Manage Inventory Assessment 2 - KII4023 | Desklib


Added on  2023/06/18

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Assessment 2 for KII4023 Manage Inventory covering unit of competency SITXINV003, SITXINV001, SITXINV004, SITXINV002. This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to check and take delivery of stock and appropriately store, rotate and maintain the quality of stock items.

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Welcometo KII4023Manage Inventory!ThisKIIunitcoversthefollowingunit/sof competency.
ThisAssessment Taskcoversthefollowingunitofcompetency:
KIIsubjectcode KII4023 KIIsubject name ManageInventory
and store
Maintain the quality
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to check and take delivery
ofstockandappropriatelystore, rotate andmaintain the qualityof stockitems.
Itdoesnotincludespecialist stockcontrol
The unit is relevant to organisations where stock control is an integral and essential part of
businessoperations,and wheretherearecontrol issues
tobeconsidered.Theunitisnotappropriateforsituationswherestockmanagement isverysimple,
It applies to operational personnel who work with very little independence and under close
supervision.They apply little discretion and judgement and follow predefined organisational procedures
to report anystock-relateddiscrepanciesto a higherlevelstaff memberforaction.
Theunit appliestoall tourism,travel,hospitalityandevent sectorsandtoanytype of stock.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time
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Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and
conditionsrelating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of
anyquestions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each
rainer/assessorwillremainavailable tosupportyouthroughoutthe assessmentprocess.
Assessmenttasksareusedtomeasure your
writtenassessmenttasks,pleaseensurethat youaddressthefollowingcriteria:
Yourassessmenttasksare wellpresented,wellreferencedand wordprocessed
Itisaconditionofenrolmentthat youactivelyparticipatein yourstudies.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your
own.Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts
aboutincludingthe workofotherauthorsinyourassessment,pleaseconsult
yourtrainer/assessor.Thefollowinglistoutlinessomeofthe activitiesforwhicha learner canbe accused ofplagiarism:
Presentingtheworkofanotherindividualorgroupastheirown work
or inpartfromthe internet.
Ifitisidentifiedthatyouhaveplagiarisedwithinyourassessment,thena meetingwillbeorganisedtodiscussthis
Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole or in part
ofunauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners
inplagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion
orcopying fromother learnersis notpermittedandwillresultina “NS”grade and NYC.
Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten assessments will
notbeaccepted (unless, priorwrittenconfirmationisprovided bythetrainer/assessortoconfirm).
Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be awarded “Competent” (C)
or“NotyetCompetent” (NYC)for the relevantunitofcompetency.
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Assessment 2KII4023ManageInventory
If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and “will” be
givenanotherchancetoresubmit yourassessmenttask(s).Ifyouarestilldeemedas“NotYetCompetent” youwillberequiredto re-
enrolinthe unitofcompetency.
If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative information/evidence in order to
determinecompetency, you must provide us with such information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues.
We retainthisrightatanytime, includingaftersubmissionof your assessments.
We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict confidence, in
youareresponsibleforensuringthatyoudonotprovideuswithanythingregardinganythirdpartyincluding your employer,
colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you toprovide information or details
about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessaryconsents and ensuring that
privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with suchinformation.
willenablethe trainer/assessor to addressthe identified needsimmediately
The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria, skills and
knowledgeand performance requirementsofthe unitofcompetency.
To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities/questions in this Assessment and have
Should youstillbedeemedNotYetCompetent,youmayhavetheopportunitytoresubmityourassessmentsorappealtheresult.

