
Learning Styles, Adult Learning Principles, and Classroom Management Techniques


Added on  2024-05-16

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Activity Tool 1
1. Describe the following learning styles.
a. Auditory
Auditory learning is the type of learning in which an individual learns something through listening. An
individual learns through speaking and hearing and it is their main method to learn. The auditor learners
hear and analyze what is being taught to them and understand the orders and instructions. But if the
instructions given are not in logical order it creates problems for auditory learners to understand the
instructions. Auditory learners use their listening skills to understand the instructions. Whenever an
instruction is given to auditory learners they speak loudly so that they can memorize that instruction.
Instructors use various techniques to teach learners like conducting group discussions, group activities
and reading aloud.
b. Visual
Visual learning is the type of learning in which an individual learns something through seeing. An
individual learns through seeing maps, images, diagrams, graphs visually. Research shows that learning
through this method increases the probability to remember the things as compare to learn in class.
When visual learners use a visual type of learning it enhance and develop their critical learning skills.
They are good at remembering the face and have a good sense of humor and direction. The visual
learners prefer to study stories rather than to listen to the stories. They study things by looking images
and diagrams. Visual learners are also called visual-spatial learners.
c. Kinaesthetic
Kinaesthetic learning is the type of learning in which an individual learns something through doing
physical activities rather than seeing or listening things. An individual who prefers kinaesthetic learning
is called “do-ers”. The kinaesthetic learners learn things by performing experiment rather than studying
theory. The kinaesthetic student doing different activities like dance, drama, stage play and various
practical projects. The learning skills are not for long-term the memory of kinaesthetic students are for
short term.
2. Describe Honey & Mumford’s Activist, Pragmatist, Reflector, Theorist.
The Honey & Mumford are the types of learning styles which are developed for children for finding their
preferred way of learning. There are four styles that are activist, pragmatist, reflector and theorist.
a. Activist
The activist is the type of individual who prefers to do things rather than to listen or read things. They
prefer to perform actions and gain experience by doing experiments and learn through experience. The
individual who is activist usually has an open mind they are straightforward and present their point in
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front of all and don’t hesitate to present their views. They perform activities like doing group discussions
and doing sessions to solve problems.
b. Pragmatist
The pragmatist is the type of individual who perform experiments with techniques, ideas and theories
and learn through experiments and enhance their skill set. The pragmatist type of individual also thinks
to bring theories into real action and world. A pragmatist type of individual sees a situation and take
advantage as much as he can.
c. Reflector
The reflector is the type of individual who learns things by looking other people and learn from them.
The reflector type of individual observes another person. They compare themselves to a sponge that
absorbs moisture from the environment. When reflector type of individual observes other they are not
being distinguished what is bad and good for them they just simply adopt the things. They got trapped
while observing other persons and become insecure with other persons.
d. Theorist
The theorist is the type of individual who learn through theories. The theorist type of individual read
stories, articles and theories and gain experience through them. They collect information from theories
and learn through theories and quotes. Theorists read the experience of another person, read theories
and assumptions and learn through articles and stories.
3. In your own words, what are the principles of adult learning?
Adult learning is the type of learning which includes all type of formal and informal learning. When an
individual takes a break from initial learning and starts after the break is called adult learning.
The principles of adult learning are: -
a. Adults are self-directed and autonomous
Adults are self-directed means they should be free to learn anything. They should have an option for
what they have to learn. If adults are involved in class-based learning activities they should be
involved in that activities. If adults are involved in an e-learning course, they should have options to
select their own topic and engaged themselves in learning activities.
b. Adults use experience and knowledge in a learning activity.
A person grows he/she gains experience. An adult has knowledge and experience both which he/she
used to perform other activities. The experience is come by doing experiments, and from previous
education. An adult has knowledge as well as experience which they used for further experiments
and learning.
c. Adults use learning to become practical and relevant
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Adults collect information and learn relevant topic so that they can use to do practical experiments.
Adults use learning to become practical. They learn with full focus and always relevant to their work.
Adults are always ready to learn and apply their learning in their work.
d. Adults are always goal-oriented
Adults are always ready to take part in the program which is related to learning so that they can
achieve a particular goal. They are always focused towards their goal and do hard work to achieve
their goal.
e. Adults are always ready to take problems and solve them.
Adults use their learning and knowledge to solve the problems. They use their learning techniques
and use them in their personal life as well as use in their personal life. They make proper strategies
and plans to solve the problems which they encountered in their routine work.
f. Adults get motivated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors
Motivation is necessary to perform any task or work. The higher the motivation the higher is the
learning rate of adults. External and internal factors both are responsible for motivating adults.
Whenever an adult starts any new work they are highly motivated in starting.
g. Adults learn through different styles of learning.
Adults learn through different styles of learning. Different styles of learning mean how an individual
learns, process the new content. Every individual has a different learning style.
4. Describe 5 different signs/ behaviors that may indicate learner difficulties.
a. Irregularity in lectures and class
Any learner who is not regular in class indicates that he/ she is facing difficulties to learn and understand
in the class and lectures. An individual is irregular in lectures if he/she is not able to develop interest
during lectures. This is a clear indication that learner is facing difficulties.
b. Unable to interact
The persons who suffer from a disease like autism face problem to interact with other persons. They
face difficulties to present themselves understand other people and also to present their feelings. To
encourage them and motivate them is a very challenging task.
c. Not participates in any activity
When an individual does not take participate in any activity it indicates that learner is facing difficulties.
Activities are performed so that everyone can interact with others and can increase confidence and can
improve communication skills. But if an individual does not take part in any activity it can create a
problem for the individual.
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