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Link Between Immigration and Terrorism in the UK


Added on  2022/08/28

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The Link between Immigration and Terrorism in the UK

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The research based discourse is focussed upon the establishment of the link between immigration
and terrorism in the UK with special reference to the events such as the London bombings of 7th
July 2005 along with the stabbing incident that occurred at London Bridge on 29th November
2019 as far as the raising of concerned regarding safety and security in the UK in an effective
manner is concerned accordingly. The events of 11th September 2001 are also considered in the
discourse in order to capitulate on the relation between terrorism and immigration in a proper
manner. The discourse also explains the impact of Islam in the UK which has led to terrorism to
a huge level in terms of the influx of Muslim immigrants in the UK to a considerable level
accordingly. It is also observed form the discourse that there has been development of
prejudicial views amongst the mass in the UK with respect to the spreading of Islam as far as the
increase in activities pertaining to terrorism in the UK is concerned accordingly. In this regard,
Islamophobia being spread in the UK widely has been taken into consideration. The stricter
background checks for immigrants have also been considered in the discourse in order to curb
terrorism in the UK in a drastic manner accordingly.
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Table of Contents
Contextual Background...............................................................................................................4
Research Problem........................................................................................................................5
Objectives and Aim.....................................................................................................................6
Research Questions......................................................................................................................6
Significance of the study.............................................................................................................6
Study Outline...............................................................................................................................7
Literature review..............................................................................................................................8
Theoretical analysis.....................................................................................................................8
Anti-conspiracy theory............................................................................................................8
Conflict theory.........................................................................................................................9
Difference in Ideas in Terms of Culture................................................................................10
Political Conflicts......................................................................................................................11
Analysis of the concept of criminology in terms of terrorism...................................................14
Research methodology...................................................................................................................15
Data collection and analysis......................................................................................................16
Qualitative analysis....................................................................................................................17
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Strategy of the research.............................................................................................................18
Materials pertaining to the research...........................................................................................19
Limitations of the research........................................................................................................19
Ethical considerations................................................................................................................20
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................21
Laxity in control measures.........................................................................................................24
Analysis of the concept..............................................................................................................26
Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................32
Reference List................................................................................................................................38

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There has been mixed responses as imperative from the findings in terms of the relationship
between crime worldwide and immigration. Over the recent decades there has been a substantial
rise in the global migration. International migration is not considered to be a new phenomenon
but it has been considered to be a key issue in the security agenda in a number of nations and in
the involvement of migrants or descendants in some major terrorist incidents in the last few
decades. The paper is aimed at the establishment of the link between terrorism and immigration
in a proper manner.
Contextual Background
In the 18th and the 19th century, Irish immigrants were considered to be the most over represented
amongst those appearing at the court for criminal cases. A number of researchers suggest that the
policing strategy could have led the immigrants to a disadvantageous position by targeting only
for most public crime, while the locals were found likely to be more engaged in the crimes that
could be conducted right behind the locked doors (Noll, 2010). The historical courtroom records
has proved that there has been higher rate of arrests and immigrants were not found to be at
disadvantageous position by the British court during that time (Menz and Caviedes, 2010). The
issue of mass migration, the rise in the refugees from the war zones and the threat from the
Islamist terrorism has been found to grown since the 9/11 attacks (Marin and Spena, 2016). All
this has seriously had an impact on the domestic policies in Europe. Immigration has been for a
long time been found to hold economic, cultural and physical security threat also related to the
rise in the terrorist activities and criminal acts. There were three type of issues as of 2015 that
has been found to be intertwined (Hammarberg, 2009). The conflict in Iraq and Syria and ISI led
violence that led to surge of the refugees in the surrounding areas and unprecedented exodus in
Europe. Migration from Iraq, Syria, and some parts of the Southwest Asia and areas of North
Africa has been found to be seen as a Trojan Horse which enabled the Muslim terrorist to invade
Europe. The attacks that has struck Europe in the recent times has brought to the fore that there
exist link between the terrorists, refugees and the migrants (Boswell, 2007; Brouwer, 2002). It
coincided with the assertion that the prominent terror group was the ISI and the 2015 attack in
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Paris was considered to be the worst in the land of France since the Second World War. The
refugee policies of Europe has been found to change significantly after the repeated terror attacks
(Samers, 2004). This is the reason these cases are considered to be evidences that make the
militants and the migrants indistinguishable. The attacks have led to a debate on the possibility of
linkage between militants, migrants and refugees. This is the reason it is important to provide a
conceptual framework that helps in creating a distinction between the migration waves and those
of the ancient ones.
International migration is a very important subject for most of the nation’s specially the UK and
the US. The effect of immigration on security and also question on whether economic benefit is
going to increase the cost has been considered to be at the central part of the debate. A number of
policy makers and the public institutions have been widely discussing the topic between the
public institutions and the policymakers (Finotelli and Sciortino, 2009). A report of the
International Organization for Migration has highlighted the areas where in the national security
and migration policies intersect. Along with that the reports also warn about the connections
between the insecurity and migration (Karamanidou, 2015).The perceived link of terrorism and
immigration has been found to perpetually been legitimise the enforcement and the
implementation of the migration, regulation, laws and control.
Research Problem
The UK has been found to suffer more deaths due to terror attack that any other nation in the
recent past. ISIS led atrocities at the Manchester, Westminster and London Bridge caused loss of
lives to a huge level. The death toll of UK was followed by 16 in Spain, 5 in Sweden, three in
France, two in Finland and one in Germany. A series of these attacks in 2017 and also few more
attacks in 2018 revealed that most of the accused who were linked to these attacks were
immigrants. This has created an apprehension among a number of researchers to search for the
links between the attacks caused due to terror and the immigrants. The UK has emerged as a
country that has been considered by a number of refugees for immigration. After series of terror
attacks in UK’s most prominent location has made the government to lay down some important
policies to reduce the threats and considered most of the Muslin and Africans as the main cause
for most of the terror led activities. The problem of terrorism has been quite persistent all over
the world and there is found to have a strong link of Muslim immigrants to most of the terror
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attacks. Migration was deemed by the government as a threat to the British Sovereignty and this
led to the justification for a stern policy on immigration.
Objectives and Aim
1. To understand the perception that the people residing in Britain holds with respect to
2. To strategise the possible migration policies that is required so that terrorism is avoided
in the UK.
Research Questions
1. What are the perceptions held by the people of Britain with respect to immigration?
2. What are the possible migration policies that need to be considered to avoid terrorism in
the UK?
Significance of the study
The dissertation helps in examination of the immigration policy formulation and terrorism in the
UK. The research is going to help in identifying the affects that immigration has on the terrorist
activities in the UK. Since the terrorist activities are increasing over the years in the UK it is
important to improve the position of the people. Border control is one of the important strategies
that need to be considered for solving the problem of illegal immigration in the country.
Study Outline
There are primarily four chapters that are going to be covered in this paper, In Chapter 1, the
researcher has stated the aims and objectives and also provide some background related to the
topic of study. The entire course of the research is dependent upon the aims and the objectives.
In the Chapter 2, includes the literature relating to links of terrorism and immigration. It
discusses about the anti-conspiracy theories, which suggest the rise in the Muslim immigrants in
the country and that has led to a rising concern for UK. Even it was observed that people who
took refuge in the country were engaged in some sort of criminal activity. Furthermore,
criminology has been considered in terms of terrorism. Criminological research was found to
have gained momentum after 7th July London Bombing and 9/11 attacks. In Chapter 3, the
research method is considered to be important for the research. In this research, the researcher
has opted for qualitative research which involves mostly secondary data analysis on the topic. In
Chapter 4, an analysis has been conducted to see the relationship between terrorism and

