understanding what is and what is not acceptable in society. It is considered that a positive
organization culture automatically enriches the work processes. The leadership practices reveal
the national culture in an organization. The national culture comprises different rules, beliefs,
language, and customs. The difference in the culture exists between national in terms of the
philosophy, beliefs, and practices. An individual can face difficulty due to the different cultural
practices and in communicating with other employees (Storey, 2016).
The concept of cross-cultural leadership should be utilized for resolving the above issues. The
employees should be imparted training to adopt different cultures in the business atmosphere.
The leaders are required to make the plan in order to eliminate cultural differences. It can be
made possible by offering training and programs. It also enables improved interaction between
employees. It is to be believed that the national culture of one country is completely different
from other. So the different leadership activities and theories should be implemented on the
global level. Therefore, it can be said that leadership practices play important role in the
organizational culture as well as national culture.
Macro and micro challenges faced in the organization
The leaders influence the activities of the followers towards goal achievement. They aim to
improve the effectiveness of the organization. On the other side, there are some challenges faced
by the organizations which are linked with the cultural differences. Some of the challenges faced
in an organization are distribution channel and suppliers, lack of communication, lack of
responsibility, lack of mission and vision. Some other challenges encountered in the organization
are adopting changes, removing discernment and discouragement in accomplishing success
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