Analysis of Persuasion in Advertising
Added on 2020-10-04
9 Pages3360 Words69 Views
Literature Review
Table of ContentsLITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................1PART A.......................................................................................................................................1PART B ......................................................................................................................................4REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEWMarketing is considered as one of the most important activities which is done by most ofthe business enterprises. But now, concept of social marketing is also getting popular as manynon-profit organisations understand that it can assist them in attaining their goals which isgenerally related to social wellbeing and health of society. PART AAccording to Sharp & Hartnett (2016) if someone wants to bring changes in this worldthen first they have to modify attitude of the people. Persuasion theory also support this thinking.It talks about bringing changes in the behaviour of individuals or customers. This theorybasically focuses on three areas. First is related to have a goal and the desire of sender toaccomplish target. Whenever a person tries to persuade someone, he/she basically influencethinking of other individual. This process of convincing others happen because sender has a goalin his/her mind and they want something from the receiver of message. Second significant part ofthis theory is communication. Moving forward towards the aim is not possible with selection ofright channel of connecting with receiver. The most important part of this persuasion is ''freewill''. If someone is threatening, physically or mentally, recipient then this will not be consideredas persuasion. It is not accidental as well. Ching's Secret is one of the most popular brands of noodles in India. This country hasseen remarkable growth in the last two decades but they are still fighting with basic problem likehunger. This Chinese brand stated a campaign by collaboration with a local NGO AkshyayaPatra who feed daily meal to poor children. They are adopting marketing strategy of celebrityendorsement where a young film star deliver the message that cost for feeding one child for oneyear is only 750 rupees i.e. around 10 pounds. Ching's secret may be doing it as a part of theircorporate social responsibility but they are successfully applying persuasion theory. They have acleat goal i.e. organise campaign in order to get donation from public by deliver key message“Abolish hunger from India”. They are not forcing anyone to make contribution, they are justusing marketing tools and one of most successfully strategy of advertising i.e. celebrityendorsement. Although there is no doubt that this social marketing is good for the well-being of humanbeings but Lewinski and et. al., (2016) argues that people should also see its negative side. When1
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