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immigration. The significance of this chapter is considered to be crucial as this helps in
understand the real cause of the growing terrorism in the UK. In Chapter 5, the research has
provided concluding remarks with respect to immigration in the UK and terrorism. It also
highlights some recommendation based on the result so that the problem of terrorism could be
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Literature review
The literature review is aimed at the establishing of a link between immigration and terrorism in
an incredible manner through the analysis of various sources which can be both online and
offline. In this regard, secondary data would be analysed in an efficient manner with reference to
the desired results. The relevant theories would also be taken into consideration in terms of the
sources available that would aid in the identification and determination of a relationship between
terrorism and immigration. The terror attacks as a result of immigration of Muslims in the UK in
terms of extremism would also be taken in to consideration and be analysed in a detailed manner
with reference to the desired results. In this regard, the relevant literature in the form of books
and journals would be analysed along with the available statistical data, if any. As a result, it
would imply the discussion of the literature in a detailed manner in terms of the purported
outcomes. The concept of criminology would also be analysed in an in-depth manner.
Theoretical analysis
Anti-conspiracy theory
Due to the terror attacks in the UK off late, there has been a promulgation of anti-conspiracy
theories to a considerable extent with reference to the waging of war against Islam. In this
regard, the attacks of September 11, 2001 are also taken into consideration. Due to the aspect of
multiculturalism in the UK, there has been an influx of immigrants to a considerable extent from
Arabic countries along with the countries of the Middle East taking account of the attacks in
London on 7th July 2005. It is observed that there are various aspects and features regarding the
anti-conspiracy theory with reference to opposition to Islam taking account of the rise in
immigration in the recent past. It is also inferred that Muslims who have been engaged in the
activities related to terrorism have also tried to claim refugee status in the UKwith reference to
being granted asylum. Additionally, the concept of Eurabia has been developed due to the
prevalence of Muslims in the UK in the contemporary era to a huge level accordingly. In
addition to the bombings on 7th July 2005, there have also been attacks on five students on 29th
November 2019 at London Bridge through stabbing by a terrorist identified as Usman Khan. As
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a result, it implies the capitulation of the anti-Islamic conspiracy theory thereby implying the
security threats to the UK to a considerable level with reference to Muslims. Hogan and
Haltinner (2015) have opined that the immigration of Muslims in the UK have led to terrorism at
a certain level thereby leading to the pugilism of right-wing in the UK to a considerable extent.
In this regard, it has been apprehended that more immigrants in the UK from the Middle East
may lead to islamization of the UK thereby leading to the possible rise on terror attacks in the
future accordingly. However, it is also inferred that the development of such kinds of
apprehensions may lead to the advent of Islamophobia to a considerable level with reference to
the prejudicial views and opinions accordingly. It is also observed that the perceptions regarding
opposition to Islam have led to the rise in racial views to a considerable extent with reference to
the rejection of the spreading of Islamic culture in the UK that would lead to the disastrous
outcomes possibly. As a result, the anti-conspiracy theories regarding opposition to Islam have
been promulgated due to the events of violent attacks in the UK in the recent past. It further
implies the measures to be undertaken for safety and security of native Britons at the national
level with reference to the comprehensive solutions.
Conflict theory
In addition to the anti-conspiracy theory, the conflict theory is also applicable to delve into the
sociology of terrorism in an in-depth manner with reference to the desired outcomes. Such a
theory implies the drawing of reasonable inferences in terms of the identification and
determination of differences amongst the people in the society with reference to the ideas that
would aid in the derivation of the desired outcomes accordingly. It would also imply that
terrorism is being caused in the UK by Muslims as a result of the discriminatory treatment being
meted out against them taking account of the aspect pertaining to the holding of prejudicial
views on the basis of religion along with the aspect of racism accordingly. The conflict theory
also implies that violence is the first and foremost means to secure and procure rights with
reference to terrorism that would aid in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the
terrorists in an efficient manner with reference to the desired results. It is also implied by the
conflict theory that terrorism is caused as a result of injustice taking account of the scenario of
the UK accordingly. It is also observed that the lack of awareness amongst people also leads
them to resort to activities related to terrorism with reference to unwanted aggression.
Additionally, the conflict theory also implies that religion is used as a means to justify activities

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pertaining to terrorism with reference to the desired results taking account of the Muslim
attackers in the London bombings of 7th July 2005 with reference to high level violence
accordingly. It is hereby inferred that the invasion of Iraq by the UK along with the US in 2003
as a part of the War on Terror has also led to the aggravation of activities related to terrorism to a
considerable extent taking into consideration the scenario in the UK. Alexander (2015) opines
that the changes pertaining to social behavior are one of the main causes of the occurrence of
terrorism to a huge level with reference to the societal patterns and norms along with the
surroundings of the people accordingly. As a result, it can be observed that the changes occurring
in various aspects of the society would lead to the advent of activities pertaining to terrorism
with reference to the conflicting ideas accordingly. Guerette (2016) states that the migration to a
huge level has also led to cultural conflict that has eventually resulted in terrorism as implied
through the analysis of the situation in the UK thereby leading to the measures and steps being
undertaken with reference to the stemming of the tide of immigration in order to curb terrorism
in an efficient manner accordingly.
Difference in Ideas in Terms of Culture
Immigration has become an issue as it brings cross cultural groups into the country without
security. According to report, on December 2, 2015 a terrorist attack was performed by
American-born Syed RizwanFarook and wife Tashfeen Malik who was foreign born with
fourteen people dead in San Bernardino, California (Nowrasteh, 2016). This obtained data
highlight that Syed was a Muslim who was born as American with immigrated parents and
fiancé. Here, the noticing part is that culture and ideology of attacker were completely different
from place they were born. Another study established that Sammiulla Khan, Abo Edelbijev and
Torleif Angel Sanchez Hammer born in London were found in the US journalist murder video
after they ran away from UK to the country Syria (Ilan, & Sandberg, 2019).
Therefore, culture is one aspect that connects immigrants and terrorism as infusion in nation such
as UK. Multiculturism is one of the theories that is somehow responsible for terrorism and
considered being against by countries such as Germany and France (Nugier et al., 2016). This
theory states that diverse culture with racial and cultural groups co-exist with each even though
they have wide customary behaviour, assumptions, values, thinking and unique communication
(Holmes, 2010). Hence, cultural thinking with respect to different culture and perceptions is one
of the ways that makes ideologies different. The Islamic culture and traditions refer themselves
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into jihadis a term for violent criminals from Muslim backdrop. These types of theory define
Jihadis terrorism as ways through people become violent if their religion is harmed due to being
difference in ideologies. Another study establishes that, Jhiadis Terrorism from immigrant
Muslims could be possibility if motivation to a negative sentiment is given by western
neighbours for religious ill-being factors such as increasing Islamic religiosity and lack of
secularism (Sirgy, Joshanloo, & Estes, 2019). In other words, whenever a Muslim immigrant is
given more secularism scrutiny or perception over their expansion, it could turn dangerously for
people in UK to live with harmony. Therefore, cultural ideologies that differ in a country is most
probably one of the reasons for terrorism. Furthermore, people living as immigrants could turn
themselves into terrorist in sake of religious disguise.
Political Conflicts
The politics is another way which could infuse immigration as well as terrorism in one binding.
Political conflict is a way through which violence is inflicted in different states of a country. The
government does not look after people however extract political agenda which increase violence.
The sectarianism is one theory which establishes that people are supported to one party in
excessive amount. As per one research, European Muslims are not preferred based on sectarian
differences like jobs, favours, goods, services and political powers (Joseph, 2019). While,
another study keeps focus on how immigrant people on political hierarchy can influence violence
in the country. As per report, migrants who are rich in social capital are often used as political
resource and affects host country adversely (Bove, &Böhmelt, T., 2016). Hence, it depicts how
people could use themselves in middle of politics and inflame violence and terrorist activities.
It is imperative that violence have been used by immigrants in the UK in the recent past thereby
leading to activities pertaining to terrorism to a considerable level. As a result, the terrorist
attacks have led to the reduction in support of immigration in the UK by the mainstream British
population who see immigration as a threat to the security and safety at the national level with
reference to the Muslim immigrants. The influence of Islam in the UK is also perceived to be a
major factor in the promotion of terrorism to a considerable extent with reference to criminology.
As a result, there have been calls for the tightening of the immigration laws of the UK to a
considerable level. The main reason for the curtailment of immigration of Muslims in the UK is
the fact that the welfare benefits are extended to them also depending upon their immigration
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status in the UK accordingly that would lead to the detrimental impact over the economy of the
country along with the promulgation of anti-social elements to a huge level. Due to the
skyrocketing of immigration in the UK, concerned have been raised by people to a huge extent
with reference to the verification of the background of people immigrating to the UK in order to
maintain the safety of the citizens accordingly. Bove and Böhmelt (2016) have analysed that
there is a relationship between terrorism and immigration taking account of the scenario in the
UK accordingly. It is also inferred that increase in immigration from Arabic countries would
possibly lead to rise in terrorisms as most Muslims in the UK have refuse to integrate with the
culture of the UK accordingly. Singer (2015) has observed that many people who have sought
asylum in the UK are suspected of being engaged in criminal activities. Most of the numbers
comprise of Muslims thereby implying the justification of the refusal of being granted asylum
with reference to the addressing of the issues relating to security in an efficient manner
accordingly. Talbot (2017) has analysed that the law relating to prevention of terrorism needs to
be framed and executed in the UK in an efficient manner that would aid in the crack-down on
terrorism in an incredible manner. However, she also states that the civil liberties and human
rights are not to be compromised in this regard. As a result she opines that a balance needs to be
maintained between human rights and activities related to counter terrorism with reference to the
principles of natural justice with reference to equality and fairness accordingly. Therefore, it is
observed that the aspect of democracy should not be contravened with reference to the
addressing of the issues of immigration in the UKwith reference to the elimination and
eradication of terrorism. FitzGerald (2016) has observed that the border controls are to be
imposed in a stricter manner in order to curb immigration with reference to the reduction of
terrorism in the UK in a considerable manner.
Due to the propagation of Islam in the recent past in the UK to a considerable extent with
reference toshowcasing, there have been negative perceptions regarding the flow of Muslim
immigrants in the UK to a considerable extent which has led to the support for curtailment
towards such kinds of immigrants in a considerable manner accordingly. Additionally, illegal
immigration has also resulted in the rise in terrorism activities with reference to the overstaying
of the Muslims in the UK. Jumping into trucks by such people from their arrival through sea in
to the Port of Calais In France has also led to illegal immigration in the UK to considerable
extent that has resulted in the carrying of terrorist activities with regard to the detrimental impact

