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Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners in Education and Training


Added on  2023/06/13

AI Summary
This article discusses the importance of meeting individual learner needs in education and training. It covers the role of initial and diagnostic assessments in setting SMART goals for learners. It also provides a scheme of work for teaching English grammar.

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Table of Contents
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................10
TASK 6..........................................................................................................................................12
TASK 7..........................................................................................................................................13
TASK 8..........................................................................................................................................17
TASK 9..........................................................................................................................................20
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Teacher is having to protect themselves and the best way to do it is to follow the rules of
the code of practice. Along with this, it is one of the most prominent profession that need to
follow all the rules and ethics while teaching their students. Moreover, every country has their
laws that need to be followed by educational institution in order to sustain in the environment.
Although it is important to follow the rules made by the legislation as it will lead in lawsuits
that can damage the name of the educational institution (Mahmut,2020). In addition to this,
teacher has to follow the Education and Training act 2020 that aims to give all learners a high
quality, culturally responsive, seamless and inclusive education for learning. Although, In UK
government has made laws that teachers have to follow such as it has to provide healthy
environment for the learners so that it can easily learn and develop new skills. In addition to this,
teachers are not allowed to abuse student physically and mentally as it can harm student’s
thoughts towards education. However, if any grievous harm recorded the strict legal action will
be taken by the government that can lead to losing their jobs. According to law teachers are not
allowed to do any kind of discrimination between the students related to age, sex, caste and
income. Each subordinates will be treated with equality as laws says that and it is the
fundamental right of the student to get appropriate and adequate knowledge. The teacher need to
make the course according to the criteria set by the educational institution as well as course need
to cover general, professional and area of specialization course (Nepal Frailer, Peñalva-Vélez
and Mendióroz Alhambra, 2018). Along with this, teacher need to make recommendation and
provide consultation regarding education policies so that it has idea about education policy. The
subject criteria and course need to be discussed before central competent authority before being
offered to students.
Moreover, teacher need to follow professional ethics as it is one of the noble’s profession
of all and it guide students as well as play important role in teaching valuable life lesson. In
addition to this, professional ethics are basically principles that governs the behaviour of a
person of group in business environment. The ethics mainly include educational guides remain
unbiased while doing their job as well as fulfil their objective of providing uncompromising
education. It helps in determining their responsibilities towards the students. It is the duty of the
teacher to entrusted with the role of providing a quality education to all students in the
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classroom. Although, teacher is not allowed to discriminate student and promote favouritism
towards particular students as well as treat them equally. In addition to this, teacher has to
maintain minimum contact with student outside the school and even if they are meeting it should
be regarding to some school event or function (Asoka and, 2020). The another ethic that
teacher has to follow is to maintain trust and transparency between the students in order to
develop their skills. Furthermore, teacher need to maintain the safety of the students within the
premises in order to give them safe educational environment. In addition to this, commitment
towards the profession and it must represent accurate information about their qualifications,
certification of undertaken courses or workshop and required license. The teachers must report
the progress of students and be fair in giving grades for assessment. However, manipulating it or
purposefully reconstructing student’s responses will lead them with fraudulent charges thus
leading to loss of job. In addition to this, it need to speak properly with the parents of the
students as well as treat both them with dignity and respect as teacher represent educational
institution and this profession has high respect in society.
There are various roles that need to be followed by teacher in order to teach their student new
skills. This profession further requires that the teacher should be clam, patient and
communicative by temperament and amiable in disposition. The main duty of teacher is to
provide their student with accurate knowledge so that it will help in developing their overall
personality. The role of the teacher to encourage their students to improve their attainments,
develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare. In addition to
this, it has to develop the professional course and conduct curriculum activity so that students
can participate in learning activities as well as enhance and develop new skills (Normanton and, 2020). The another responsibility of the student is to teach them about the culture, national
heritage as well as national goals so that students can participate in social culture activities.
