
Leadership Qualities and Action Plan for Self-Improvement


Added on  2023-06-10

11 Pages3072 Words197 Views
Running head: LEADERSHIP
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author note
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The leadership qualities that I have
As rightly said by R. S. Sharma, Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's
about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is
about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-
mates and customers”, leadership is an integral part of a business organization to determine
its profitability along with productivity. I have observed that there are numerous leadership
qualities that a man can have and I believe that I can easily manage multitasking and I have
the ability to work as a member of a team and it can also be said that as I have a certain level
of emotional and cultural intelligence that can effectively help me to grow as a leader and to
motivate the workforce for experiencing greater productivity along with profitability. I
believe that these qualities can effectively help me to grow as a leader and therefore I should
work on pollution these qualities and to develop more leadership qualities me so that I can
become significantly successful in my life. I believe that would be necessary to become a
leader to have these qualities as having emotional and cultural intelligence can help a leader
to maintain harmony in the general workforce. It is seen that in today’s world due to the
globalisation the culturally diverse workforce is common thing now a days and therefore the
diversifying what force can face numerous challenges related to communication(Harbour
2016). Lack of communication in the workforce can lead to lesser productivity and
profitability. It can definitely be said that communication has huge significance in promoting
the productivity in the workplace. You know what place where communication among the
workers is good that promotes sharing of knowledge and experiences with significant leave
boosts the productivity as it negates the confusions in the workplace. On the other hand
having emotional intelligence we allow me to understand the requirements of the general
work force of the company which is vital to secure their loyalty towards the organisations. It
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is a matter of fact that the employees are the nucleus of any business organisation and in
order to experience success the leaders should continuously try to motivate and enhance their
loyalty towards the business organisations. It can be said in today’s world autocratic
leadership may seem successful in some cases but in the business sector where I will be
working my ability to work as a part of a team would definitely help me to grow as a leader
in future as I believe in what type of leadership that would allow the general employees to
share their feelings and their valuable inputs for a particular project to their leaders(Shah and
Pathak 2015). I believe that this particular trait of mine will be effective to motivate the
general workforce of the company for the betterment of the organisation.
The leadership qualities that I want to acquire
According to D. D Eisenhower, The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably
integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section
gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office”. It has been already been discussed
regarding the leadership skills I already possess and now in this section of the say it will be
discussed that what could be the possible leadership qualities that I would like to develop for
the betterment of my career. It can definitely be said that do I find it easy to communicate
with people in the workforce but I think that at times I face some challenges to sustain the
productive conversations with people whom I meet for the first time. Therefore it can be said
that I should work on my conversational skills in order to become a more effective leader in
the business organisation and that would benefit the business organisation most as if I gain
the ability to sustain my productive conversations with the workforce of the company that can
effectively promote the productivity of the business organisation as the workers of the
company will be more motivated than ever (Harbour 2016). I believe that it would be much
more better if I brush up my creativity skills because due to the globalisation the rivalries
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among the business organisations in the same operational market is getting fierce and
therefore by utilising the creativity if I can make something innovative for the business
organisation that maybe something to motivate the Walkers or that maybe something that can
be directly sold to the customers in both ways it would benefit the business organisation and
my credibility. Therefore I would like to consider to brush up my creativity skills in order to
become a more effective leader in today’s world. In another aspect I believe there is enough
room for improvement and that is the ability to understand which tasks are responsibilities
can be delegated to the subordinates. I believe that I am comfortable in taking all the valuable
inputs from my subordinates or the generally employees of the business organisation and then
I take the decision and do the needful and that is what affects my productivity as this process
consumes a lot of time to maintain accuracy. Therefore I believe that if I work on my
decision making capabilities that would effectively contribute to my ability to delegate some
of the tasks to my subordinates are the general employees of the business organisations as
that can lower the burden of mine and I’ll be able to concentrate on more tasks and on the
other hand It would motivate the employees as they will be able to value themselves more
after getting responsibilities from the management(Aziz et al. 2015).
Action plan
Since I have recognized my positive and negative characteristics, I have made a self-
advancement intend to change things in a sorted out route, to be more proficient in
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