
Leadership In Digital Age


Added on  2022-12-30

18 Pages5118 Words46 Views
Leadership In
Digital Age
Leadership In Digital Age_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................3
Self analysis................................................................................................................................3
SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................6
Leadership Capabilities and behaviours that will be helpful to digital leader in near future
within retail industry...................................................................................................................6
TASK3 ..........................................................................................................................................10
Business transformation............................................................................................................10
Personality Development Plan:.................................................................................................13
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................16
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Leadership can be referred to as the art which involves motivating the group of people to
act so that they can work on to achieve the common goals and objectives (Akcil and et.al., 2017).
In context to the business setting, it involves directing the colleagues and workers with the help
of a strategy so that the needs of the company can be met. Today the world have become
digitalised where digital leadership has evolved which is about empowering the other people to
create and leas the self organised team. Nowadays leadership is no longer hierarchical rather it
involves participation, contribution and involvement from everybody. Digital leadership is a
strategic use of the company's digital asset so that organisational goals can be achieved. This
report is divided into section where first section covers self analysis on strength and weakness
relating to leadership, second section shall cover the leadership behaviours and capabilities, third
section shall deal with business transformation and lastly a personal development plans
(Schwarzmüller and et.al., 2018).
Self analysis
A leader plays an important and crucial role in the success of the teams. It is important
for the companies to have good leaders who can lead the teams by applying appropriate
leadership theories in practice so that common desires and goals can be achieved. There are
many theories which can adopted by leaders in the digital age which are discussed below-
Contingency theory of leadership
This theory of leadership is concerned with the effectiveness of leader in contingent
situation as to whether that leadership style suits with the particular situation. According to this
theory, a person may be an effective leader in one circumstance and may be ineffective in other.
In order to become a productive leader, this theory suggests that the leader must examine the
situation and then decide if its leadership style is going to be effective or not. There are many
elements to this theory which includes-
Situation- Under this element, an analysis of the situation is done and a leader is
entrusted with the task to outline the idea so that it can make a plan. It is the first phase
where the leaders screen the situation by applying their skills and knowledge (Anosike,
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Leadership style- When the situation is foreseen, a leader aligns the style of leadership
and then choose the best leadership style which suits with the situation so that it can
effectively deal with it. This step can be done when the leader thoroughly understand the
circumstance and tries to gain knowledge about it. It is important as it ensures that
whether the leader is taking right step to lead the team. Developing the relationship between situation and style of leadership- In this
element, the right balance is made between a situation and the leadership style so that it
can play its role to apply a leadership style in a particular situation so that best outcome
can be brought.
Situational theory: The situational theory is related to contingency theory which also
has purpose that no one leadership style supersedes others. As the suggested name this theory is
depends on situational leadership in which leadership is depends on situations. Leaders always
correspond to to the situation, In which situations assessing by the assessing certain variables
which includes tasks, nature of followers etc. this theory mixed two elements leadership style
and followers maturity levels (Davies, Mullan and Feldman, 2017). The professor Hersey and
Blenchard has classified maturity into four different stages which are mentioned below:
M1: Team members not possess the motivation and tactical skills in order to complete necessary
M2: In this team members are willing and ambitious in order to achieve something and
objectives but they have lack the necessary ability.
M3: Team members possess the skills and abilities in order to accomplish the tasks, in this they
are not willing to take accountability.
M4: In this, team members are contains right talent, motivation for completing tasks.
In this theory, leaders are exercises particular leadership style which is depends on the
maturity level of the team members. Leaders behaviour are depends on the team members, their
skills. For example, In team every member has different maturity level, so leaders has to behave
according to team members. Some has higher skills so leaders treat them easily as compare to
lower skills members because they wants more attention from them. This theory are not related
to the certain type of leader, leader who has specific style for leadership. This theory deals with
best kinds of leaders who are deals in different situations (Selwyn and et.al., 2017). This may
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