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over safety and security to a huge level accordingly. Dudenhoefer (2018) opines that the rise in
such kinds of activities in the UK has led to the increase in the spreading of radical Islam to a
considerable level that has resulted in the calls relating to the de-radicalisation to a considerable
level accordingly with reference to the prevention of terrorism in the UK. In this regard, it is
inferred that the curtailment regarding the negative impact of Islam in the UKwould aid in the
addressing of the issues relating to terrorism in the UK to a huge level. It would also help in the
reduction of racial prejudices towards Islam to a huge level as observed by the views and
opinions of Musolff (2015). Elshimi (2017) has opined that in order to imply de-radicalisation in
the UK, a strategy needs to be formulated and implemented at the national level by the
politicians. Such a strategy must involve planning accordingly that would aid in the addressing
of the problems in a proper manner with reference to the desired results. Clarke, Goodwin and
Whiteley (2017) have opined that the main reason for the voting in favour of Britain’s exit from
the UK was the curbing of the influx of immigrants, most notably Muslims with reference to the
apprehensions regarding terrorism. Therefore, it is observed that the aspect of multiculturalism in
the UK is slowly being done away with in order to ensure safety and security for the citizens at
the national level accordingly. As a result, it is observed that fear is being used to curtail
immigration with reference to the spreading of the awareness regarding the ill-effects of
immigration in the UKwith reference to uncertainty and insecurity. In addition to the crime of
terrorism, it is also deduced that immigration has resulted in human trafficking in the UK to a
considerable level as observed by Balch (2015). It has led to the support for increase in checks at
the border with reference to efficient surveillance. It can be deduced that steps and measures are
to be taken appropriately for reducing terrorism. Therefore, it is observed that the concepts of
criminology have helped in the analysis of terrorism in a detailed manner as far as the
comprehending upon the solutions pertaining to terrorism is concerned that would help in the
addressing of the issues in an effective manner.
Analysis of the concept of criminology in terms of terrorism
The relation between terrorism and immigration implies the criminological aspect in terms of
culture and tradition that implies the management of cultural conflict in an efficient manner.
Such an aspect of criminology has been prevalent in the UK since the rise of multiculturalism to
a huge level with reference to the policies to be examined. Since the incidents of September 11,
2001 in The US along with the London bombings of 7th July, 2005, there has been a rise in
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criminological research with regard to terrorism to a considerable level with reference to
development of various kinds of discourses. As a result, criminology has been linked to terrorism
off late to a huge extent in order to delve in to the various aspects of terrorism in a deeper
manner and to develop and analyse related concepts of terrorism in a detailed manner
accordingly. LaFree and Freilich (2016) have observed that the concept of criminology is quite
helpful in the analysis of terrorism as a result of immigration in the countries such as the UK. It
can be deduced that the conceptual understanding of criminology is quite helpful in the
addressing of the issues pertaining to terrorism with reference to the curtailment in an efficient
manner which would aid in the derivation of the desired outcomes. It is also observed that in the
recent past, criminology has delved in to the various aspects of terrorism with regard to
immigration with reference to the rationale behind the occurrence of terrorism. LaFree and
Dugan (2015) have observed that the concept of criminology has expanded to a considerable
level since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 that has resulted in the analysis of the issues
relating to the connection between terrorism and immigration accordingly.
In this regard, the aspect of criminal justice in the UK has also been modified to a considerable
level with reference to the application of criminology to a curtail terrorism by reducing
immigration . It is also observed that the rise in terrorism in the UK as a result of immigration
has led to the support for introduction of laws that would deal with terrorism in a swift manner
with reference to the comprehensive solutions pertaining to criminal justice in the UK
accordingly. However, critics have pointed out that the application of the aspect of criminology
for reducing terrorism must not contravene the human rights and civil liberties of a person taking
account of the various kinds of anti-terrorism laws passed by the Parliament of the UK which
could possibly detain a person suspected of terrorism for an indefinite period without trial taking
account of the War on Terror campaign launched by the UK along with the US accordingly.
Some of these laws are perceived to be in contravention of the objectives of the Human Rights
Act of 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights of 1951 taking account of the
concept of criminology along with the humanitarian aspects attached to it. The popularity of the
internet has also led to the rise in terrorism to a considerable extent taking account of
criminological analyses as observed by LaFree (2016). It is also imperative that the criminology
has facilitated for in-depth research into the psychology behind terrorist activities in order to
resolve the issues in an efficient manner. Dugan and Distler (2016) have opined that the levels of
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terrorism need to be assessed in an efficient manner that would aid in the addressing of the issues
in an efficient manner.
It can be observed that the relevant literature pertaining to the connection between terrorism and
immigration have been analysed in an efficient manner. Such literature has helped in the
resolution of issues pertaining to terrorism as a result of immigration in an efficient manner with
reference to the derivation of the comprehensive solutions. It is also observed that the literature
has led to the analysis of the concept of criminology in terms of handling terrorism in an
incredible manner. The controls and measures to be imposed for the purpose of tackling
terrorism in the UK have also been discussed and demonstrated accordingly. It is also observed
that the huge influx of Muslim immigrants have led to activities in terms of terrorism to a huge
extent thereby leading to the detrimental impact over the security and safety to a huge level
accordingly. The theories regarding terrorism and its relation with immigration have also been
described and explained in an efficient manner. In a nutshell, the sources have been analysed in a
detailed manner for addressing the issue of terrorism in the UK due to immigration.
Research methodology
The main objective of the dissertation to analyses the detrimental effect to the security of the UK
as a result of terrorism due to huge immigration accordingly. The theories as mentioned earlier
are taken into consideration with respect to the in-depth analysis of the relation between
terrorism as a result of huge immigration of Muslims into the UK that would aid in the derivation
of the desired outcomes accordingly (Antwi and Hamza, 2015). The dissertation also helps in the
gaining of an insight to the fact concerning the relation between immigration and terrorism in the
UK. In this regard, various qualitative sources available online and offline in the form of books
and journal articles are delved into in a deeper manner in order to lead to the effective results
accordingly. The qualitative analysis has been preferred over the quantitative analysis as it would
aid in the derivation of the results in a more feasible manner with reference to the achievement of
the desired goals and objectives. The element of methodology has been taken into consideration