Although teacher responsibilities are not only towards teacher but also for other members of the
profession to treat them with respect. Moreover, it needs to speak respectfully to other teachers
and render assistance for professional betterment as well as to refrain from making
unsubstantiated allegation against colleagues to higher authorities. The another duty of the
teacher is not discriminate employees and students on the basis of caste, creed, age as well as
gender as it will create social issues. Thus, teacher need to be care full about this as it is their
duty to promote ethics to others. It can be concluded that teacher plays very important role in

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training and development programme as it makes professional course according to abilities and
capabilities of students (Up pot and, 2019). Along with this, it has major contribution in
increasing the knowledge of the students about culture and trending news that helps in building
the career of students. Moreover, teacher plays various role in training programmes such as if
students it weak in learning things it makes use of other techniques in order to make them
students. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere
to procedures and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own
institutional bodies and / or professional organisations for change of any such rule detrimental to
the professional interest.
Task 2
(Enclosed in brochure)
A role of the teacher is to identify the needs of their learner so that it can know strengths
and weakness of their students. Moreover, every student has their own learning approach thus
teacher must know that it will meet learners with different dynamics during their teaching. It also
important for teacher to understand the learning requirement to well as do it without any
discrimination because most of the students are slow learning or face challenges or disabled in
some ways. There is various reason it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs
when teaching as it helps in achieving quality (Andrews and, 2018). As there are many
students in the classroom with behavioural, emotional, social or other challenge that may limit
their learning abilities. Thus, teacher has to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and applies
measure to overcome them so that learner is able to get education without any barriers. So this
procedure allows students not feel obligate and discriminate form the rest. It is also very
important as build the interest of the students as well as boosts their moral and encourage them.
Along with this, many learners face issues while grabbing the knowledge from mass instruction
thus teacher need to provide them with personal assistant so that it can easily grasp knowledge.
If learner feel that teacher is supporting them while teaching it will contribute in increasing their
motivation as well as connected to teacher. Furthermore, it helps in identifying the
characteristics of each learner as well as create healthy environment. Although students that need
more personalized training can set close to the teacher as it will help it to identify any issue face
by them (Kidder and Accardo,2018). Thus, teacher should conduct programme that will
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contribute in analysing strengthen as well as weakness of the learner so that it can make changes
in their way of teaching.
Furthermore, Initial assessment is a holistic process of identifying learners learning and
support needs that enable the design of an individual learning plan that will help in providing
structure for their learning. It contributes in determining the learners starting point for their
learning programme. On the other hand, diagnostic assessment is a form of pre- assessment
where teacher can evaluate student’s strengths, weakness, knowledge and skills before their
instruction. It is basically known as assignment written at the beginning and the end of a course
that allows teacher to know weak areas of learners. Although initial assessment is an important
process that every student should undertake before commencing new course. The teacher
should check that student has taken the right courser and can be supported during the course with
any specific learning needs. Along with this, this type of assessment should take place before
student commence a course so that teacher can ensure they are right path. Moreover, the initial
assessment will also provide teacher with information regarding a learner’s current knowledge
and experience as well as provide a starting point for learning. In addition to this, initial
assessment can vary from course or programme being delivered (Werdhiastutie, Suhariadi and
Partiwi, 2020). Furthermore, diagnostic assessment occurs after the initial assessment it is used
to highlight the strengthens and weakness of the students as well as what has been learned by
them throughout the course. It can be in form of online test or assignment that will help teacher
in writing down the key points that has been taught by the students in the course. Thus, this way
of assessment helps in determining what goals and targets the learners capable of achieving.
Thus both of the initial and diagnostic assessment play crucial role in establishing learners
starting points as it allows students and teacher to set smart goals and to create individual
learning plans that are attainable and specific to each learner (Ahad and,.2021).
The role of initial and diagnostic assessment in meeting learner goals as it check on
learners prior skill, knowledge or understanding which is carried out at the beginning of a
course or topic. It is mainly a formal and internal task that is implemented by the educational
institution so that it can identify learners existing skills and achievement before the
programme as well as gather information for course teacher as well as in knowing individual
background. In addition to this, teacher need to conduct initial assessment at the start of each
lesson so that it can ascertain learner prior knowledge about the topic to be discussed using
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MCQ methods. That motivates students and to get them engaged with inclusive learning
environment from the start of the lesson. Thus, teacher can make use of different teaching
style such as audio and video so that learners can grasp knowledge effectively. Along with
this, tutor can encourage each learners to complete a self evaluation questionnaires called a
learning style inventory introduced by Kolb. Moreover, diagnostic assessment could be used
to ascertain information regarding practical and basic skills, numeracy and ICT skill by making
use of learning and training needs analysis through questioning and observing in order to analyse
any competence. It is generally an essential device that teacher use as a tool kit as it allow
teacher to identify weak areas in learner. This type of assessment is mainly used to gather
information and carefully evaluated detailed data using knowledge as well as skills in learning
area. Thus, the data helps in making the appropriate learning programmes so that it can be meet
the targets of learners needs. It is mainly used for learning where taking action to adjusts
teaching plays important role in improving learning outcomes for all the students (Ismaili and
Imami-Morina, 2018).