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If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your assessor to discuss
youroptions. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish to do so, discuss this with
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“Igivemypermissionformyassessmentmaterialtobeused intheauditing,assessmentvalidation
Authenticity ThematerialI havesubmittedismyownwork;
Declaration: Ihave keptacopyofallrelevantnotesand referencematerialthatIused inthe
Ihavegivenreferences forallsourcesofinformationthatare not myown,
Studentsignature: Date:
Attempt Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory Date Assessor’s
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Assessment 2KII4023ManageInventory
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds
If thestudentisstillnotsatisfiedwiththeresult,thehe/shehastherighttoseekindependentadviceorfollow
Anystudent whofailsacompulsorysubject or appealsunsuccessfullywillberequiredtore-enrol inthatsubject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of
ceof appeal must bemadewithinthreeworkingdays of theconcludingdateshownonthemedicalcertificate.
Full Name Signature Date(dd/mm/yyyy)

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Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit. It is important that you understand this
assessmentbefore taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we
ask you tocompletethefollowingPre-AssessmentChecklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm
yourunderstanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason
under the‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that
yourTrainer/Assessorhasdiscussedall oftheinformationwithyoupriortoundertakingthisassessment.
Pre–assessmentChecklist Comments
Y N I,thestudent,understand thepurposeoftheassessment.
Y N Iunderstandwhenandwheretheassessmentwilloccur,whowillassessandin what
format theassessmentwill
Y N Iunderstandthemethodsofassessment.
Y N Iunderstandwhatresourcesarerequiredtocompletethisassessment.
Y N Iunderstandtheperformancelevelrequiredforeachassessmentevent.
Y N I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained
Y N IunderstandtheprocessifIamdeemed notyetcompetent.
Y N Iunderstandthefeedbackprocessandtheappealsprocess.
Y N Theassessorhas discussed withmeifIhaveanyspecialneeds and
ifsowhatarrangements havebeenmade.
StudentID StudentSignature Date
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There are two sections of this assessment, Part A, Part B and PART C You must complete
bothsectionsandrespondto each question ofthese sections
Thisassessmentmayconsistofanumberoftasksbasedonasimulatedorreal environment
You may ask your assessor questions to clarify requirements of the tasks if required. However,
yourassessorwillnotbe abletoshow you howto completethetask
Youmust receiveasatisfactoryresult foreachpartofthisassessmenttobesuccessfulinthistask
You must not separate this document. Attachments must be as per the assessment
Ensureyou completethetaskrecordsheetattheendof this assessment
Returnyour assessment bythe datesetbyyour assessor andyourtrainingplan
Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Please refer below for our policy in regards
Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to
completethis assessment, please talk to your assessor.Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a
fair andflexible approach is undertaken for this assessment.Please note that the range or nature of
theadjustment willensurethattheoutcomes ofthe unit arenotcompromised.
Feedback:Yourassessorwill providefeedbacktoyouafterthecompletionoftheassessment.
The trainer assessor will explain the appeals process if applicable or alternatively refer to your
studenthandbookfor furtherdetails
Objectiveofthetask The purpose of this task is to demonstrate your knowledge required to coordinate
theproduction of food in commercial kitchens. You will need to provide information
work on set menus with a range of recipes and use relevant equipment, cookeryand
food storage methods. You will also need to show competency in the followingitems:
Followup order andadministerstock
Storeand maintainperishablesupplies
Checkperishablesuppliesand disposeofspoiltstock
Resources LearnerGuide
You must use the template provided in this assessment and demonstrate knowledge
ldietaryneedsfor health,lifestyle or culturalreasons
Timeallocation Refertoyourtrainer
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INSTRUCTIONS(forassessmentsnotembeddedwithinthe LMS)
Ensureyoursubmissionidentifiestheunitcodeandtitle,theassessmenttasknumberandthenameoftheassessmentatthetop ofthepage.Alterna
Add yournameandstudent numbertotheheaderorfooteroneverypage.
Oncompletion,submit yourassessmenttoyourassessorvia theLMS.
Learnerassessment guideandevidence
This assessment requires you to determine purchase requirements, source suppliers, prepare
specifications,assessthe qualityof goodsand make purchases
Youarerequiredto dothefollowing.
Readandinterprettheinformationprovidedat thestartofeachtask.
CompleteTasks 1, 2,3, 4 and 5.
PerformallcalculationsinTasks 3, 4 and5.