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with reference to the capitulation and elucidation upon research paradigm accordingly. It would
aid in the research and analysis of the link between terrorism and immigration in the UK in a
detailed manner with reference to the desired results accordingly. It is inferred that the paradigm
for the research is an efficient model for the undertaking and conducting of research and analysis
of a discourse in the manner as purported so (Lin, Culhamand Oxford, 2016). Such kind of
paradigm would help a research enthusiast or analyst to conduct the research in a feasible
manner taking account of the report pertaining to the research with reference to methodology
being applied in a proper manner that would aid in the feasibility in terms of the undertaking of
research in an appropriate manner that would aid in the desired results. As a result, the paradigm
for the research is an efficient tool with respect to the derivation of the favourable results with
respect to the long term benefits.
Data collection and analysis
It is imperative that the secondary data has been collected for the research and analysis of the
discourse concerning terrorism in the UK in order to facilitate the ease of research and analysis
in an efficient manner in order to lead to the addressing of the research questions in an incredible
manner along with the fulfillment of the aims of the research in the manner as purported so that
would aid in the derivation of the desired outcomes accordingly. The secondary data comprise of
both offline and online sources in the form of books and journals pertaining to the discourse
thereby providing in an incredible platform for research analysts and enthusiasts to conduct and
undertake research and analysis pertaining to the discourse in an efficient manner (Gunst, 2018).
The analysis of data has also been made in a qualitative manner in order to apply simple methods
for the research that would aid in the comprehensive results in a timely manner along with the
saving of costs with reference to the aspect pertaining to viability accordingly in terms of the
collection and subsequent analysis of the relevant data in terms of the discourse. It is also
observed that the methodology with regard to the collection and analysis of the relevant data
would be quite helpful with respect to the further research on the impact of immigration ion
terrorism in the UKwith reference to the opportunities for future research analysts and
enthusiasts (Mihas, 2019). The data collection and subsequent analysis would aid in theeffective
results if the proper technique is followed in addition to the identification and determination of
the relevant sources that would aid in the derivation of the comprehensive outcomes as implied
by the dissertation with respect to the discourse pertaining to the establishment of a proper link
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between immigration and terrorism with reference to the situation in the UK. Therefore, it can be
deduced that the collection and analysis of the relevant data has been one of the most integral
parts of the research in question accordingly.
Qualitative analysis
The qualitative analysis has been taken into consideration for the research in comparison to the
methods such as the quantitative analysis or mixed methods since it would facilitate the ease to
research in an efficient manner that would aid in the derivation of the desired outcomes
accordingly (Silverman, 2016). It would also help in the elimination of the hurdles and obstacles
in research in an incredible manner with reference to the books and journals available offline and
online . It is also observed that the qualitative analysis is an efficient tool in terms of the
methodology being involved in the conducting and undertaking of the research with reference to
the desired results thatwould aid in the delving into the relevant sources in terms of the
purported outcomes related to the discourse with reference to the relation between immigration
and terrorism in the UK with regard to the religious perspective concerning Islam. The
qualitative analysis also helps in the delving in to the aspect related to the curbing of immigration
with reference to the combating of terrorism in the UK in an extensive manner thatwould aid in
the desired outcomes with reference to the formulation of policies for the same accordingly. As a
result, it can be deduced that the application of qualitative methods is an essential tool for the
research and analysis of the discourse in an efficient manner with reference to the desired
outcomes which would aid in the achievement of the goals and objectives in a proper and
appropriate manner accordingly. Therefore, it is inferred that qualitative analysis would aid in
the feasibility of conducting research in an appropriate manner that would lead to the effective
results pertaining to the dissertation with reference to the literary sources regarding the link
between immigration and terrorism taking account of the UK. Qualitative analysis has also to the
timely results for the discourse that has aided in the in-depth research on the discourse in a
detailed manner. As a result qualitative analysis is an efficient method for the conducting of
research in a proper manner in order to achieve the results that are purported so taking account of
the discourse accordingly.
Strategy of the research
The strategy for the research is to be formulated and implemented in a planned manner that
would aid in the achievement of the goals and objectives related to research with reference to the
Document Page
effectiveness involved in the analysis accordingly. In this regard, the aspect of budget and
schedule needs to be analyzed in a proper manner that would aid in the achievement of the
desired results with reference to the effectiveness with respect to the long term benefits
accordingly (Cândido and Santos, 2015). It is observed that the formulation and subsequent
implementation of a definite strategy would aid in the conducting and undertaking of the
research in a proper manner that would aid in the favourable results being derived accordingly.
In this regard, it is also inferred that the analysis of the scenario in a detailed manner is essential
for the framing and subsequent execution of the desired strategy as it would aid in the addressing
of the loopholes and grey areas relating to the research in a proper manner as implied by the
discourse concerning the link between immigration and terrorism in the UK taking account of the
relevant literature as aforesaid. The various aspects pertaining to the research is to be taken into
account in a planned manner with reference to the capitulation upon the strategy involved
accordingly with reference to the detailed analysis which would lead to the purported results
(Hancock and Algozzine, 2017). The assessment has been made in an efficient manner with
reference to the formulation and implementation of the strategy for the conducting and
undertaking of the research that would aid in the effective results with regard to the discourse
with reference to the favourable results that would aid in the derivation of the link between
immigration and terrorism in a proper manner. It is imperative that the formulation and
implementation of a strategy is an integral part of a research based discourse with respect to the
effective results accordingly.
Materials pertaining to the research
The materials pertaining to the research as aforesaid involve qualitative secondary sources in the
form of books and journals along with online journal articles and ebookswith reference to the
efficient research and analysis of the discourse pertaining to the link between immigration and
terrorism in terms of the rise in terror attacks in the UK as a result of the flow of Muslim
immigrants that would aid in the addressing of the issues and grey areas in a proper manner with
reference to the providing of the comprehensive solutions . Such materials have played the key
role in the conducting and undertaking of the research in a proper manner that has subsequently
helped in the derivation of the relevant information with reference to the effectiveness pertaining
to the dissertation. The selection of the materials to conduct the research have also been made in
a proper manner that has helped in the derivation of the desired outcomes with reference to the

