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The Learning Organization: Leaders and Learning


Added on  2023/06/08

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This essay discusses the interrelation between leaders and learning. It analyzes how leaders can motivate others and communicate innovative ideas. It also explains the process of learning and how it leads to a permanent change in a person's nature or skill due to experience. The essay concludes that leaders and learning are interrelated and that leaders should have learning experience to develop good management skills.

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The learning organization
Leaders and Learning
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Leaders and Learning
According to John C. Maxwell, a leader is the person who recognizes the method, goes with
the flow, and displays the method. By his quote, my views for leaders and learning changed.
Earlier my views were that the leaders and learning were two different concepts, which are
not connected to each other. Now after the research, my views on knowing, going, and
showing are totally changed they are interrelated to each other. In this essay, the discussion
has been made briefly about leaders and their learning. From discussion, it has been analysed
that both the terms are interrelated to each other (Montavon, Braun, Krueger and Muller,
The leader captures the importance of being able to motivate others and being ready to do so.
Effective leadership is established upon innovative ideas. Nevertheless, this would not take
place unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that occupies them
sufficient to act, as the leader requires them to act. The leader is the motivation or ideal and
instructor of the action (Rivas & Sutter, 2011). Leadership is an attractive amalgamation of
the individual characters and the capability to reflect and act as a leader, to be the individual
who guides the actions of others for the good of all (Datta, Larmore and Piniganti, 2010).
Learning is the procedure for knowing new and innovative things or altering existing things,
skill, nature, beliefs, or taste. Learning is the moderately permanent change in a person’s
nature or skill due to experience (Montavon, Braun, Krueger and Muller, 2013). The time of
the change is long-term rather than short-term. Learning is the procedure of taking in
information, mix with what have experienced, and the change what they recognize and
builds. The method shows the change in which an outcome of involvement occurs and
upsurges the latent performance enhanced and upcoming learning. It includes the
establishment of correct responses and fading wrong answers. It also involves new innovative
data to the memory (Larsen, Butler and Roediger III, 2013).
As per my understanding earlier, I consider leaders and learning were two different aspects.
My views on the concept of leaders and learning were very dissimilar from each other.
According to the analysis, leaders are the one who manages all the tasks in the organization
as well as motivates a group of people in knowing and doing work in an efficient manner so
that it will add more value to the task performed by the employees (Hallinger, 2011).
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Therefore, leader is a combination of skill, knowledge, and idea that help in controlling single
and individual person. On the other hand, learning is the process where we get new
innovative things or modify existing things, behavior, value, ability, etc. Learning is a kind of
change that takes place in a person’s life due to experience. It can be defined as the
technique, which leads to the change in which a result occurs. Through learning, we can
know the right answers and ignore the wrong answers (Novak, 2010).
From the research, it has been analyzed that leader and learning both are related to each other.
Before doing the research, leaders and learning thought are two concepts, which were totally
opposite to each other and are moving in the reverse direction. Nevertheless, after doing the
research, I analysed that these two terms are interrelated to each other. That means to know,
grow and show learning skills one must be a leader so that he/she can learn things as a leader
(Marquardt, Banks, Cauwelier and Ng, 2011).
To be a leader with effectiveness and efficiency, a leader should have the learning experience
which he can get from the surrounding and working in the present scenario. By learning new
things, we experience and get skills day by day and this helps us develop good management
skills to become a leader. By having more experience in learning we get leadership qualities
automatically. On the contrary, a person with skills and assured character will lead the
organization to achieve organizational goals (DuFour and DuFour, 2013).
Organizational Learning Theory categorizes three levels of learning which is there in the
company: -
Single loop learning: -
It contains a reaction loop when the policy is improved. This increase will be in response
to an unexpected result.
Double loop learning: -
Learning that outcomes in a change in concept – in – usage. The morals, policies, and
expectations that rule action are changed to develop an effective environment.
Deuteron Learning: -
In this learning, the new style of learning has been introduced to the leaders where the
leaders get the improvisation in learning the new things. In this type of learning takes
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P a g e | 3The learning organization
place in the elements like structural and behavioral form. Therefore “learning how to
learn” is called as deuteron learning (DuFour and DuFour, 2013).
For management to add to learning results, it requires to be of a convinced type and approve
too many proportions. Here are certain ideas I have found:
In learning, leaders focus on the teaching he gets by his superior. Instead of getting
any substitute for the organization and management projects. This is called as the
instructional leader. This leadership is known from other names also, which include
learning- adjusted leadership, leadership for learning, or leadership of teaching and
learning (Noruzy et al., 2013).
Leadership focuses on having the wide scope and emphasis on the learning and
management. This can be only possible when it is not controlled and managed by
the belief and fact. The distribution should be done for the higher and the central
level leaders in the school and even to teachers also. Therefore, leaders and
leadership make a greater participation in education and learning if it is seen as a
process that can be advanced, common, and scattered.
For leadership to be functioning in inspiring student knowledge it matters what do
principles and any other school leaders will emphasis on with the instructional area.
The greater the ranked position of the leader, the more the probability that
belongings on teaching and learning will be unintended. Vice Versa is also right the
lower the ranked position of the leader, the closer they are to the class, the more
effects of instructional leadership (Rivas and Sutter, 2011).
To develop a knowing, going and showing in learning culture. This suggests a host of
welfares for both the organization and the workers. Be dependable with performing a
knowledge culture. Individual present in the association must be mandatory to comprehensive
the teaching plans and policies that are performed. Individual people must be interested when
they are ahead up new assistance and aids. We should motivate workers to give a response so
that we can analyze the performance (Sugiharta and Sudarsana, 2017).
Self- strong-minded knowledge proposals are -
Involvement of the person to whom the plans are made will helps in deciding the
plans to proceed in teaching. This will give the clear picture that how the learner
will be proceeding in the near future.