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Your workplace is participating in a local outdoor food and wine festival. The event will be held over two
dayson Saturdayand Sundayinone month fromnow.
The business intends to hold cooking demonstrations, sell food and coffee, and promote the business’s
facilitiesandservicesattheevent.Theyhave alreadybooked the hire of alarge marqueewithflooring.
The owners want to promote the conference facilities and intend to set up display stands with pictures of
variousroomarrangements and a shortvideoshowinga montage ofeventsheld atthe venue.
The events manager is coordinating the planning and running of the event. You are a conference coordinator
andhavebeen asked tohelpsourceinformation and purchasegoodsrequired forthe event.
Budgetfiguresforeachitemareinclusiveof allcosts,suchaspurchase,printing,deliveryandGST.
Purchaselist Quantity Budget $
White,plastic(outdoor),heavyduty,stackablefunctionchairs ? 1,200
500min 1,500
Two A4double-sidedinserts,80gsmcolourpaper,blackprint
2,000 1,000
Unisex,sizes6 ×small,10 ×medium,5 ×large,2×extralarge
23 200
Biodegradableplates, 7 or9inch 5,000 500
Biodegradablecoffeecupswithlids,8oz,printedwithbusinessname 2,000 500
Stainlesssteelutilitytongs 10 30
Foodand beverages
Mesclunlettucemix 10kg 150
Chickenthighfillet,nobone,noskin ? 2,000
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Owner /manager*
Chef EventsmanagerRestaurantmanagerOfficemanager**
KitchenteamConferencecoordinatorsFood andbeveragestaff
Food andbeveragestaff
Rice,basmati 50kg 150
Orangejuice,fresh 50 L 100
Wirelesslapel microphone,two-dayhire 1 80
138 cm (55 inch) or 122 cm (48 inch) television monitor with DVD
andUSB capability or built-in USB media player, slim line if possible,
wall orstand-mounted,two-dayhire
1 1,000
* Generalmanager isresponsibleforall marketingandadvertisingcampaignsandmaterials.
Q1: OtherthanthoseitemslistedinthePurchaselistforTask1,whatotheritemsmightneedtobepurchasedfortheevent?
Listtwoitems in eachcategory.
Beverages- wine, beer
Cleaning agents or chemicals, waste or housekeeping supplies- soap, sanitizer
Other general items, such as general stores, merchandise, linen or other event supplies_ show booth,
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Q2: Whatinternalsourcesofinformationcanhelpyouidentifypurchaserequirementsforthisevent?
order of cuisine
meals information
number of guests
Q3: Choose three items on the Purchase list from Task 1. Based on the organisational chart above, who do
youneedto discussproductrequirementswith?
uniform_ office manager, admin team
plastics for outside and wastage - general manager, office manager
food and beverages- event manager

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Q4:The business wants 70 plastic function chairs for the event. It already owns 30 chairs. They were
airsmust allbeclean,undamagedandlookthe sametocreateastandardisedandstylishappearance.
Howdoyoudeterminehowmanychairsmustbepurchased?Describethestepsyouwill follow.
measure and evaluate the quality of the chair.
Calculate the number of chair that is appropriate for event.
Contact the supplier and look for the same or non-existent chairs.
Assess the cost of the chairs is it in the budget or not.
have chosenthis timeframe.
In the case of the event, the stocks might be inspected 1 to 2 days before the event to guarantee freshness.
Q6:How does using existing stock on hand (such as chairs or perishable foods) benefit the business?
Brieflydescribetwo benefits.
Eliminate extra costs
eliminate waste
Q7: Whatarethree forecastingmethodsyou canusetocalculatequantitiesof goodsrequiredfortheevent?
Market changes and norms move
Regular actions
Conventional testing for output
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Q8: Basedonthestatisticsfromaprevious,similarevent,calculatethestock’saveragevalueforchickenbiryani.
Opening stock:
$4,375Closing stock:
$143Number of
-$4,375 + $143 / 2 =$2,259 stock ‘s average value.
Q9: Useyouranswertoquestion 8andcalculatethe rateofstockturnforchickenbiryani.
$6,336 / $2,259 = 2.8 rate of stock return.
Selling price of item:
$5.50Number of days:2
(Totalsales÷ sellingprice)÷ number ofdays=numberofitemssold
($6,336 / $5.50) / 2 days = 576 number of items sold.
ventwho purchased chicken biryani.
Number ofpeople whoattended thepreviousevent:40,000
Number ofportionssold÷40,000people× 100=percentage ofpeoplewhopurchasedchickenbiryani
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576 number of portions sold / 40,000people x 100 = 1.44% ( percentage of people who purchased chicken

