1 LLOYDS BANK ACCOUNT SYSTEM The development of the joint account opening system application for the Lloyds Bank was indeed a matter of sheer challenge. The first and foremost query regarding this that was needed to be resolved was that whether the application was going to have a graphical user interface or should be provided with a text based interface. The program for this application has been developed using the Python programming language. The usability of python for one such program helped greatly in the process of simplifying the matters. Python is a very simple language that can be easily learnt and used by the beginners. The best thing about python is that the keywords used in it are fairly simple and understandable. In this case the program was broken down into several stages or sections. The main aim or the problem statement for this program comprised of building a system that can allow two customers of the bank to open a joint account with the Lloyds. The system is supposed to record all the data entered by the customers and then save them locally using a file management system. Conditional statements and iterative loop statements provided great assistance in the process of developing the distinctive structure for the development of different cycles of inputs over the same for both the customers who are in line for the joint venture. The program displays clear messages to guide the user to enter valid data into the respective form input elements. While loops with respective conditions have been used to resolve this problem where the users either miss out on entering a value to an important field or where invalid inputs are registered. The system checks for these invalid or null entries and asks the users to re-input. The use of file handling was a real challenge for this task. It was required to be analysed of how many files are to be maintained for the storage of all necessary data in a chronological or readable manner. Each file used for a particular section has been so
2 LLOYDS BANK ACCOUNT SYSTEM programmed to store the details of both the customers in a proper grouped fashion with clean labels of the inputs. The files have been given clearly presented names. Various array lists and different types of data have been used to build this program to suffice the data needs of the form system. One crucial design consideration was to how the checkbox inputs are supposed to be handled by the text-based program. It was finally decided to use array stored elements and menu items to validate the inputs of the users against several Ýes’/’No’ options or multiple choice answers.