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Make the brochure process flexible so that new requests and understanding can
be exposed as new entries are established.
Modify learning at their highest level.
Use community media to web learners.
To provide a flexible valuation (Bonk and Graham, 2012)
Allow the initiator to contextualize thoughts, evidence, and new judgments.
To give many funds and allow the learner to learn important procedures and
Examine and investigate the whole procedure in order to get the correct feedback.
Improper exercise on the modern science
Inspire learners in communal knowledge (Novak, 2010).
Differentiate between material, evidence and ability accomplishment and deep
Differentiate between the importance of unplanned knowledge and that the
person allows in their routine rather than modifying it.
The individual should have reliability and faith towards learner.
Be on the topmost of the matter area so you can be a reserve.
An individual can able to mark and develop the difference between the block of
education and learning (Bonk and Graham, 2012).
From the analysis, it has been analysed that the learners should get rid of the terms like teach
and teacher. They should start thinking in some other direction like being a leader and learner
both at the same time. This will develop their belonging, image in the surroundings, and
become a learning leader. This will continuously change the importance of the teacher and
the focus will shift towards the teacher-centered to learner-centered concepts. Therefore,
from the analysis, it has been analysed that the thoughts are analyzed the person call teaching
is actually foremost and the wide competences are same or not. If not then there is a need to
have the leading people ion the organization for administration (Novak, 2010).
For companies to study and adjust, their workers should also study and adjust. Leaders
inspire education and knowledge through a diversity of relations. This will be done with
direct information and peers relation in the organization. The improvement in relations and
peoples can be done by inspiring and allow separate learning. Leaders can admit to the
diverse beginner or learner viewpoints that can able to construct favorable circumstances.
This will motivate the companies in enhancing their performance and organisations can be to
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P a g e | 5The learning organization
achieve its organizational goals (Walumbwa et al., 2011). From the analysis, it has been
analysed that the intelligent leaders are great players who recognized thought and want to
approve a resilient grade of suggestion, which is similar to the learned likeness. This should
be implemented in whole organizations as directed by the top level in the company. As the
part of this, they kept this they kept time for the image, with some set-aside diary time for
personal reflection, while others that they had faced during their contribution to the
programme (Novak, 2010).
Collectively these expansions need consultants to answer compliantly to multifaceted,
changing information without increasing the risk of failing susceptible children and their
families. They also want leaders to do more with less, to build local capacity and deploy that
capacity to work on compound difficulties. It is found in the study that the leaders of all the
amenities want to be ingenious leaders. Ingenious leaders include having the skill to access
both, broaden one’s source- base and select, and relate the superlative mixture of funds to
address the type of task confronted. To reach this study accepted, various significant actions
that ingenious leader embraces. Each of them is reinforced by a variety of education and
knowledge areas, skills, and qualities (Walumbwa et al., 2011).
From all discussion made above in the essay, I have concluded that earlier my view on
leaders and learning were different from the newest views on both the concept. Before doing
the essay, I think leaders and learning were dissimilar and diverse concepts from each other.
The leader is the person who manages all the plans or activities in the company as well as
encourages individual. In addition, at the end of the research, I had come to know that leader
and learning are interrelated to each other with knowing, going and showing according to
Maxwell. A leader helps in getting a learning experience of how to manage the organization
as well as coordination between managers and subordinates and workers and subordinates.
Therefore automatically, by having greater experience of learning we get leadership qualities.
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Bonk, C. J. and Graham, C. R. (2012). The handbook of blended learning: Global
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Datta, A. K., Larmore, L. L. and Piniganti, H. (2010, September). Self-stabilizing leader
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Sugiharta, I. P. S. O. and Sudarsana, I. K. (2017). Hypnotic Learning Characteristics On
Sisya Brahmakunta Community In Denpasar. Vidyottama Sanatana: International
Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies, 1(2), 132-145.
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(2011). Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader-
member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification. Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115(2), 204-213.
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