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Q12:Useyouranswertoquestion11toforecastthenumber ofportionsofchickenbiryanithat couldbesoldatthe
Number ofpeopleforecastedtoattendthenextevent:65,000
r of portions
65,000 / 1.44% = 936 forecasted Portions
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Q13:Calculatehowmanykilosofchickenyou needtopurchasetopreparetheforecastednumber ofportions.
Yieldfor chickenthighs is92%.
Thereciperequires1kgofchickenthighstoyield12portionsofsample-sizeddishesatthistypeof event.
Formula:Forecastedportionssold÷ recipeyield=numberrecipeingredientsmustbemultipliedby
Formula: Numberrecipeingredientsmust bemultipliedbyxreciperequirement=quantityrequired
Formula: Quantityrequired÷yieldpercentage=purchasequantity
936 / 12 = 78 number recipe ingredients must be multiplied by
78 * 92% = 84.8kg
meals information
quantity of the dish
quality of the food
ingredients that required
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CompleteTask2 usingtheinformationcontainedin the Purchaselistfromabove.
equipment. Choose three individual items from the list. Each item must be from a different category,
forexample, oneitemfromthe eventcategory,one fromgeneralsupplies andonefromhire equipment.
velop an understandingabout the following(where applicable).
Typeor varietyofproductsavailable
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Itemname uniforms juice USB media player
Clever design Juice and co. The audio tailor
23 50l 1
4.34 2 1000
50$ 25$ 500$
Before 10 days of event Before 1 day of event On event day
Average quality Best quality Best quality
The quality of the product
should not be bad, uniform
is for long term purpose
not for just an event.
Hence, juice is a perishable
goods, so company wants
this fresh and in best
This is a one time
investment thing USB
media player is kind of
long term asset which help
organization in every event
, so the quality should be
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Itemname uniform juice USB media player
The staff uniform company Tropicana (UK) JP-UK
23 50 L 1

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4.34 2 1000
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2 1 500
10 days before event Before 1 day of event On event day
Average quality Best quality Best quality
The product quality should
not be terrible, it should
not only be uniform for an
event it's for the long run.
Juice is therefore a
perishable product, so that
the firm wishes to make it
fresh and in the finest
This is an investment once
USB media player is a sort
of long-term tool that helps
organizing in all cases so
that the quality should be
Task2.1:Questionand answer
Answerthe questionsbasedontheinformationresearched inTask2.
Q1: Listtheitems you have selected.
Item 1 : uniforms
Item 2 : juice
Item 3: USB media player
hiretherequiredquantityofeachitemwithinthebudgetandotherparameters specified inthe purchase list?
Item 1 : uniform- to be professional and to represent the personnel
Item 2 juice- welcome drinks and fro refreshment
Item 3 USB media player- for enjoyment of music
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organisational requirements and event deadlines. Explain why you have prioritised the products in
Priority Item Explanation
juice uniform It is extremely vital for guests to accept beverages
and refreshing drinks because it shows
management and nice events
Uniform juice Uniform is also essential because every thing will
be look in a professionalism manner.
USB media
USB media player Among these elements, USB is the last priority.
This is because uniforms and juices are important
if the media player is not available. Company has
its own little media player, so it's easy if they don't
have the media player in the end.
Preparepurchasespecificationsforthreeitems fromthe listof goodsto bepurchased orhiredforthe event.
beverages,hire equipment.Theitems can bethe same asthoseselectedforTask2.
e as you require
Saveyourdocument onceyouhavecompletedthetask.Youdon’thavetosubmitityet.
Task3:Prepare purchasespecifications
Purchase specification –
Item 1(Table3.1)
Context for an event
Location Staff uniform Constraints bad quality of uniform an negative
impact of uniform on people
Budget Showroom 1, 352 South
Street, O’Connor , Australia
Conditions good
Users Personnel of an organization Technical
By increasing their quality and the
specification of the uniform of the
personnel for betterment of the
company image