Furthermore, initial assessment usually take place at the beginning of a programme to
topic of work. It is used to analyse the learners starting point and level. Whereas, diagnostic is
what student already know as helps in identifies any difficulties the learner has throughout the
course. Along with this, after taking the assessment teacher is in position of having good
understanding of the learner academic level and current understanding. Thus, the data of
assessments helps the teacher in setting the appropriate goals (Quezada, Talbot and Quezada-
Parker,2020). Although diagnostic will help in setting the SMART goals that will help student
in improving their overall personalities as well as contribute in learning new skills. For
recording learner’s goals teacher need to ensure that goal is well rounded and can be achieved by
the learner with reference to the assessment that have taken place. Teacher can make use of
individual learning plan in order to record each learner goals that will help in getting the student
acknowledged. Moreover, after recording the assessment data tutor should review the target in
timely manner so that it has idea about the capabilities of the learner. After this tutor can set new
target to ensure continuous development and optimum learning output by the student is achieved.
Along with this, not all goals will be achieved within the set time and therefore review need to
take place with the learner (Burke and, 2018). A development plan will be required to
support the set target in order to ensure its met and new timeline may need to be put in place. In

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addition to this, all this data will be recorded in IPL formulate part of the learner. Thus, it is
important when setting learners goals it should be related to assessment as it will help in building
the foundation in which a goal can be built. Assessment helps in reviewing in the capabilities of
the students as well as recording their achievement.
Scheme of work
Subject: English Grammar
Hours Lesson Topic Lesson
3 hours 1 to 3 Word By the end
of lesson
learner will
be able to
and criteria
of word
have to
listen to
teacher and
Pen and notepad
5 hours 4 to 7 Sentence By the end
of the lesson
need to
type of
need to
provided by
Grammar books
2 hour 8 Article
In session
end learner
will be able
to write
article and
by teacher
Books and journals.
Online sites
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its various
3 hours 9 to 11 Parts of
By the end
learner will
be able to
about it
Listen to
Lecture and text books
5 hours 12 to 15 Noun In the end
of lecture
students are
able to learn
type of noun
Digital learning resources
2 hours 16 to 17 Report
should be
able to
its various
types and
able to write
by teacher
Scheme of work
Session of 3 hours
Duration Topic Content Teaching method Session
1 hour Parts of
Brief talks Start
Document Page
1 hour Parts of
Brief point with
supporting power point
1 hour Part of
Evaluation By taking assessment End
Scheme of work
Session of 2 hours
Duration Topic Content Teaching method Session
20 min Writing Introduction Lecture Start
1 hour Report
ways of
Brief talks Middle
40 min Types of
Drafting Video lecture End
Scheme of work
Session of 2 hours
Duration Topic Content Teaching method Session
20 min Noun Introduction Lecture Start
1 hour Types Different
types of
Smart class Middle
40 min Assessment Test Summative evaluation End
Particulars L1 L2 L3

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Aim and
To teach students
importance of
grammar in English.
the meaning
of words
such as can/
To learn
about article
and report
To practice
making use
of Noun
speaking and
To learn
about figure
of speech in
order to
To make learner understand
about article writing
To understand the
concept of article
To assess the
impact of article
writing in English.
To make student
learn about
different type of
To make student learn
about speech.
To make student
understand about meaning
of speech.
To assess the impact of
speech on personality
To make them learn about
various types.
Topic Grammar lesson Article writing Types of Speech
Content The student will In the end of session During the session
Document Page
learn about
grammar importance
students will have brief
knowledge about format of
article writing and how it
can be used to present
thoughts and ideas.
students will learn about
importance of speech as
well as it various types
available in English.
