
Conflict Management in Hospitality Environment


Added on  2023-01-04

14 Pages3409 Words40 Views
Manage Conflict
Conflict Management in Hospitality Environment_1

Assessment Task 1...........................................................................................................................3
Identify three common warning signs of conflict........................................................................3
Describe, in your own words, the five stages of conflict.............................................................3
List the four recognised levels of conflict...................................................................................4
Identify three factors that can lead to conflict in a hospitality environment...............................4
Describe what conflict theory says about the results that come from dealing with conflict.......5
Assessment Task 2...........................................................................................................................9
REFERENCES Books and Journals..............................................................................................13
Conflict Management in Hospitality Environment_2

Conflict management is defined as a process to limit the negative aspects of conflicts that
may take place in organisational workplace premises and can affect profitability and
development of individuals and organisation (Li, Li and Tang, 2020). Main purpose of contract
management is to significantly maximize learning and enhance performance of individuals
through which entity can assure more growth. It is an essential process in which entity and take
advantage of different strategy and policy to handle conflicts in efficient, sensible and fair
manner through which collaborative workplace environment can be facilitated. Present report is
segregated into two assessments that involve factors of conflicts within hospitality environment.
Along with these essential aspects of conflicts measures through which they can be managed is
also included in this report. While on the second assessment report involves some sort of role
Assessment Task 1
Identify three common warning signs of conflict.
According to the analysis it has been evaluated that there are different common warning
signs of conflicts in which some of the certain include decrease in overall productivity of
organisation and employees, as it has been evaluated that that conflicts are having significant
capability to lower down the capability of employees to perform their roles in an effective
manner that can lead towards decreasing their productivity. High labour turnover is also the
common warning sign of conflicts as due to which employees can feel stress and depressed. This
can lead them to quit their jobs (Coletto, Favalli and Caporali, 2020). Along with this
behavioural change is also common warning sign of conflicts in which employee’s performs
their roles and responsibilities with less energy and conference.
Describe, in your own words, the five stages of conflict.
Conflict is inclusive of five major stages that are Latent Stage, Perceived Stage, Felt Stage,
Manifest and Aftermath. In the stage of latent, participants are yet not have any form of
awareness of conflict. While on the other hand perceived conflict is that stage in which
Conflict Management in Hospitality Environment_3

participants are aware of the existence of conflict. While felt state involves anxiety and stress,
along with this manifest stage is define as a state in which conflicts in open and can be
effectively observed. While lastly, aftermath stage of conflict involves overcome of conflicts,
resolution and dissolution. In this stage conflict get effectively resolved by assuring satisfaction
of participants and cooperative relationship among them.
List the four recognised levels of conflict.
There are mainly four recognised level of conflicts within an organisational workplace
premise that include individual level conflict, interpersonal conflict, group level conflict and
organisational level effects. In this it is essential for an organisation to have proper understanding
of all the form of conflicts in order to effectively manage them. In terms with interpersonal
conflicts it is an internal level conflict that mainly involves a soul individual (Smith, 2020). This
type of conflicts may arise due to self emotion, values, thoughts ideas and predisposition. In this
conflict individual can see themselves struggling between what they want to do and what they
should do. While on the other hand interpersonal conflict mainly under take place among two or
more individual within an entity premises (Wynn and Rao, 2020). This can be seen in the
difference among personality and perspective to fulfil an objective or goal. While what is talked
about group conflict, this take place among members of a single group where there are multiple
individual with varying experience, opinions, backgrounds in an organisation those who are
working towards a common objective. Lastly in organisational level conflicts it takes place
among different groups within a larger organisation. All these conflicts can be effectively
measures with discussion, team formation, collaborate in small talks, closed meetings, active
listening, celebrating progress and success and more.
Identify three factors that can lead to conflict in a hospitality environment.
There are numerous factors that can effectively lead towards arise of contracts in a
hospitality environment. Some of the factors include unfair treatment, poor management, and
negative form of communication, inadequate training and development courses, lack of equal
opportunities and more (McCarthy, 2020). All these factors within workplace environment are
having significant tendency to affect growth and development of both employers in organisations
through which entity can observe less profitable advantages and opportunities. In addition to this
it has been underlined that with these factors influence can feel stressed and depressed and can
face many challenges to perform their roles and responsibilities. It has been identified that
Conflict Management in Hospitality Environment_4

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