
Literature On Supervisory Styles Assesment Report


Added on  2022-08-13

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Leadership ManagementTeacher Development
Literature on Supervisory Styles
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Literature On Supervisory Styles Assesment Report_1

Clinical supervision and clinical consulting can be considered as the most important
and the most critical aspect of the health care and allied health care delivery processes. It help
the health practitioners to provide and contribute to a patient-centered care and clinical
decision-making process in an organizational framework as well as in a patient care and
student education scenario (Parés, Ospina & Subirats, 2017). Clinical supervision is a very
crucial aspect of overseeing the duties of the junior staffs and in an academic framework – it
is highly important that supervisors should follow a critical supervisory style. This is because
it support in teaching, educating, motivating and critical thinking, mentoring, advising,
conducting the evaluations of the performances, act as a role model to modify, and built the
professional behavior in the students, studying in the medical and allied medical academic
framework (Caillier, 2020). It is vital that the supervisory style must be linked to the
leadership styles and this finds a vast application in the educational setting of speech-
language pathology (Tight, 2019). Personality traits, behavioral types and the perception plus
decision-making skills of the leader marks the choice of specific leadership style the
individual is about to follow and in the field of speech-language therapy. The choice and the
very selection of the supervision style play a huge role in the development of a correct or
inefficient supervisory style in a graduate-level education framework and the same applied in
the field of speech-language therapy as well (Fiaz, Su & Saqib, 2017). It is to be noted that in
the supervisory style can be of three cardinal types and based on the traits of the individual’s
and the cognitive aspects of the educator. It is the right supervisory style has to be put to
practice in order to teach, motivate, educate, clarify the concepts, and teach the intrapersonal
and the interpersonal skills to the graduate students in the field of speech-language pathology.
The supervisory styles are of three cardinal types – authoritarian style, laissez-faire style and
democratic style (Peker, Inandi & Giliç, 2018).
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The professional relationship between the supervisees and the supervisors play a
critical role in the development of pace in which a subject is taught in a classroom setting and
the attitudes, as well as the perceptions of both the supervisor and the graduate students
(supervisees). It play a huge role in the feelings about the teaching and the learning
experiences (Kars & Inandi, 2018). The leadership styles, whether it is authoritarian style or
laissez-faire or democratic affect this interchange and state of supervision-supervisor
interaction in an education setting to a great effect (Hunt & Fitzgerald, 2018). The feelings of
compassion, understanding, fellowship, care, mutual goodwill and mutual respect are the
very fundamentals that shape a teaching and learning experience in a graduate education
framework. It involve supervisory or leadership styles that incorporate the same have more
positive impact and influence in the teaching and managing of medical and allied medical
students in a graduation level education framework. Empathy, compensatory effort when the
student is not being able to learn in the regular way and flexibility in altering the teaching
styles are the major traits involved in operation of a successful supervision process (El
Khouly, AbdelDayem & Saleh, 2017).
In authoritarian style, it is just the leader, or in this case, the supervisor who is in
control or instead takes up the control of the teaching process. An authoritarian leader or
supervisor takes up absolute control over the operations and the organizational setting. In this
style, the leader makes all the decisions and is the sole person involved in maintenance and
regulation of discipline and order in the team or team members, he or she is supervising (Yao
et al., 2017). Authoritarian or Autocratic leadership style is a very dictating one and is of
directive style, where the leader has complete control over the group and the decisions being
taken towards the achievement of the targets. As the leadership style is straightforward and
directive, the viewpoints of the other staffs in the team are not taken into consideration in
most circumstances and hence there is very less space for any kind of creativity. The group
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