Interactive lecture. Project based learning lecture
Resources Pen, paper, books
and journals,
Books and journals, Smart
Power point presentation,
Notepads, Notes
Assessment Norm-referenced
Written work Formative Assessment
Feedback Asking Specific
question to learners
Self-assessment Formal feedback
First Aid box Risk assessment First aid
Learner needs is very important for student as it helps in learning new skills that helps in
developing their personality. Along with this, it provides more perceptive framework for students
as it helps to enhance their skills (Abd-Elwahed and Al-Bahi,2021). Although allowing learners
to review literature of the subject that has been taught in the class enables them to keep the
information fresh in their minds. The notes help the students to promote learning in facts a will
improve their ability to maintain current skills and create new skills. Moreover, in order to meet
the learning, need of the individual proper planning is required as it provides an opportunity for
the implementation of curricula plan that helps in developing their characteristics. Teacher can
make use of various teaching strategies such as interactive teaching or making use of advance
technology as it will allow in meeting the needs of learner effectively (Khaliah and Relenza,
2019). Thus, adopting such techniques helps the students in creating their interest that allows
Document Page
them to learn things more easily. Along with this, each classroom has different types of learner
with a wide range of need which teacher have to consider while teaching students.
However, the most effective learning process should specify aims and objectives that
learner has to learn and it also gives brief idea to students what they will be covering through the
session. Moreover, teacher can make use of lesson plan as it allow student have introduction
about learning activities as well as to understand the content of lesson. Lesson plan also allows
learners to participate in providing feedback on the lesson learned as well as teacher can identify
strengths and weakness of the students that contributes inn making right plan (Ship ton and,2018). However, it is important for teacher to adopt different instruction approach as
learning capacity of each student is different. Although some learners easily grasp knowledge
though picture information or with help of sound. So it is the duty of teacher to add such things
on lesson plan so that it can meet individual needs of the learner.
Moreover, through planning lesson plan I have come backcrossed different types of
students. I have made plan for primary and secondary level students and both of them have
different teaching method. It was so hard for making lesson plan for primary as grammar is
quite complex for them to understand and for making them understand I have to make use of
video presentation so that it can easily understand point (Serov, 2019). On the other hand, in
case of seniors it was not so difficult as making them understand grammar was easy as they have
idea about it. So I adopted interactive teaching and provided them with lecture notes so that it
can learn and understand things easily. In addition to this, I need to make use of effective
feedback method so that can easily get the idea about what student have learn throughout the
session and it can easily communicate with their teacher regarding their droughts.
Assessment Purpose Outcomes
Summative assessment It originated form the word
summary. This type of
assessment generally taken at
the end of the learning session
and it is used to record the
achievement of the students at
It provides overall knowledge
of students like what it has
learned thorough the session.
Thus, it provides bigger
image of learner.

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the end of learning. Along
with this, the main aim of this
is to measure learner
achievements and provide
them with post instructions or
learning. The example of
such assessments are final
exam or overall knowledge
test after the teaching session
ends. Thus, it is very
important for assessing the
knowledge (Henning,2019).
The main purpose of this is it
helps in having the insight of
overall understanding of the
students regarding any
specific knowledge.
Formative Assessment It includes variety of formal
and informal assessment
methods. This type of
assessment is used by the
teacher so that it can improve
learner’s attention as well as
its learning activity (Best wick,
2021). However, it is different
form summative assessment as
it helps in determining
performance of students during
the session. The main
objective of formative
assessment is to help students
It helps in finding out what
student has learned during the
class. Thus, it allows teacher
to know about their
Document Page
in achieving their goals by
involving their attention.
Evaluative assessment The main aim of this type is to
assess the performance of
student in school or in the
particular department or
though system. Along with
this, the main purpose of this
way is to judge and asses the
capability of student during the
learning program (Strekalova-
Hughes and, 2021). It
aims at evaluating and grading
the candidates.
It helps in evaluating the
learning of students as well as
capabilities that have been
developed or improved
during the session.
Diagnostic assessment The main objective is to
identify strengths and it also
helps in finding area of
improvement. The main
purpose is to understand the
weak area and capabilities of
an individual. Although this,
type of assessment do not
grade student but it rather
helps teacher to make
appropriate lesson plan for
enhancing skills of students.
The major outcome of this
assessment is it contributes in
identifying strengths and
weakness of learners.
Norm referenced test It is known as NRT test as it
used to evaluate and assess the
aim of learner to determining
the position of students against
It allows teacher to
evaluate the performance of
student by comparing them
with other peers.
