
Leadership and Management


Added on  2023-06-13

11 Pages3364 Words76 Views
Leadership and Management
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
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In the context of business leadership has been regarded as a significant function of the
management system that helps in maximizing the efficiency and tends to achieve
organization’s goals and objectives. Apart from that, strong leaders motivate and encourage
other team members for achieving their goals (Bolden 2016). According to the World Health
Organization, a good leader in a management system will have a proper vision what needs to
be achieved and accordingly communicate the same with other employees in order to achieve
the shared vision. Management and leadership are equally important as in order to have a
good management system, it is necessary to have an effective leader (Shin et al. 2015).
In order to have good management system, there needs to be transparency between
employees and the managers as this would increase growth and productivity of the
organization. Though it has been stated that management and leadership should go hand-in-
hand, but in actual concept both differs in concept. Strong leadership is all about innovation
and vision and on the other hand management deals with the maintenance of the standards
(Rosemann and Brocke 2015). A leader helps in creating innovative strategies whereas; a
manager administers and focuses in the innovation. The essay is a self reflection of what I
have learnt about leadership and management and would dealt with what I learnt by visiting
the lake district also known as the lake land.
In order to learn about “leadership and management” I along with my fellow mates
visited the Lake District which is also known as the lake land. Though most of my classmates
were excited regarding the tour, but the tour left me in apprehensions. The tour was planned
for us to learn things verifiably, so that we could acquire vast knowledge regarding
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management and effective leadership. While on a tour, I would not like to miss any kind of
fun and amusements, as that mean more than time-table but at the same time I would also like
to focus on my self-reflection. Though I always feel good going on individual tour but going
with friends have given me many memories, more trip with friends are far more entertaining
than trip with families. Our team leader was very good and had given us lot more freedom
than we have expected and beside that guided us very well. Most importantly our guide was a
perfect example of an effective leader as he helped us to learn how to become an effective
leader. The trip was an amazing experience as I got to connect with new people and culture
and thus it helped me to open up with many dangerous experiences. Apart from this,
throughout the whole tour I got to learn many exciting activities and many new tasks, and I
was very enthusiast in participating in all the activities that were introduced by our guide.
Furthermore, this trip helped me to get submerged altogether with a different culture that
helped me to collaborate with new things and surroundings all around. The newly discovered
things, surroundings and culture helped us in changing our perception and identity and also
helped in the reinforcement of bonds with our fellow classmates. One of the most interesting
activities that I had learnt from the tour is known as “worth of 2 pounds.” By participating
in the worth of pounds, the activity helped me in bringing me closer to professional career
and also to my heart. The worth of pounds is totally a different task altogether, as in most of
the task I was always grouped up with one or more than that people. Whereas, in this
particular task, it was an individual task and I performed all alone in the task and it was
successful. In the particular task, my guide suggested me that I need to work in a candy shop
worth for 2 pounds. Though our guide suggested me what I need to do, but the whole task
was performed individually by me and it was really an amazing experience. While
performing the task, the owner of the candy shop had given me lot of information and advice
regarding how to perform the business and has also shared with me the different mindset of
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the business minded people. Apart from this, the candy shop owner also shared his personal
experiences regarding the business like how he faced difficulties at the starting of his
business career and how he was able to cope up with such difficulties. The most important
thing I learnt throughout this task is that the requirement of the right and appropriate skills
and knowledge for operating any particular business.
Apart from that, from the above mentioned activity, I got to learn that many new
things regarding proper and effective ways of managing things and how effective
management helps business in increasing their revenue and growth. Apart from gaining
knowledge about the proper market place for executing any types of business, I also learnt
about managing business. For instance, I got to learn that when operating any particular
business without the help of anybody; in that case everything from serving clients to
managing everything should be done by the owner of the shop. In that case it becomes very
important to handle and manages things effectively or else it would have a negative impact
on the business (Trevino and Nelson 2016). As per the contingency theory, managers takes
the major decisions in regards of the situation, so that the situation could be handle
effectively and according to this theory the leader can take proper discussion based on the
current problem or situation (Fiedler 2015). The owner of the candy shop also used to
implement the contingency theory when he had to handle everything all alone. On the other
hand, in my particular task, I was dealing with client relationship, since according to me
selling is a very common art, and every people in their some point of time sole something or
the other. Most importantly, essential abilities are requited while performing any business and
selling things out to the customers (Luthans and Doh 2018). For instance, major abilities and
skills are required from the starting point of the business to the end stage of the deal. Apart
from that, in order to manage business effectively, it is necessary to have proper
communication skill as communication is regarded as an import aspect of lives (Argenti
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