
Leadership and Change Management: Impact on Business Operations and Strategy


Added on  2023-06-11

17 Pages6145 Words382 Views
Understanding and
leading change
Leadership and Change Management: Impact on Business Operations and Strategy_1
Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Comparison of outcome of change on business operations and business strategy.................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................9
Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour.................9
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................15
Influence of obstacles to change on leadership and decision making..................................15
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................17
Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative............................................17
Leadership and Change Management: Impact on Business Operations and Strategy_2
Change is considered as the alteration in the actions which are taken by the organisation
with the purpose of bringing changes in the major factors of company like culture, strategies,
policies, process, technologies and other factors which need improvement regarding the change
for running the business. Organisation execute several types of changes in business environment
including structural change, transformational change, remedial change and so on. Businesses
tends to create several changes in terms of making transactions from the current status to the
future desired status (Pastrana and Tobón, 2020). There are several challenges which are faced
by the organisation at the time of executing changes in business operations. Here, the chosen
organisation is TESCO which is a multinational retailing store, situated in England, UK and
founded by Jack Cohen in 1919. Company deals in diversified range of products like clothing,
food, financial services and many more. Further, the suitable topics are covered including the
impact of changes over the business strategies and the impact of internal and external factors
over the organisational behaviour. Despite from this, significant barriers in change also impact
leader’s decision making and leadership approaches which is helpful for businesses to initiate
Comparison of outcome of change on business operations and business strategy
Organisational change impacts the business strategy and operations which leads to
implement the change of business firms in regard of altering the overall business strategy for the
smooth enforcement of change. The changes lead to create shift in the culture of company that
impacts the daily operations and strategy of an organisation (Elsbach and Stigliani, 2018). The
retail sector is facing suitable crisis due to COVID-19 that impact the retail supply chain,
profitability and workforce. TESCO and Marks and Spencer, tends to execute changes which put
major impact over the business operations and strategy of the enterprises. For this, the
comparison among these changes are mentioned as: (Kotter, J.P., 2012)
Organisation 1 TESCO
Changes- PEST/SWOT- TESCO has executed technological change regarding the
enhancement of online shopping and also make sure the digitalisation within the company.
Company also created their own website to attract online shoppers as this change is the main
Leadership and Change Management: Impact on Business Operations and Strategy_3
reason for the suitable profitability of company during COVID-19 (Raben and et. al., 2017).
Digitalisation tends to put emphasis on providing safe delivering for the online orders that will
help company to reach towards the number of customers. Digital development is important for
the retail firms as it is useful in order to prepare for the future with rapid digitalisation of several
business process. Another change is the enforcement of several technologies to enhance the
safety of consumers and employees at the time of pandemic. The company consider one-in-one-
out system to restrict the number of customers present at the physical outlets (Wu and et. al.,
2018). Tesco also develop the checkout stations with protective screens to enhance the safety of
customers and also provide their drivers for the sanitization and safety equipment like protective
gloves to make sure the safe delivery.
Drivers of change- The basic driver of change in the business terms is related to the
external factors for the enhancement of competition in e-commerce organisations. TESCO also
realised that the developing strong presence over the online market and own online shopping
portal is helpful for company to face competition at the domestic and international level like
Ocado and Amazon. Besides from this, digital economy and retail shopping has been enhancing
in the upcoming years. This is another external factor that has leads towards the technological
change at Tesco. Besides from this, COVID-19 trade restrictionsal so enhance the dependence of
retail firms on online consumers to achieve profitability. The value of technological change in
TESCO and how COVID-19 help in the digitalisation and technological change at the Tesco.
COVID-19 pandemic and trade restrictions which are imposed by the British government are
spreading for the virus are the main external factors that drive the technological changes in
TESCO. The company also implemented the new technology and system in physical stores to
enhance the employee and consumer safety.
Impact on strategy- At the initial time, the technological change impacts the digital
technology that put major impact over the business strategy of TESCO. The business strategy is
changed considering the safety and satisfaction of online customers by prioritised that
enhancement of digital change. The changes in business strategy is organised to get the desired
outcome from the technological change. The objective of this strategy is to enhance the smooth
implementation of digital technology. Here, Tesco is able to enhance the online sale after the
pandemic due to the changes in business strategy to make sure the smooth digitalisation and
provide online customers to enhance the satisfactions.
Leadership and Change Management: Impact on Business Operations and Strategy_4

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