
Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Analysis and Design


Added on  2020-05-16

30 Pages7806 Words218 Views
Running head: MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTIONMajor Project in ConstructionName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor’s Note
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1MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTION Table of ContentsExecutive Summary.........................................................................................................................3Objectives........................................................................................................................................3Specific Objectives..........................................................................................................................4Background......................................................................................................................................4Water Sensitivity of Rainwater tanks in Urban Designs.................................................................5Government initiatives in implementation o WSUD.......................................................................8Benefits of Water Sensitive Urban Design......................................................................................9Drivers of Water Sensitive Urban Design.....................................................................................10Barriers to Water Sensitive Urban Design.....................................................................................12Water Sensitive Urban Community Project initial findings..........................................................16Life-Cycle Costing.........................................................................................................................17Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................22References......................................................................................................................................24
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2MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTION Executive SummaryTransitioning Australia into a water sensitive stare has been the key objective of thegovernment in recent years. Several strategies and plans are used in order to make a successfuldevelopment in the country. The Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an important elementin providing reliable resources for urban development. A stronger approach has been provided inthe implementation of WSUD in the state. The Australian government have taken serious stepsin the implementation of the WSUD n the country for rainwater harvesting system. The use ofdifferent resources rejected to water management is discussed in this report. This report deals with the concept of the water sensitive urban design. The concept ofWSUD has been explained in this report. The use of rainwater tanks has been depicted forstoring water for filtration purposes. Various strategies have described that deal with mitigatingof challenges faced in implementation of water sensitive urban design for managing rainwater. This report outlines the implementation of WSUD in order to manage the rainwater inurban areas. The implications during the implementation have been identified in the report. Aproper calculation of the tank measurement for storing has been analyzed in the report. Somerecommendations have been provided in order to improve the strategies for mitigatingchallenges. ObjectivesThis project has focused on identifying cost minimum potential strategies for solvingexisting challenges in the adoption of Water Sensitive Urban Design in order to manage waterresources in the urban region. The issues in the implementation of WSUD have been providedpriority in this project.
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3MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTION Specific ObjectivesFollowing are the objectives for performing this research related to the rainwaterharvesting system including minimization of development cost, protection of water quality,integration of rainwater for testing purpose and reduction of peak flow. BackgroundRapid urban growth in Australia in last 20 years have seen various changes in the urbandevelopment and provided footprints related to economic, environmental and societal values. Inorder to maintain the sustainable growth in the country, use of natural resources has beenincreased. Water, sewage and rainwater harvesting have been developed in order to maintain theecological integrity of the country (Ward, Memon and Butler 2012). The environmental valuesthat are associated with the ageing infrastructure require coming up with the increase in thepopulation in urban cities. As discussed in the ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design – SustainableDrainage Systems for Urban Areas’, a conference was held in Melbourne in the year of 2000,several participants involved in the water industry have voted for this change (Mun and Han2012). The rainwater harvesting system has been an important method of proper use of the waterin any projects and society. However, rainwater tanks reduce runoff of storm water in an urbansystem. Therefore, this help in maintaining the water volume in houses for both portable andnon-portable purposes. However, there has been a great misunderstanding related to the long-term validity in finance of tanks. WSUD is an approach for managing water in urban areas ofAustralia (Biazin et al. 2012). This helps in minimizing negative impacts of urbanization.However, the negative impacts of the urbanization include increase in costs, water depletion andrisks of natural calamities including flood risks. The increase in the pollutants in water havecreated several water-borne diseases among individuals in the society. The risks and threats
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4MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTION involved in this context include increase in urban temperatures, pollutants, home gardens andfloods (Youn et al. 2012). Therefore, WSUD have helped in managing these risks in order toprotect the environment from damage.WSUD differs from traditional urban design style in many ways. The total watermanagement cycle depends upon the rainwater harvesting by the modern approach. Theexamination of a 75kL tank in different scenarios has helped in maintaining multi-story in thedevelopment model tank using rainwater harvesting (Rahman, Keane and Imteaz 2012).However, the cost maintenance of the project has helped in maintaining a proper budget for theproject. The government of Australia have been taking interest in implementing this project inthe society. In 2007, Melbourne Water’s Living Rivers Stormwater Program has helped in providingfunds for progressing and finalizing Baw Shire Council’s draft WSUD. This program has helpedin managing various systems in the water-harvesting model (Hajani and Rahman2014). WSUDcan be applied to both rural and urban developments. Water Sensitivity of Rainwater tanks in Urban DesignsWater Sensitive Urban Design has been used for saving water resources and removal ofpollutants from rainwater. A successful project helps in managing rainwater in a proper waybefore going into a drain. Design and infrastructure of the program have been properly integratedin order to maintain a proper architecture for rainwater harvesting system. The lifecycle in assessing rainwater tanks of 600L together with the 2250L capacity tankwith an economic benefit with tank cost from the customer perspective (Alam et al. 2012). Ascommented by Campisano and Modica (2012), there has been savings estimating billing of
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5MAJOR PROJECT IN CONSTRUCTION 29.6% for a 2250L tank. Low-interest rates have helped in minimizing initial cost if the system.However, rainwater has been channelized into drains and channels for Canberra urban purposes.This has increased the risk of flooding and soil erosion. Therefore, damage to vegetation andagriculture has been a common problem in the state. Principles of WSUDThere are various principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design:It helps in reducing the demand for drinking water by using different alternative sources of waterincluding rainwater and refined wastewater. This help in encouraging water efficient appliances(Hu et al. 2014). It minimizes the generation of wastewater from various sources and helps intreating wastewater for standard use of purposes. The wastewater management has beentriggered with the help of this program. The use of this program has helped in maintainingtreatment of rainwater management in order to provide fresh water for standard purposes. Theuse of rainwater in the urban landscape for improving visual and other entity of developments. This maintains different methodology for maintaining different aspects of the rainwaterharvesting. The tanks are used for collecting and storing water during rain. The use of these tankscan mitigate the storing problems of rainwater (Hashim et al. 2013). During this process,rainwater is treated with proper minerals and chemicals. Water management system has beenrefined in fresh drinking water. During the 1990s, the emphasis has been shifted to placeresponsibility for water management project.
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