
Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing


Added on  2023-04-03

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Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing_1

Task one
This paper discusses the New York reproductive Health Act (2019). The
Reproductive Health Act is a New York statute, which was enacted on Jan 22, 2019.
the statute expanded the abortion rights and eliminated several handles on abortion in
New York State. Before the passage of the law, New York law banned third-trimester
abortions except in cases where it was very necessary in order to save the life of a
pregnant woman(Raymond & Grimes, 2012). The laws were first proposed in the
legislature of New York state in the year 2007.
Summary of the policies and roles of APN in implementation
The RHA changed the previous law and allowed a pregnant woman to
terminate a pregnancy at any time necessary in order to protect the life and health of a
pregnant woman. The other main clause of the law is that it allowed any licensed
health care practitioner apart from physicians to perform abortions. However, for the
practitioners to perform the abortion, it has to fall within their scope as stipulated by
the law. The Reproductive Health Act of 2019 also repealed the criminality of
harming a child in the womb. Previously, the law stipulated that it was a criminal
offense to hurt a child in the womb. The RHA prior to repeal has if abortions
performed after the 12th week of pregnancy must be carried out in the hospital.
Abortions, after carried out after the 20th week, must have a standby physician to
provide medical care for an infant who might be born alive despite the chances of
being very low (Schalet, Santelli, Russell, Halpern, Miller, Pickering & Hoenig,
2014). The repealed section of the law provided that a child born alive during an
abortion procedure enjoy the protection of new york laws. Medical records must be
Legal and Professional Issues in Nursing_2

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