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data collection and analysis as mentioned earlier thereby implying the solutions pertaining to the
study in an efficient manner that would aid in the carrying out further research in a detailed
manner taking account of the discourse with reference to the desired results. It has also been
observed from the materials that the verification of the sources are of utmost importance for a
research with reference to the authenticity involved in the incorporation of information from the
materials (Sharp, Peters and Howard, 2017). As a result, the materials are deemed to be the most
important aspect for conducting research with reference to the gaining and procurement of the
relevant information that would aid in the undertaking of the research in a proper manner with
reference to the application of the information in an efficient manner. The materials have
provided the vital information with reference to the collection and analysis of the relevant data
for the research in a proper manner accordingly. Therefore, the materials used in the research
have proved to be quite efficient in the analysis of the research accordingly.
Limitations of the research
There are certain limitations regarding the conduct and undertaking of the research in a deeper
manner in order to derive the comprehensive results with reference to the favourable outcomes.
Such limitations are imposed by time with regard to the schedule being adhered to for the
completion of the research in an efficient manner with reference to the delivery of the results at
the earliest that would aid in the desired results accordingly (Velteand Stawinoga, 2017). As a
result, such constraints led to the curtailment in the conducting of the research and analysis in an
efficient manner with reference to the desired results taking into consideration the
comprehensive solutions accordingly. In addition to time, the limitation is also imposed by costs
with reference to the procurement of the adequate materials of the research to be conducted in an
incredible manner. Therefore, it is observed that the limitations are to be addressed in a proper
manner with regard to the elimination of the issues and problems in an efficient manner with
reference to the desired outcomes. The addressing of such limitations in a proper manner would
aid in the widening of the scope of the research with reference to the incorporation of more
relevant data pertinent of the discourse with regard to the proper establishment of the link
between immigration and terrorism accordingly. It would aid in the creation of more
opportunities for future researchers and enthusiasts in an extensive manner accordingly. The
limitations imposed by time and finance need to be analysed in an efficient manner with
reference to the addressing of the issues pertaining to the research taking account of the
Document Page
dissertation accordingly. In this matter, the time needs to be extended and more finding needs to
be disbursed by the appropriate finding bodies so that the results pertaining to the research are
more comprehensive in nature that would aid in the analysis in a proper manner accordingly. It
would lead to more incredible results pertinent to the research accordingly with reference to the
better outcomes in the long run.
Ethical considerations
The ethics with regard to the conducting and undertaking of research are of utmost importance
with reference to the application of the appropriate methods with respect to the derivation of the
results pertaining to the research in an efficient manner. It further observed that the ethics being
complied with would lead to the verification of the sources of the research with reference to the
authenticity is concern with regard to the research accordingly (Denzinand Giardina, 2016). In
this regard, the approval from the ethics committee has been the first and foremost thing in terms
of the conducting and undertakings of the research in an efficient manner in terms of the desired
results accordingly that would aid in the ethics being followed for the conducting of the research
in the manner as purported so. Additionally, plagiarism has been avoided for the conducting of
the research with reference to the regulations and laws pertaining to copyright which would aid
in the protection of the intellectual property rights of the concerned authors in a proper manner.
It would aid in the derivation of the effective results pertaining to the conducting and
undertaking of the research in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, it is also observed that the
maintenance of confidentiality of the methods used for the research is also important with
reference to the ethics involved in the conducting and undertaking of the research. The data
collected and analysed has been verified and scrutinized in a proper manner. Therefore, it is
observed that the compliance with ethics is extremely essential with respect to research being
undertaken with reference to the prevention of malpractices with reference to the indulgence into
misconduct accordingly. In this regard, it is suggested that stringent measures are to be
undertaken against the ones who indulge into misconduct with reference to plagiarism along with
collusion or fabrication accordingly (Ryen, 2016). Such an aspect has been observed through the
conducting and undertaking of the research that would aid in the beneficial results accordingly if
the ethics are followed in a proper manner.
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Chapter 4
There are various scholarly articles in the form of books and journals available online and offline
that have been analysed for the discourse to be presented for the aiding in the establishment of
the link between terrorism and immigration in the UK with reference to the desired results with
reference to the increase in terrorist activates due to the influx of immigrants from the Arab and
Middle East with reference to the influence of Islam. The findings imply the steps and measures
undertaken by the UK to tackle the problem of terrorism to a drastic level with reference to the
desired results. As a result, it is observed that in order to ensure political stability in the UK, the
checks for immigration need to be stricter and tougher with reference to the maintenance of
safety and security at the national level (Madziva, 2018). It would aid in the curbing of terrorism
in the UK to a considerable level with reference to the desired results. As discussed earlier,
multiculturalism in the UK has contributed to terrorism to a huge extent that has led to the
raising concerns for immigration in the UK is controlled in a more efficient manner with
reference to the welfare of the native Britons accordingly. It has also been inferred that many
asylum seekers in the UK are detected to be involved in terrorist activities that has led to the
stricter rules being framed and imposed for the control and supervision on immigration to a
drastic level with reference to the desired results (Caviedes, 2015).It is also inferred that the
poverty amongst Islamic immigrants also drive them towards terrorism thereby using religion as
a tool to justify violence. In this regard, it has been observed that the policies regarding
immigration need to be analysed in a manner so that they would enable UK to counter terrorist
activities in manner which would aid in the reformation of the people engaged in such kinds of
activities accordingly. It is also observed that the incidents related to bombings in London on 7th
July 2005 have led to the undertaking of more stringent measures for the curbing of terrorism
with reference to the modifications in the discourse pertaining to criminology in order to delve
into such kinds of incidents in a deeper manner with reference to the resolution of the issues
(Ajana, 2015). It is also analysed that the many of the Muslims have established schools and
religious institutions that foster activities related to terrorism. As a result, there has been
extension of support for the initiation of a crackdown over such educational institutions with

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reference to the maintenance of security at the national level by the curtailment of terrorism in an
efficient manner. It has also led to the development of biased views over Muslims with reference
to the UK which is no different from discrimination on the basis of race as discussed earlier
accordingly. As a result, Muslims are prejudiced event if they are innocent taking account of the
mainstream society of the UK with reference to the perceptions regarding terrorism on the basis
of religion. In addition pot multiculturalism, the economic policies concerning, globalisation,
privatisation, liberalisation and deregulation have also contributed towards the skyrocketing of
immigrants in the UK that has further led to the promulgation of terrorist activities in the UK to a
considerable level (O’Reganand Riordan, 2018). It is also deduced that the main reason behind
the terrorist activities on part of immigrants is to fulfill their objectives at any cost with reference
to the establishment of supremacy on the basis of religion with reference to the analysis of the
scenario in the UK. It is also observed that the sources have been analysed in an efficient manner
for the identification of a proper ling between immigration and terrorism with reference to the
UK that would aid in the providing of the comprehensive solutions in terms of reducing
immigration for the purpose of eradicating terrorism to a considerable level with reference to the
desired results. The analysis form the secondary qualitative sources have also provided
information regarding the perspectives of the mass public regarding terrorism being a part of
Islam with reference to the violent attacks thereby implying the spreading of Islamophobia
amongst the people taking account of the UK accordingly. The theories such as the conflict
theory along with the anti-conspiracy theory also imply the relationship between terrorism and
immigration in the UK that would aid in the undertaking of the relevant measures and steps for
thwarting terrorism in an efficient manner (Dustin, 2016). The findings also confirm that the
aspects of religious extremism amongst Muslims need to be analysed in a detailed manner in
order to curb terrorism with reference to the addressing of the issues in terms of immigration. As
a result, scrutiny and control should be undertaken in a more extensive manner with reference to
the immigration checks along with the delving into the matters relating to the overstaying of
immigrants in the UK as aforesaid accordingly. It is imperative that the introduction of stringent
polices relating to immigration would aid in the curbing of terrorism to a considerable level.
Additionally, the system of the criminal justice must function in a manner that would aid in the
providing of comprehensive solution with regard to equality and fairness with reference to the
human rights and civil liberties accordingly (Demleitner, 2018). It is also analysed that the
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security checks at airports with regard to immigration must be made more stringent with respect
to the elimination of terrorism in an extensive manner. In this regard, land borders along with
ports should also follow similar kinds of approaches for the purpose of the prevention of
terrorism in an efficient manner.
Such approaches would aid in the derivation of the effective results pertaining to the control of
immigration in the UK as a means to reduce terrorism in a drastic manner that would aid in the
securing of the native people at the national level in a comprehensive manner with reference to
the beneficial result. The analysis also implies that the regular checks on immigration would aid
in the addressing of the issues pertaining to terrorism in an efficient and efficient manner that
would aid in the desired results with reference to the long term positive outcomes. The stringent
policies as mentioned previously would play an important role in the countering of terrorism in
the UK in a significant manner with reference to the desired results that would aid in the
maintenance of safety and security in an incredible manner accordingly taking into consideration
the implementation of regular checks at the ports of entry such as seaports, airports and land
borders accordingly as mentioned earlier. Additionally, the findings also imply that the people
overstaying in the UK are to be dealt with in a regressive manner but the aspect of humanity
should not be compromised accordingly. As a result, it is deduced that the checks on
immigration would aid in the drastic reduction of terrorism with reference to the efficient
outcomes that would lead to the protection of people at the national level along with the positive
Laxity in control measures
It is also observed that the lack of proper enforcement mechanism regarding the regulations to
control immigration has also led to the entry of illegal immigrants in the UK to a huge extent
which includes the concealment of the actual identity of the immigrants along with the
exploitation of loopholes and grey areas prevalent in the system by the immigrants in an
extensive manner with reference to the increase in terrorism (Portice and Reicher, 2018). Many
of the instances regarding illegal immigration are not reported to the home office in a timely
manner that leads to mismanagement of the records to a huge level thereby resulting in the
security issues with reference to terrorism. The free movement in the region of the European
Union has also led to the flow of immigrants in the UK in an unprecedented manner taking
account of the policy governing refugees in the European Union in addition to the European
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Convention on Human Rights accordingly. As a result, the UK has voted in favour of making an
exit from the European Union that would aid in the curbing of immigration to a considerable
extent that would play an important role in the prevention of terrorism with reference to the
ensuring of the safety and security in the UK at the national level. As a result, it has been
observed that the lack of background checks for immigrants in an appropriate manner has led to
the contribution of the activities related to terrorism in a considerable manner that would lead to
the raising of various issues related to safety and security at the national level accordingly. As a
result, immediate deportation for illegal immigration should be introduced so as to curb
terrorism. However, humanitarianism should not be compromised in this regard with reference to
the comprehensive solutions. It would not only imply the effectiveness of security in the UK but
would also imply fairness in terms of immigration in the UK in a considerable manner with
reference to the viable results in the long run accordingly. The officials entrusted with the
immigration checks must undertake the necessary measures for the controlling of immigration in
an efficient manner that would aid in the identification of illegal immigrants in a better manner
with reference to the desired results. In this regard, the records at the Home Office need to be
analysed and verified ina proper and appropriate a manner in order to detect whether the visa
affixed in passport is fake or not. Apart from work permit holders, international students also
need to be scrutinized by the virtue of conducting checks through universities in an efficient
manner along with their criminal records in the UK through the analysis of the records at the
respective police stations with reference to the comprehensive results. It would aid in the
covering of the gaps relating to the laxity in the imposition of control measures accordingly.
It is imperative that the immigration laws and regulations are to be imposed in a more efficient
manner that would aid in the curbing of terrorism in the UK in a better manner with reference to
the beneficial outcomes in the long run. In this regard, the documents of the immigrants from
certain countries need to be scrutinized in a detailed manner that would aid in the verification of
the background of the immigrants in a proper manner with reference to the clearance for their
entry in the UK(Honeywood, 2016). Additionally, the checks in the police station in the
respective locality of the immigrants in the country of origin would also be helpful in
determining whether the immigrant poses a security threat to the UK or not. It would aid in the
unearthing of the criminal record of the potential immigrant with reference to making a decision.
In this regard, the respective British High Commission would be playing the key role with

