
Literacy And Communication In Nursing Case Study 2022


Added on  2022-09-23

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Literacy And Communication In Nursing Case Study 2022_1

Nurses as the first line of respondents in the healthcare settings. The nurses are
responsible to deliver quality care to the patients by carrying out a patient centred approach and
provide care through a holistic approach through the application of Evidence Based Practice
(Papathanasiou, Sklavou, & Kourkouta, 2013). It is crucial for the nurses to possess an adequate
knowledge and the appropriate skill set required to access the needs of the patients both
medically and mentally. The nurses, therefore, are required to understand the patient’s health
condition through comprehensive analysis and assessments. In order for the nurses to understand
the patient’s condition communication is required. Effective communication plays an important
role to enhance nurse patient relationship and influence patient health outcomes (Sleeper &
Thompson, 2008). Nurses must engage themselves in therapeutic communication with the
patient and their families in order to understand the patients’ needs and provide information to
the families about their condition and also the intervention strategies for the patients (Riley,
2015). Therapeutic communication not only helps in carrying out an effective delivery of care,
but also, increases health outcomes of the patient, thus, increases the satisfaction of both the
patients and their families (Riley, 2015). The case study represented in this paper is a perfect
illustration of the impact of the gap in communication that can have on patient lives and their
family and also on the nurse’s working experiences.
Nurses, while working in clinical settings, must be aware of the patient’s condition and
must have adequate knowledge and skills to assist the patients with quality care in a holistical
Literacy And Communication In Nursing Case Study 2022_2

approach (Papathanasiou, Sklavou, & Kourkouta, 2013). It is the responsibility of the nurses to
understand the patient’s condition though thorough analysis and assessment and then deliver
quality care by accessing both physical as well the mental need of the patients. Effective
communication between nurse and patient is an important factor to improve the quality of care
delivered to them leading to an improved health outcome of the patients. Communication is an
effective tool in nursing care since an effective communication helps in building a nurse patient
relationship that eventually leads to an improved health outcome, thereby, increases patient’s
satisfaction (Abdolrahimi, Ghiyasvandian, Zakerimoghadam & Ebadi, 2017).
In the above case study, the nurse who was taking care of the patient to whom she was a
stranger, the patient was feeling uncomfortable and not willing to be taken care of by the nurse.
The patient did not recognize that the nurse was there to help him and take care of him by giving
him appropriate treatment. It is natural for a patient to react in a certain way when he was
confronted with a new nurse he does not know and never talked to. The nurse shown here should
have initiated a conversation before commencing the treatment and assisting him with care. The
nurse should have introduced her first and provide the patient with a comfortable and engaging
environment to make him feel comfortable. Standard 2 of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of
Australia states that nurses must engage themselves in a professional relationship with the
patients by communicating effectively and therapeutically (Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au,
2019). The nurses must build up a relationship with the patients in the context of respect and
mutual trust. Instead of approaching to him for help, the nurse should have initiated a
conversation by talking to him softly. The patient was already having a lot of pain, it is quite
obvious for the patient to get annoyed by an unknown touch. According to the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia standard 2, the nurses must provide support to the patients by
Literacy And Communication In Nursing Case Study 2022_3

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