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predetermine groups (Martin,
and, 2019). Along with
this, main aim of this test is to
compare the performance of
test taker to his seniors or
peers. Moreover,
benchmarking method has
been used in this process.
Performance based assessment This is also known as
education assessment in which
knowledge, attitudes, skill and
beliefs of learner is checked so
that it can enhance its standard
of learning. Along with this, it
can be taken in form of test or
workshop in order to increase
knowledge of student. It can
be in various form such as
objectives, subjective, formal
and informal assessment.
The outcome of this
assessment is it helps in
evaluating about their
knowledge and attitude while
Selective response The main purpose of this type
of assessment is to evaluate
exact amount of knowledge
that learner has as well as it
also provide an insights about
the skills and abilities that
have been acquired by learner
during the session.
The outcome of this
assessment is it helps in
determining the knowledge
about the learner as well as it
helps in providing skills and
abilities (Asarta,Chambers and
Harter, 2021).
Authentic The main of this type of
assessment is to develop
It helps in determining the
intellectual abilities.

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intellectual skills like problem
solving in students. So that it
can easily solve complex
issues and it is one of the most
important skills. Moreover, it
provides deep insights about
students’ knowledge and its
Criterion referenced test In this assessment a student
abilities and performance is
fixed against a particular
student learning criteria (Best
wick, 2021). Along with this,
the main aim of this test is to
see that ether student is able
to meet the learning needs.
The result of this
assessment is it helps in
assessing learner abilities and
Oral and written It mainly includes exam
paper, project or essay. The
main objective behind writing
test is to evaluate the
understanding of learner. On
other hand, oral test helps in
determining speaking skills
of students (Russ, 2019).
It allow students to improve
their oral and written skills.
Communication can be defined as social interaction performed through message and it
can be in form of coded or symbolic or representation events that is used to transfer the
knowledge. Along with this, it can be in the form of verbal and non-verbal so that person can
share their thoughts and idea. It is one of the most essential part in teaching process as it allows
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tutor to share its knowledge to students so that it can develop new skills (Brody and Caldwell,
2019). However, teacher is not allowed to discriminate between the students and share them
accurate knowledge so that it helps in developing overall personalities of individual. In class
room there should be two-way communication between students and teacher so that both can
evaluate their performance. Along with this, communication also contributes in identifying
strength and weakness of teacher and learner through form of feedback. Thus, it results in
making accurate learning and teaching plan in order to enhance the overall performance of the
students. However, effective communication is very challenging for the students as it will
prefer different communication methods. Thus, it is essential for the teacher to formulate a clear
and unambiguous message to student (Deante, 2020). Along with this, there are many
communication model and theories in teaching as it will aim at improving communication with
students. One of the most common theory is Eric Berne proposed the transactional theory in the
year of 1957 that states that there are three stages of ego within forms of communication. The
first stage is known as parent ego state in which the communicator is responsible, logical,
consistent and logical and it is benefited from the most effective and logical communication.
The second stage is defining as child ego state which is irrational, lacks ownership and likely to
answer back during communication. Although communicating with students generally showcase
child ego due to their irrational decision as well as it is very challenging and efforts are made to
shift them in first stage. Thus, teacher generally is at parent ego stage where the communicator is
bit controlling or nurturing and it can be in the form of being dominant and angry in nature (Lo,
and Hsieh, 2020). None of these attributes are suitable for communicating with someone with
an adult ego state.
According to this, theory understanding the current ego state is very important while
communicating with student as it helps in controlling the behaviour of students. However,
teenage students fluctuate between adult and child ego and it is the duty of the tutor to manage it
from first day (Davy and, 2019). Moreover, adult student resonates adult ego thus
adopting parenting ego will be less effective as it will create clashes between them. Although
college students can take more rational decision as compare to younger students.
