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Leadership and Leading: Theories and Applications


Added on  2023/06/18

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This presentation discusses the concept of leadership and its importance in organizations. It covers different leadership theories such as authentic, trait, and behavior leadership theory. The presentation also includes a case study of Ken Murphy, the leader of TESCO, and his democratic leadership style. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of self-reflection for potential leaders. The conclusion highlights the essential skills that a leader should possess, such as communication, problem-solving, and people management.

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Leadership and

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Leadership is the skill of influencing and
guiding the followers or the staff of
organization. A good leader possesses the
clear vision with courage, integrity, honesty,
humility and clear focus. Leader help their
subordinates to reach the goals with proper
guidance’s and motivation. Leading an
organization is the completed through vision
casting and motivation of team, with proper
encouragement and inspiration.
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TESCO plc is a biggest supermarket,
headquartered in Welwyn Garde City, England.
It is the third largest retail company in the UK.
Ken Murphy is the leader of TESCO, adapted
a democratic style of leadership, with the aid
of this leadership style employee’s voices are
heard during decision making.

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Authentic leadership theory
Trait leadership theory
Behaviour leadership theory
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Behaviour leadership theory-
On the basis of this theory grate leaders are
made not born. According to their theory
people can learn to become the grate leader,
through techniques and observation.
Under this leadership theory there are the
different types of leadership style which should
be use by the leader such as participative,
directive, opportunistic etc. Ken Murphy is
using the democratic style of leadership, which
is also known as the participative leadership.
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I have learned the different types of
leadership styles and theories; along
that I had evaluated some of these
theory application in one of the
potential leader managing area or
organization. Key theories which I
have learned is behavioural leadership
theory, trait theory and authentic
leadership theory.

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From the above study it has been concluded that leadership is about guiding the
followers with appropriate leadership style, which should incorporate the
effective strategies of team monitoring, motivation, direction and support. Leader
should possess the skills of communication, problem solving, strategic thinking,
planning and people management.
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leadership: A longitudinal study. Journal of change management, 20(3), pp.202-219.
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