SUMMARY Essential skills for study and employment There are various kinds of skills that are important to be developed that will directly help in development of career after graduation. First and the foremost important skill is team working skill. It is extremely important to learn and develop team working skills as it is not only important for studies but for employment as well(Virtanen and Tynjälä, 2018). This is because many jobs require work done in an effective manner with others so that desired aim and objective can be achieved in an accurate manner(Gallagher, 2016). Another important skill to be developed is communication skills. It is one of the most important skill because development of this skill will directly support development of my career after graduation(Virtanen and Tynjälä, 2018).Thisisbecausebothwrittenandcommunicationskillshelpsanindividualto communicate their ideas, thinking, point of view with others(Durga, 2018). Other than this leadership skills is another important skill which is required to develop a successful career. This is because in professional life one gets many opportunities to lead a tam by showing their leadership skill for providing his talent, his skills which further helps them in moving forward within their successful career. All of these skills will together help and support me in my chosen career after graduation. Together these skills will help in working on large group projects where I can showcase my leadership skills, team working skills and with the help of communication skills I will be able to build strong relationship with others. Reflection After analysing my similarity score it has been identified that my similarity score is average and I need to work upon it. But it also helps me in understanding that my knowledge about a concept is quite good and all I need is to interpret and use facts and information accordingly. Using Generic assessment criteria I would award myself 75% because in this I have tried to use relevant and credible literature and have tried to do referencing in an accurate manner. 1
REFERENCES Books and Journals Durga,M.V.S.S.,2018.TheNeedofEnglishLanguageSkillsforEmployment Opportunities.Journal for Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Learning.7(2). pp.1-5. Gallagher, K., 2016.Essential Study and Employment Skills for Business and Management Students. Oxford University Press. Virtanen, A. and Tynjälä, P., 2018. Factors explaining the learning of generic skills: a study of university students’ experiences.Teaching in Higher Education. Virtanen, A. and Tynjälä, P., 2018. Factors explaining the learning of generic skills: a study of university students’ experiences.Teaching in Higher Education. 2