The another communication theory was created by Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren
Weaver in 1948 and it is considered as the mother of all the models in the communication that
can be used by the teacher. Along with this, it is consisted of 6 factors that are included in all
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forms of communication. The first stage is defined as sender that generally means the person that
produce the message (Waldbuesser, 2019). After sending the information it is then converted
into signals that would be binary data, sound waves. Moreover, in the second stage is the
medium that is used to transfer the information that is known as cabling for binary data. In this
third stage the message is gained by the decoder that helps in converting signals into useful
information. However, this theory highlights several issues with communication that can be
noise and it is wide in nature as well as it can be in the form of visual or auditory distraction. It
can be language issues that will create hindrance for the students to understand their task. The
common example of noise pollution is road noise, mobile phones or neighbour class room that
will act as a barrier in the class. Thus, in order to reduce the impact of noise pollution teacher
should make use of different form of communication and teaching so that accurate information to
students (Pickering, 2018). However, another issues according to this theory is when decoder
will be able to convert the signals into meaningful message as there can be failure to convert due
to disability as receiver will be suffering from hearing loss. For example, if the teacher is
making use of Jargon or acronyms that students is not able to understand then it will result in not
understanding the meaning of things. Thus, these both can be issue that teacher will face while
communicating with its students.
In addition to this, there are various benefits and limitation of communication method
that is faced by teacher. Moreover, while communicating with the students' teacher should
make use of communication methods such as verbal and nonverbal. The most common
approach in teaching will be verbal approach as it is easy to make students understand things.
The advantage of this way is it helps in providing feedback so that it can evaluate their strengths
and weakness However, it can create limitation in the case of learner that have learning problems
(Pickering, 2019). Tutor need to be very careful while providing the feedback as it can be both
in positive and in negative ways so that it can motivate learners to improve their weak areas.
However, negative comment will degrade moral of students and teacher should provide such
comments personally. The another disadvantage of using this approach is if teacher use jargon
and acronyms that student does not understand it will be meaningless. Also, providing excessive
information at short period will be not useful as every student have different processing step
(Sakha, 2018). However, most of the student who do not understand English language they will
struggle in grasping information. On the other hand, nonverbal cues form an extremely important

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aspect of the communication process. In this approach mainly body language is used to convey
message. The another way of communicating is thorough E- mail account that is very effective
way of transferrin information even when the students are not present in the class. Along with
this, it is one of the most common method that has been used by educational institution at the
time of pandemic. It has various advantage that students can submit their assignment easily or
write an application for leave to teacher. It can be used as evidence as it can be kept in record for
any event. However, some negative points are that some assignment sites are blocked without
any redone and due to that it leads to mass communication t or delay in message (Agora, 2021).
Along with this, social media is not at all effective for communication as it distracts students and
act as barrier in communication.
Throughout the research I have analysed that it is essential for teacher to meet the needs
of learner by using various method of learning approach. While teaching the students I have
made use of interactive approach so that I can communicate with learners and develop their
interest in learning (Poisson and Myers, 2018). However, I have analysed that practical method
allows individual to develop more interest in them as well as allow student to work more
independently. Also, it allows students to make use of various learning preferences due to
flexible nature of the project. Moreover, group discussion is also beneficial for the learner and it
one of the best learning approach within my area as it helps learners to share its knowledge with
others peers. This type of learning is beneficial for both parties as some can be good at
particular and sharing knowledge helps in developing new skills (Carat, 2018). Although
discussion is very helpful for learner as it helps in enacting speaking skills as well as remove
stage fear.
Moreover, during the assessment I have learned about variety of resources that is
necessary while teaching the students such as video and lecture notes. However, these resources
help teacher in making the teaching effective as well as students will develop more interest if
such methods are used. Although while selecting the resources I have made sure that it promotes
equality of opportunity and contributes in reducing challenges. The most common resources that
I have taken into consideration is computer as it helped in conducting research as well as making
appropriate lesson plan (Los Santos, Bain and Maxwell, 2018). Another resource that I have used
is handouts as it is flexible in nature as well as it does not allow students to copy things. I have
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also used teaching board as it is not complicated as power point presentation and sometime
student should provide with simple training.
Furthermore, in terms of planning I think that I have good ability as I have created effective
scheme work that will help learner in learning things effectively. The area I need to work that
need keep the track of time as well as learn how to extend the task. Along with this, I have to
focus around the way in relieved my lesson as I usually adopt for technology in order to structure
my lesson (Strekalova-Hughes and, 2021). Instead, I should adopt for both traditional and
digital form of teaching as it will help in balancing task. Along with this, in field of
assessment I think that I was fair to my students but I need to work on it so that I can
understand that learner has actually achieved their lesson aims. I have to conduct more feedback
session so that I can connect more with students and identify my strengths and weaknesses.
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