
Analysis of John's Case Study and Equality Act


Added on  2020-10-22

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Analysis of John's Case Study and Equality Act_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11 Impacts of law on counselling in regards with an ethical framework and the laws............12. Application of main principles of key legislations.............................................................23. Identify legal issues in relation with practice situation as it impacts on practitioners.......54. Implication of the updated knowledge on ethical and legal aspects regrading counselling tocase study................................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Analysis of John's Case Study and Equality Act_2

INTRODUCTIONEthical consideration in forming or developing a legal environment will have effectiveimpacts over designing the legislative culture in the nation. Ethics are basically funnelling agentwhich were based on delivering several principles and concepts regarding any practice. In thepresent assessment, there will be discussion on code of ethics and relevant principles regardingcounselling and protractions on psychotherapy. Set of standards will help in deciding the legalsolutions to issues. Report highlights case study based on counselling services for couples on the basis ofvarious issues like families, individual, young people, and sex therapy, mediation, and trainingcourses. Therefore, the motive is for analysing issues and suggestive decisions will be made asper suggesting legal solutions. John Smith has been working as a relationship counsellor in alocal charity and has faced many cases where he refused to treat same sex couple as he supportsheterosexual couples.1 Impacts of law on counselling in regards with an ethical framework and the lawsImplicating impacts of laws and ethical influences as per delivering suitable operationalpractices among a client of business. Considering of British Association for CounsellingPsychotherapy (BACP) code of ethics as well as various agencies which own procedures andpolicies have counsellor contracts with their clients. Treatment will require legal considerationwhich influences that contracting is necessary (Counselling and the Law, 2018). It helps inallowing clients to completely demonstrate treatment and offers made by counsellors. Terms andconditions must be completely accepted and analysed by all the parties involved in the activitieswith proper confidentiality (Andrews and Parsons, 2018). Moreover, it will be a helpful toolwhich helps client in determining all offers and activities in exact manner.In relation with analysing the legal framework of BACP, it can be said that they arepractising for freely delivering their the best counselling services through qualified practitioners.Counselling professionals acts for client's desired goals. Commitment of professional impliedwith serious ethical influences in their daily work practices. It helps in improving trustworthinessamong clients on the basis of treatment awarded by the practitioners to improve their conditions. 1
Analysis of John's Case Study and Equality Act_3

Terms and conditions which are implied with the operational practices of the counsellors such as:Client first: Putting the client or individual on first stage as per analysing their wants andneeds. Therefore, it determined here that they treat client on a primary concern whiletreating them for the best operational practices.Professional standards: Implication of professionals’ standards such as performingwithin competence, improving knowledge and skills and developing an effectivecollaboration with co-workers. For sustainable quality of work practices there will beappropriate collaboration which brings the appropriate treatment and practices in treatingclients (Burton, 2014). On the other side, it also complies with keeping appropriate andproper records with proper confidentiality.Respect: Considering the respect factor which in turn will be helpful and adequate as pertreating the individual as well as making effective care to each person taking counsellingservices (Gibson, 2015). It includes protection to client with keeping confidentiality intheir records and agreeing them as per coordinate with collaborative practices with them.It supports effective control over the treatment awarded to them and they will corporatewith a practitioner as well as make self-efforts in terms of improving health condition.Relationship with clients: BACP aims at making effective relationship with their clientswhich in turn is helpful for developing the best communication which complies withrights to consumers. There has been determination of various costs and charges impliedwith the treatment procedure which in turn will be helpful and adequate as per giving thesatisfactory treatment to clients. Considering safety and human rights while treating tthem as there are no allowances to any kind of abusiveness (Brook and et.al., 2014).Therefore, it complies with how clients are experiencing the things and working togetherwith practitioners in defeating the mental health challenges.Integrity: Consideration of proper legal terms such as honesty, qualification, accuracy,working methods and experiences etc. which will be count for managing integrity. Itinfluences in making suitable practices for the long run operational practices as well asfavourable treatment awarded to clients (Davies, 2017).1
Analysis of John's Case Study and Equality Act_4

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