
Nursing Leadership and Management Theories


Added on  2020-06-04

11 Pages3818 Words35 Views
Leadership in Health Care
Nursing Leadership and Management Theories_1

Table of Contents
Things which makes a team effective and how someone can be an effective member..............1
Values of leaders to develop an effective health care team........................................................2
Impact of values of healthcare team members on patient outcomes and experiences................4
Developing self as a healthcare professional and its benefits in future......................................5
Nursing Leadership and Management Theories_2

In any organisation there is a leader who has various roles and responsibilities which he
has to play in order to help his organisation in reaching the organisational goals and objectives.
They have a team to whom he represent and it is their duty to care of almost all the activities and
operation carried out in the team. These leaders have certain skills and knowledge which they
use in order to motivate the people whop are part of their team (Greer, A.G and et. al., 2010).
The reason behind this is that the success of the business depend on the efforts made by the team
members so for that there motivation level and moral should be high. Whatever action is taken
by the leaders will directly impact the performance of the company so their performance can be
analysed from various leadership theories and styles. Through considering the scenario of the
health care practice effectiveness of leadership will be analysed. With a reflective model and
literature review there will be brief that how I will develop myself as a healthcare professional
and how it will benefit me in my career.
Things which makes a team effective and how someone can be an effective member.
Every organisation has different operations which they perform in order to reach the
targets which they have set. To make things easier and reduce the work load every operation is
performed in teams. Performing business activities in teams increase the efficiency and also
saves the time. Through it more productivity can be gained thus increasing the profit margins of
the company (Tatlah, Ali and Saeed, 2012). This literature review highlights the ways which can
be adopted to make a health care team effective and how my personal values makes me a
important member of the team.
It is analysed by me that effective teamwork in heath care puts an positive influence on
the patient safety. The importance of effective teams in health care is increasing due to various
factors like increase in the complexity and specialization of care. The other factors are rise in the
number of cases of chronic diseases, shortages in the global workforce, safe working hours
initiatives and etc. There are lots of characteristics which makes a health care team effective
(Spector, 2016). The people who are part of the team has responsibility to ensure that whatever
they are doing yields better results. In the literature it has been analysed that in past there has
been various models which highlights the effective teamwork.
Nursing Leadership and Management Theories_3

According to Mickan and Roger, every member of the team should have a common
purpose which includes collective interests. My team has set the goals which is measurable and
are focusing on the team activities. For a team to be effective there is requirement of effective
leader who can set the goals and maintain structure. To be an effective team whatever conflicts
are arising should be addressed with a proper approach so that it does not hamper the team
working in large. There should be a communication channel which make sure that each and ever
message communicated is reached to the every member of the team so that they can know what
all things has to be done and what progress has been made in the organisation. When there will
be proper communication each and every person will know their role which they have to perform
(McColl-Kennedy and et. al., 2012). Those things which has much importance will be done first
and will be on the top of the priority list. There will be equal distribution of the work and through
regular inspection of the performance of the health care team members will yield positive
outcomes thus making the team work effective. A team to be effective it is necessary that all the
task and operations are performed through a strategies and planning after analysing the condition
of the scene.
As analysed by Buykx (2010) at the personal level there is requirement of the of certain
personal values and skills to be an effective team members. Health care is a sector or profession
which is totally different from others as this requires healthcare workers to give their full efforts
to make clients or patients coming in the hospital or health care centre safe and secure. The
operations which which has been allotted to my team is to assist the patients and clients when
they visit the health care centre. So it is my duty to keep record of all the people who are visiting
the place and guide them towards the areas and doctors to whom they have to consult about their
problems. I have a calm nature and prefer to use polite language as it is required by the team that
any person coming should be treated properly (Lampard and Sharbanee, 2015). I always believed
that this is the profession where all the people whether of any category should be treated equally.
So those patients who are in emergency will be given the first treatment. I also ensure that each
patient should know what all treatments he has to be given and what how long the procedure will
be pre-long.
Values of leaders to develop an effective health care team.
A leader is a person who is considered as a driver of the team so for the effectiveness of
any team it is the responsibility of the leader to take certain steps to benefit the organisation. To
Nursing Leadership and Management Theories_4

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