
Legal Risk Management : PDF


Added on  2021-06-15

12 Pages2584 Words136 Views
Legal Risk Management
Legal Risk Management : PDF_1

ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Pre construction risk........................................................................................................................3Flora and Fauna of conservation concern....................................................................................3Impact on geology, geomorphology and soils.............................................................................4Construction Risk............................................................................................................................5Noise and vibration......................................................................................................................5Traffic...........................................................................................................................................5Operational Phase............................................................................................................................6Air quality....................................................................................................................................6Solid and liquid waste management.............................................................................................7Risk Management............................................................................................................................8Risk Related to flora and fauna conservation..............................................................................8Risk related to geology and soils.................................................................................................8Risk related to noise and vibration...............................................................................................8Risk related to transport...............................................................................................................8Risk Related to air quality............................................................................................................8Risk related to waste management...............................................................................................9Approaches to Dispute Resolution..................................................................................................9Dispute Resolution Process...........................................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................11References......................................................................................................................................11
Legal Risk Management : PDF_2

IntroductionThe Victorian Desalination Plant project was started to remove soluble salt from ocean and seawater. It was designed to make sea water suitable for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes.The project aimed to provide safe and reliable water supply to growing communities. Therequirement for desalination plant Victoria arose due to population growth, climate and drought.It will help in supply of high quality drinking water even if there is not enough rain[CITATIONwat \l 1033 ].It is the largest desalination plant in Australia. It has been constructed on the Bass Coast inWonthaggi. Apart from the plant, on the acquired land a buffer zone was also built. Anecological reserve was also constructed around the plant. Its production capacity is about onethird of Melbourne’s annual water requirements. It is completely independent of rainfall[CITATION aqu \l 1033 ].Pre construction riskFlora and Fauna of conservation concernThe desalinations plants have the potential to affect the marine environment negatively. Theplant will lead in depletion and disruption of groundwater that will impact negatively on nativeflora, fauna and surface water. It will also affect ecosystem negatively because of dewatering ofexcavation areas. The construction across water ways will damage or create disturbance ofsurface water ecosystems. Waterways will be negatively affected by construction, verificationand cleaning activities [CITATION www6 \l 1033 ].In the project area there are eleven different ecological vegetation classes are present. In dampdepressions indigenous species like White Purslane and Buttercup have been found. Pastoral
Legal Risk Management : PDF_3

land and road reserve, dunes in foreshore reserve and freshwater habitat are three types of faunahabitat found within plant side and foreshore.Marine life of the plant area would be highly affected by the saline brine and other by productsemitted by desalination. Local seafloor habitat would also have impact construction and outfallstructures[CITATION mon \l 1033 ].Exploitation of marine resources is a large issue. Ocean Dumping Act, Marine mammalprotection act are related to the marine structure. The legal risk associated with flora and faunainvolves destruction of laws that protect our oceans and marine structure. The laws are made forthe safeguard of native vegetation, removal of fauna habitat, increase in traffic and noiseimpacting fauna, sediment discharge to waterways will lead to soil erosion and will impactsurface water ecosystems and seawater intrusion will affect native terrestrialnegatively[CITATION www2 \l 1033 ].Impact on geology, geomorphology and soilsThe geology of the state includes a number of sedimentary basins separated by bedrock highs.The south and west Gippsland regions consist of a number of faults and basins. The rock cliffs ofthe region are covered with sandy clay. The surface of soil is of dark grey sand. The soil andsediments contain oxidisable sulphides. The violation of Catchment and Land protection Act is the major issue with the project. The lawdeals with the causes of degradation of land, soil conservation and protection of water sources.The various risk associated are causing vibration leading to disturbing the dune system,damaging historical heritage items, ground movement and subsidence may affect public safetyand may contaminate soil that may lead to affect human health. [CITATION dtf \l 1033 ]
Legal Risk Management : PDF_4

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