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reference to analysis regarding the link between terrorism and immigration. As a result, it would
aid in the providing of efficient solutions with regard to safety and security in the UK at the
internal and external levels. It is also deduced that the immigrants from the countries with which
the UK has hostile relationships must be scrutinised in a proper manner that would aid in the
securing of the borders of the UK in an efficient manner with reference to the desired results. It
would also lead to the control measures being undertaken by the concerned officials with
reference to the alertness that would aid in the detection of possible terrorist activities in an
efficient manner which would result in the timely action being undertaken to curb terrorism with
reference to the addressing of the lax measures being undertaken. It would aid in the formulation
of the policies which would aid in the undertaking of the measures for controlling of immigration
in a proper manner with reference to the desired results (Shi et al., 2018). The imposition of
proper control mechanisms would play the key role with respect to the curbing of terrorist
activities in the UK in a considerable manner that would aid in the resolution of the issues in an
efficient manner with reference to the desired outcomes. As a result, it has been analysed that the
link between immigration and terrorism is justified with reference to the huge influx of
immigrants in the UK who could possibly pose a security threat at the national level if they are
not scrutinised in a proper manner during the process of immigration with reference to the
conducting of the background checks in an efficient manner. Therefore, the laxities of measures
need to be addressed at the earliest for the ensuring of safety and security accordingly.
It is imperative that the loopholes and grey areas as mentioned earlier must be addressed at the
earliest that would aid in the undertaking of precautionary measures in a proper manner with
reference to the desired results. As a result, the activities pertaining to terrorism would be tackled
in a proper manner that would aid in the derivation of the desired outcomes accordingly with
reference to the benefits. It would also help in the framing of policies and regulations pertaining
to immigration in a manner that would be geared to tackle terrorism in a more efficient manner
with reference to the scrutiny of potential immigrants trying to gain entry to the UK thatwould
aid in theeffective results accordingly. It is also observed that the tackling of terrorism would
lead to fairness in terms of immigration in a proper manner that would aid in the control of the
flow of immigrants in the UK in a better manner with reference to the prevention of the
detrimental impact in the long run (Ventrella, 2016). It can also be deduced that the amendments
to the laws on immigration need to be considered for the facilitation of the security measures at
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the national level. Additionally, the system of criminal justice would also have an essential role
to play in terms of the combating of terrorism in the UK in a proper and appropriate manner.
Analysis of the concept
The concept of immigration implies the movement of people from one country to another for the
purpose of benefits in the manner as desired with reference to the desired results accordingly. It
is implied that after the Second World War, immigration in the UK has increased in a
considerable manner that has led to multiculturalism to a huge level. As a result, there have been
activities related to terrorism to a considerable extent taking account of the instances such as the
bombings of London on 7th July 2005 and the stabbing incident in London Bridge on 29th
November 2019 as mentioned earlier. In this regard, measures are being taken to control
immigration in the UK to a considerable level that would aid in the effective results in the future
with reference to the desired results accordingly. It would also help in the addressing of the
issues in an efficient manner (Carter, 2017). As a result, the controls over immigration are being
made stricter that would aid in the control over immigration in a better manner with reference to
the conceptual analysis. Refugees are also termed as immigrants as they seek asylum in order to
save themselves from being persecuted in their own country with reference to the United Nations
Refugee Convention of 1951 accordingly. As the UK is a party to the Convention, it is under an
obligation to grant asylum to the ones who want to escape persecution in their own country
owing to their status accordingly. However, at a considerable level, refugees are resorting to
activities pertaining to terrorism which has created security issues in the UK with reference to
the in-depth analysis through sources aforesaid. It would aid in the derivation of the effective
results in the long run with reference to the fairness in granting refugee status to genuine asylum
seekers accordingly. As a result, background checks of a person to be granted refugee status are
essential in terms of the maintenance of safety and security at the national level taking account of
the scenario prevalent in the UK. However, the aspect of humanity should not be compromised
with reference to the comprehensive solutions being provided. It would aid in the derivation of
the beneficial outcomes with reference to the following of the due process law in granting
refugee status by the UK. It is hereby observed that the human rights and civil liberties to be
guaranteed to a person are to be taken into consideration for the purpose of granting asylum in
the manner as desired that would aid in the comprehensive solutions accordingly with reference
to the protection of genuine person from being persecuted. In this regard, the case needs to be
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analysed in an in-depth manner with reference to justice in order to secure the rights of the
aggrieved person accordingly with reference to immigration (Nagel, 2016). The facts and
circumstances of the case need to be properly considered that would aid in the addressing of the
issues in an efficient manner that would aid in the comprehensive solutions being derived with
reference to the effectiveness in the long run accordingly. As a result, it would lead to the aspect
of fairness being followed in the interest of natural justice with reference to the due process of
The concept of terrorism implies the carrying out of violent activities in a manner that would
lead to a threat to the national security of the country to a huge level thereby driving the country
to undertake certain measures and actions for the curbing of terrorism accordingly. Such an
aspect is prevalent in the UK to a huge level with regard to the various incidents mentioned
earlier thereby raising concerns regarding immigration to be curbed with reference to the
maintenance of security for the native Britons. It is observed that the criminal justice system
needs to undertake the measures and steps that would aid in the curbing of terrorism in the UK to
a drastic level that would aid in theguaranteeing of safety and security for the citizens of the UK
in an efficient manner with reference to the comprehensive outcomes accordingly. It would lead
to the increase in the levels of checks to be conducted over immigrants during their entry into the
UK along with the detailed scrutiny over their documents accordingly. The regular checks on
visa holders should also be conducted in order to crack down illegal immigration in the UK that
would aid in theeffective results accordingly (Beck, 2017). It is also imperative that the
immigrants who are staying in the UK even after the expiry of their visa need to be deported at
the earliest so as to mitigate the threat regarding terrorism in the UK to a considerable level with
reference to the safety and security at the national level. As a result, it is imperative that the
identification of the activities which would lead to terrorism is essential as it would aid in the
timely action being undertaken that would aid in the effective results accordingly. However,
prejudicial views must not be applied for the resolution of the issues related to terrorism with
reference toIslamophobiain which genuine immigrants who are Muslims are suspected to be
terrorists thereby leading to the possible miscarriage of justice with reference to the
contravention of basic human rights and civil liberties of a person As a result, the first and
foremost priority with respect to the resolution of the issue pertaining to terrorism in the UK is
humanism which would aid in the positive outcomes with reference to the long term benefits in

