
Literature Review Resources Assignment


Added on  2022-08-20

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Running head: Literature Review Resources 1
ORG 807 – Literature Review Resources
Desmond Pessima
Grand Canyon University
November 20, 2019
Literature Review Resources Assignment_1

Literature Review Resources 2
Article Information: Added
ks? Y or
1. Beadle-Brown, J., Mansell, J., Ashman, B., Ockenden, J., Iles, R., & Whelton, B.
(2014). Practice leadership and active support in residential services for people
with intellectual disabilities: An exploratory study. Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research, 58(9), 838-850. doi:10.1111/jir.12099
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The article was written by J. Beadle-Brown, J. Mansell, B. Ashman, J. Ockenden,
R. Iles and B. Whelton, professors at the University of Kent London UK This study
focused on practice leadership as an important factor that will enhance the ability of
Direct Support Staff to provide necessary active supports for person with
intellectual disabilities. The authors suggested further studies on leadership styles
that prioritize trainings and career development of DSP. Also, since the focus of
practice leadership is to enable staff to implement the active support for clients with
intellectual disabilities, it does not measure the impact on staff personal and
professional growth. A qualitative research method was used and data was collected
via questionnaires. Variables explored were the outcome of the individuals
receiving services and the practice of care by DSPs. SPSS software was used to
analyze the data.
2. Reference
Deveau, R., & McGill, P. (2014). Leadership at the front line: Impact of practice
leadership management style on staff experience in services for people with
intellectual disability and challenging behaviour. Journal of Intellectual &
Developmental Disability, 39(1), 65-72. doi:10.3109/13668250.2013.865718
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In this article, a single point in time cross sectional survey was done by the Deveau
and McGill collect data on DSPs experience with Practice Leadership model as they
provide support for persons with intellectual disabilities. The authors noted that
evaluation of leadership practice in organizations that provide intellectual
disabilities (ID) services has become crucial to employee satisfaction, job retention
and career advancement. However, they concluded that Practice Leadership can
only serve as basis for further leadership styles necessary for leaders in ID
organization to enhance employees personal and professional development. The PL
measure according to the authors may draw attention to the importance of training
and development of management and leadership skills that have
potential benefits for DSP professional and personal development.
3. Reference
Friedman, C. (2018). Direct support professionals and quality of life of people with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual & Developmental
Disabilities, 56(4), 234-250. doi:10.1352/1934-9556-56.5.234
This article which explores the relationship between Direc Support Professionals
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(DSPs) and the quality of life of person with intellectual disabilities is written by
Carli Friedman who is the Director of Research for the Council on Quality and
Leadership (CQL). The probe about DSP
staff change was the main variable utilized in this study, and the other variables
included demographic variables as well as variables about quality of life outcomes
and quality of life organizational supports. The study concluded that there is high
DSP turnovers resulting from near to poverty wages and lack trainings that support
DSPs personal and professional growth, which ultimately impact the quality of life
of person with intellectual disabilities receiving services. The study suffered some
limitations of not being able to generalized to other countries and the researcher not
being able to ask additional questions.
4. Reference
Friedman, C. (2019). State utilization of direct support professionals in medicaid
HCBS waivers. Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 57(1), 1-13.
In wake of the DSP emergency, the point of this study was to investigate how states
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value the significant role DSPs play, especially by how they prioritized DSPs' work
through anticipated administration assignment. Carli Friedman is the author and the
Medicaid HCBS 1915(c) waivers were obtained from the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid (CMS) Medicaid.gov website over a period of approximately 11 months
(May 2015 to April 2016) as primary data for the study. This study confirms the
conclusion of previous study that DSP s a very crucial to quality of life to person
with intellectual disabilities but reward/compensation for work as well as
organizational leadership culture reduce the moral of DSP.
5. Reference
Cavazotte, F., Moreno, V., & Hickmann, M. (2012). Effects of leader intelligence,
personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and
managerial performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 443-455.
In this article, the author sought to examine the impact of intelligence, personality
traits and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and the effective
performance of organizational leaders. The authors interviewed 134 midlevel
managers which represented 32% of the total population and between 10 and 40
direct subordinates of these managers representing 25% of staff population. This
could be a study limitation because less than half of the entire population was
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represented, therefore, it does not give the full picture. Nine variables were
considered in this study: intelligence, five personality traits (extraversion,
contentiousness, openness to new experiences, agreeableness and neuroticism),
emotional intelligence transformational leadership, and managerial performance.
Study findings show that the effectiveness of leadership, measured by the
achievement of organizational outcomes, is a direct function of a leader's
transformational behaviors, and is an indirect function of individual differences
(experience, intelligence and conscientiousness) that work through transformational
behaviors. The study also suggests that consciousness influences transformational
leadership indicating a negative effect of neuroticism on leadership effectiveness.
The authors concluded that though emotional intelligence appeared to be
statistically related to transformational leadership if considered in isolation, when
ability and personality were controlled for, the effect became non-significant
6. Reference
Ferretti, V. (2016). Innovative Applications of O.R.: From stakeholders analysis
to cognitive mapping and Multi-Attribute Value Theory: An integrated
approach for policy support. European Journal of Operational
Research, 253, 524–541
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The purpose of this research is to evaluate cognitive mapping in regards to
stakeholder analysis. To find strengths, weaknesses and various levels of
stakeholder involvement and influence, as policy makers prepare to input and or
make adjustments to policies. Stakeholder mapping enables leaders to evaluate the
importance of various initiatives within the organization, in order to make decisions
that are best for the organization and internal and external stakeholders. Mapping
allows leaders to then rank initiatives in level of importance, so that have the ability
to design an action plan to achieve the results necessary for success. This studies
purpose was to test the operability of an integrated analytical approach to
support policy decisions by investigating the combined and synergistic effect
of the three aforementioned tools. The ultimate objective was to propose
policy recommendations for a sustainable parking area development
strategy in the region under consideration. The obtained results illustrate the
importance of integrated approaches for the development of accountable
public decision processes and consensus policy alternatives.
7 Reference
Helfgott, A. (2017). Operationalising systemic resilience. European Journal of
Operational Research
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