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the interest of the nation accordingly. It would aid in theeffective results that would aid in the
securing of the citizens in an efficient manner with reference to the ensuring of security at the
internal level accordingly with reference to the desired results. Therefore, it is observed that the
activities related to terrorism or the ones that display potential signs of terrorism must be
determined at the earliest that would aid in theefficient outcomes in the long run. It would aid in
the prevention of terrorism in the UK to a considerable level with reference to the maintenance
of safety at each and every level for the citizens with reference to the addressing of crime in an
efficient manner.
It is also inferred that the background checks on immigrants at regular levels would also help in
the drawing of inferences relating to the activities pertaining to possible occurrence of terrorism.
As a result, the conducting of such checks would aid in the tackling of the issue in an efficient
manner (Forrester, 2018). The Home Office in this regard would have the key role to play that
would aid in the checking of the documents of the immigrants in an efficient manner with
reference to the desired results accordingly as it would aid in the beneficial results in the long
run. Additionally, the criminal records at the police stations of the respective localities would
also be helpful to a considerable level to initiate a crackdown in an efficient manner accordingly.
It can be concluded by stating that the analysis confirms that measures are to be taken in an
efficient manner that would aid in the derivation of the effective results with reference to the
desired outcomesaccordingly which would lead to the benefits in the long run. It is also
imperative that the menace of terrorism needs to be tackled in the UK in a drastic manner that
would aid in thesecuring of the country in an incredible manner that would aid in theeffective
results accordingly (Vasilopoulou, 2016). It is also observed that the immigration needs to be
controlled in an efficient manner that would aid in the elimination and eradication of terrorism
from the UKwith reference to the ensuring of safety and security accordingl. It is also analysed
that the tackling of terrorism would lead to the comprehensive solutions to the citizens of the
UK. It is also imperative from the analysis that the immigration checks should be made moiré
stricter that would aid in the detection of terrorism in a proper manner with reference to the
desired results. It is also analysed that the immigration laws need to be amended on a regular
basis so as to tackle such kinds of incidents in a better manner that would aid in the securing of
the native people of the UK in a better manner. The aspect relating to the scrutiny of the
Document Page
background of potential immigrants to the UK has also been highlighted in the analysis of the
link between immigration and terrorism in a detailed manner. In this regard, the role to be played
by the respective British High Commission has also been discussed and demonstrated with
reference to the scrutiny of the immigrants to the UK from the respective countries (Baeleand
Sterck, 2015). The fact concerning the analysis of the records of immigrants in the UK by the
Home Office has also been taken into consideration that would aid in the viable results
accordingly which would aid in the verification of the status of the concerned immigrants in an
efficient manner with reference to the detection of terrorist activities. As a result, it would
facilitate the ease for tackling terrorism in a proper manner. It is also observed that the criminal
records of the immigrants who have acted in violation of the immigration laws of the UK must
also be checked with the concerned police stations as discussed and analysed accordingly. It
would aid in the identification of the link between immigration and terrorism in an appropriate
manner that would aid in the following of procedures pertaining to deportation at the earliest
with reference to the ensuring of safety at the national level. In this regard, the claim for asylum
by potential terrorists have also been taken into consideration and analysed in a detailed manner
with reference to the granting of refugee status to such people.
It is also observed from the analysis that the prejudicial views against immigration of Muslims in
the UK have increased off late that has resulted in the rise in Islamophobia amongst the masses
to a certain extent accordingly. Such an aspect is no different from racial discrimination as
discussed previously in the paper. The humanitarian approach regarding the immigration checks
in an efficient manner to combat terrorism in the UK has also been taken into consideration with
reference to the following of basic civil liberties and human rights with respect to the principles
of natural justice concerning equality and fairness. It is also observed that the curtailment of
immigration would aid in the reduction of activities pertaining to terrorism in the UK in a drastic
manner that would aid in the safety of people in the UK to a considerable level that would aid in
the comprehensive outcomes with reference to the long term benefits. The checks by the
universities for international students have also been described and explained with reference to
the reporting to the Home Office on a regular basis in an appropriate manner in addition to the
background checks of the work permit holders by the respective employers. In this regard, it has
also been observed that the officials entrusted with the enforcement of the regulations pertaining
to immigration have an extremely important role to play that would aid in the cracking down on
Document Page
illegal immigration in a significant manner with reference to the desired results accordingly.
Such an approach needs to be undertaken as it would aid in the elimination of the possible
occurrence of terrorism in a proper manner that would aid in theeffective results accordingly. It
is also analysed that the aspect of terrorism needs to be tackled in the interest of the security of
the country with reference to the desired results accordingly that would aid in the maintenance
of safety in a drastic manner. It would also prevent the exploitation of the welfare schemes by the
immigrants in a drastic manner that would aid in theefficient utilization of the resources which
are covered by the welfare schemes accordingly. It is also inferred that the law enforcement
authorities would have an essential role to play in this matter that would aid in the curbing of
terrorism in an efficient manner with reference to the detection of possible activities pertaining to
terrorism and subsequently undertaking the necessary measures to tackle the issue in an efficient
manner with reference to the comprehensive outcomes. The existing control mechanisms also
need to be improved in a drastic manner that would aid in the desired results with reference to
the beneficial outcomes in the long run. In this regard, it has been observed that the levels of
alertness need to be risen to a considerable level that would aid in the facilitation for safety to a
certain extent.
Therefore, it can be deduced that the link between terrorism and immigration in the UK exists to
a huge level with reference to the activities in which the Muslim immigrants being engaged. It is
also observed that the measures and steps relating to the imposition of the controls would aid in
the tackling of immigration in a drastic manner which would eventually help in the combating of
the activities related to terrorism in a proper manner. It would aid in the derivation of the desired
results with regard to the fairness being adopted as an approach pertaining to terrorism in a
proper manner accordingly. As a result, the issues would be resolved in an efficient manner that
would aid in the beneficial results with reference to immigration in the UKwith reference to
tackling terrorism accordingly. It would also lead to the stringent measures being adopted for the
controlling of terrorism at a considerable level that would aid in theeffective results in the long
run with reference to the safety and security for citizens along with genuine immigrants in the
UKaccordingly. It would aid in the controlling of immigration in a drastic manner with reference
to the curtailment of immigrants in the UKaccordingly.

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Chapter 5
This paper discusses the migration of the people and the terrorism activities that prevail in the
country. The entire paper discusses over the relationships between terrorism and the
immigration of the people. The literature review discussed in the paper tells about the
relationship between the terrorist activities and the people migration from one place to another.
The paper discusses the fact that terrorism is increasing in percentage within the country and the
paper discusses the factors that should be analyzed while handling the terrorist activities. The
huge immigration of Muslim activities within the country has led to terrorist activities. The paper
discusses over the theories related to terrorism and its associated issues in an efficient manner.
Since the level of terrorism is huge within the country, it was an essential fact that the security
and safety forms an upper hand in any country. The paper discusses over the anti-conspiracy
theory where the people from one place to other place migrate each other which leads to a sort of
disturbance within the country. Culture plays an important role in the cause of terrorism. When
coming to a country, a cultural difference occurs among the people who think differently and
who can speak different languages. This will lead to conflicts in interests and also causes a
cultural back up thereby creating a terrorist attack. Crime and immigration are the possible
causes of any migration activity which may result in the demotivation of any country.
The paper makes use of a proper research methodology which researches into the deep characters
on the terrorist activities that prevail within the country. The paper discusses on the fact that the
major reason behind the terrorist activities is due to the cultural variants and the non-availability
of the people to control these issues faced by the country with the result of the cultural issues.
The paper makes use of sampling techniques to analyze the data gathered which helps the
research more reliable and in a better way. The main objective of the study is to understand the
significance of the terrorist activities that are predominant all over the nation and the cultural
indifference which are associated with this. The major focus of the paper was to make the people
understand the importance of the migration of the people from one place to the other and the
necessity of the migration due to the presence of the terrorism activities. The study of the paper
talks about the border control which helps in the control of the migration activities across the
Document Page
boundaries of the country which helps in the eradication of the immigration activities that occurs
within the country. ‘The entire paper is separated into five chapters and the first chapter discuss
over the objectives of the paper and the second chapter discusses over the research
methodologies, the third chapter discusses over the analysis of the research methodologies and
the final chapter discuss over the concluding part where the focus of the entire study is discussed.
The major reason behind the paper is to understand and analyze the immigration policies carried
out in the UK. The people shifts from one place to the other since they are unable to face the
problems they face due to the migration activities. The entire research is conducted with the help
of the researching tools and the efficiency of the research is possible due to the presence of the
gathered and the efficient data. The presence of this data helps the researchers to identify what is
bad and good in the resources and the best ones are picked up so that the goals of the research
can be met in an efficient manner. The need of the gathered data is essential so that it will be
helpful in doing the research in a more efficient manner. The research policies are necessary for
a way that the members involved in the research process will be able to meet the required
objectives in an efficient way.
The paper discusses over the political conflicts arising within the country that leads to the
terrorism and the corruption activities. The paper tells the fact that the political nature of the
country helps in the analyzing of the country and its associated issues. In the discussion part of
the paper, it has been said that the political power will influence the country both in a positive
and in a negative way. The paper says that the terrorist attacks prevailing in the country will lead
the nation to the disputes and it will disturb the calmness and the peacefulness of the people.
A portion of the paper discusses the criminal activities that are happening in the UK country and
the people who migrate towards the UK country will become slaves under the rule of British.
The UK people are those who move on to the slavery system, where they can pull down the
slaves of their country. The paper discusses over the key roots of the criminal activities that are
prevailing across the nation. When the criminal activities are the roots of the nation, the major
purpose of writing this paper is to include the negativities of the terrorism and how far the
country is corrupted by the illegal activities of terrorism. The major part of the paper discusses
over the advantages and the disadvantages of the paper which will result in the breaking down of
the cultural indifferences and the breaking of the corruptions of the country. The political parties
Document Page
involved in the country and their negative impacts are discussed in the paper. The paper
highlights the fact that the need for creating awareness to destroy the corruption activities in the
country is highly reported. The major objective of the paper is to discuss the impacts of the
corruption activities over the people and the necessity of the corruption activities which destroys
the entire nation is being discussed in the paper. As soon as the negative impacts of the paper are
discussed, the concluding section summarizes the entire paper in a short way.
After understanding the actual relationship between terrorism and immigration, the study intends
to recommend some possible migration policies that are required to avoid terrorism in the UK.
Firstly and most importantly, the government of the UK should tight the rules of allowing
foreign people from other countries without any valid reason and proper identity. The rule needs
to be implemented for each category of the economy, such as students, workers and tourists.
Moreover, the government can legally remove those people who do not have the right to live in
the country any longer. However, the government cannot forcefully remove any person who has
permission to live there and also the movements of British people from one state to another
cannot be restricted. In this case, the government can scrutinise the activity of each doubtful
people carefully with the help of local police force. This can further reduce the possibility of any
terror attach across the UK.
Secondly, the government needs to implements legal restriction on work permits. In most of the
cases, it can be observed that the UK companies hire skilled workers with comparatively lower
salaries from developing countries. This profit-oriented business decision also leads the number
of total immigrants to increase continuously in the country. However, this immigration, causes
due to globalisation and liberalisation, needs to be restricted for reducing the number of
immigrants in the UK. The government can implement a cap on work permits for both public
and private companies of any sector to reduce the capacity of hiring overseas employees.
Thirdly, after Brexit, the UK government can take single rule of immigration for immigrants of
both EU countries and non-EU countries in order to avoid any political and economic
complexity. Different rules for different countries or continents may general political conflicts
and this in turn can increase the possibility of terrorism. Moreover, it could be difficult for the
government discriminate people based on their countries as it could adversely affect the position

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of the UK across the world. Hence, same rules and regulations for the immigrants will be
Fourthly, for hiring skilled workers, the government of the UK can implement some specific
policies as well. For increasing productivity, creating capital accumulation and maintaining
growth, it is essential for each company to maintain a high profit margin. Hence, hiring skilled
workers from abroad at comparatively lower wages becomes essential for companies. However,
to restrict the number of immigrant workers, the government can impose a minimum salary
threshold. For instance, a skilled worker can work in the UK for more than 2 years if he or she
earns minimum £35000 per month.
Fifthly, the UK government need to impose special attention on both tourists and people who
come for short-term business trip. To understand the purpose and motive of those people, the
government can improve its visa checking procedures for all countries, especially for high-risks
countries. Security systems to scan passports in airports, ports and train stations need to be strong
so that no people can enter into the UK by showing their fake details and identity. Moreover, the
security authority in airport, stations and ports need to keep the criminal records of other
countries so that they can recognise the person easily. For this, the government needs to update
the database of the criminal record of the world frequently.
Lastly, the UK government should make strong punishment systems for immigrant people so that
others cannot gain the courage to take the same risks.
However, the decision of the leading government could be changed or varied based on the
present political and economic condition of the country and its relationship with other foreign
countries. Thus, main intention of the government should be to maintain well-being of the
common UK citizens. It is recommended that the strategies are to be followed in terms of the
tackling of terrorism in the UK with reference to the effective results regarding immigration that
would aid in the derivation of the comprehensive solutions accordingly in the long run. It is also
suggested that humanism as aforesaid needs to be of utmost priority with reference to
immigration being facilitated with reference to the combating of terrorism in an efficient
manner . Therefore, such kinds of suggestions and recommendations would play the key role in
the tackling of terrorism in the UK accordingly.
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It is projected that in the future, the issue relating to the connection between terrorism and
immigration would be tackled in an efficient manner if the measures and steps as required would
be undertaken in a proper manner that would aid in the desired outcomes accordingly. It would
aid in the imposition of control mechanisms with reference to the implications of safety and
security in an appropriate manner accordingly. It is also observed that the regulations in the
future are to be framed in a manner that would aid in the controlling of immigration in a better
manner with reference to tackling of terrorism in the UK accordingly. The laws on immigration
should also be revised or amended in the future for the purpose of tackling immigration for the
purpose of combating terrorism in an efficient manner accordingly with reference to the desired
results. In this regard, the aspect of humanitarianism should be of utmost priority taking account
of the facts and circumstances of the scenario in order to address the issue in an efficient manner
accordingly. It is also observed that taking account of the current scenario, there is a significant
to be done in the future that would aid in the effective results being derived in order to imply the
beneficial outcomes in the long run accordingly. It is also implied from the discourse that the
fairness in immigration in the future would aid in the tackling of terrorism in an efficient manner.
The key thing with respect to the controlling of immigration in order to curb terrorism would be
the framing and execution of a proper strategy that would aid in the achievement of the goals and
objectives as purported so accordingly. It is also observed that the strategies are to be taken into
consideration after a careful analysis of the scenario. It would aid in the planning with regard to
the strategy in order to lead to the viable outcomes with reference to the addressing of the issues
pertaining to terrorism that would aid in the facilitation for the providing of a proper platform
accordingly that would lead to the favourable results accordingly. It is also inferred that the
following of a definite strategy would enable the policy makers to adhere to the budget and
schedule in a proper manner with reference to the desired results which would lead to the
viability in the long run accordingly. It is also inferred that the strategy would aid in the
addressing of the issues in an incredible manner that would aid in the comprehensive solutions
being derived with reference to the tackling of terrorism in order to imply satisfactory results. As
a result, the formulation and implementation of a strategy would aid in the desired results with
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reference to the achievement of the goals and objectives as purported so. It would also lead to
the security being maintained in the UK at the national level.
Terrorism needs to be tackled at the global level that would aid in the promotion of humanity in a
proper manner with reference to the desired outcomes that would lead to the safety and security
for mankind accordingly. It would facilitate for immigration in countries like the UK in a better
manner with reference to the welcoming of the genuine immigrants with respect to the positive
outcomes accordingly. It is also imperative that the aspect of terrorism should be eradicated in an
efficient manner at the global level with reference to the ensuring of a secured future by the
virtue of which the UK would allow immigrants from more countries to enter into their country
and settle accordingly through genuine means. It is also observed that the key thing in the future
for immigration in the UK is to allow genuine immigrants who would not pose a threat at the
national level with reference to the detrimental impact in the long run. As a result, it can be
deduced that taking account of the current trends involved, the steps and measures are to be
taken in an appropriate manner for a better future with resects to the tackling of immigration in
the manner as purported so accordingly. It is hereby deduced that the future needs to be secured
thereby providing a safe environment for the future generations by the virtue of tackling
terrorism in a proper manner accordingly.

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