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USB media player
The NEUMI ATOM 4K is a
simple and economical
method to bring up-to-date 4
K Ultra-HD video, picture
and audio reproduction to
every new and existing TV.
Context Context for an event
Location Unit 9/20 River gate Pl,
Murarrie QLD 4172,
Constraints Constraints The bass, and the
quality of the product if cheap then
the sound quality and picture quality
will be bad and it affect the client
perception against the organization.
Budget 1000$ Conditions Conditions in best condition.
Users Organisation for an event,
appoint a person to operate
Technicalspecs organization
appoint a knowledgeable
person for this to operate for
perfect operating
138 cm (55 inch) or 122 cm (48 inch) television monitor with DVD and USB
capability or built-in USB media player.
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Task3.1:Questionand answer
Q1: Youhavesourcedthreesuppliersforthehireofthemicrophoneandtelevision.Howandwhendoyouinformthemof
your specifications?
First, the organization informs them about the event 1 month before, and then a team worker goes to collect the items from
the supplier 1 day before the event begins.
Q2: Thebusinesshasapreferredsupplierforitsfruit andvegetables.What isapreferredsupplier?
A record of per-assessed, agreed providers is a preferred supplier or vendor list, using company for the acquisition of
products and services. The evaluation procedure ensures that favorite providers encourage the growth and success aims of
the organization.
Q3: Whatarethreequestionsyouwanttoaskyoursupplierwhen confirmingsupplyrequirements?
what is the total cost of the product that organization will buy?
The provider can ensure the freshness of the food products.
What if the resources do not reach the destination?
If a provider is sufficiently smart to charge a moving range implicitly. In this scenario, managers should be aware that they
do not negotiate with a single seller, and suppliers should be aware that other suppliers quotes are cheaper.

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Q4: Thepricesquotedbyasupplierforgoodsdonotalwaysreflectthefinalpriceoftheitems.Whatotherchargesmayor
maynothave been includedin theprice?
tax, packaging price etc. If a provider is sufficiently smart to charge a moving range implicitly. In this scenario, managers
should be aware that they do not negotiate with a single seller, and suppliers should be aware that other suppliers quotes are
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Giveanexampleofchecks completed, questionsasked orresearch completedforeach criteria.
Price :- juice and co. give an organization a good discount additional health drink within the price of
100$ that is the budget of organization for an event.
Quality:- the quality of Tropicana is much better than the juice and company.
Delivery:- therefore , the delivery time of juice and co. is faster than the Tropicana.
Q6: You have received three quotes from companies for the promotional tote bags. You are very interested
inquote 3 but the final quote is over your budget. What techniques can you use to negotiate the cost with
perunit $
units $
Delivery Comments
Quote 1 1,000 1.95 1,950
2weeks Min. order 1,000, one colour
logo,coloured,laminated paperbag
Quote 2 500 2.27 1,135 3weeks One colour name, 18 characters,
lightcanvas bag
Quote 3 100 3.25 1,625 + 75
3weeks Twocolourimage/
logoandname,bamboofabric bag
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Right to continue to reduce prices; If a provider is sufficiently smart to charge a moving range implicitly. In this scenario,
managers should be aware that they do not negotiate with a single seller, and suppliers should be aware that other suppliers
quotes are cheaper.
Q7:As a result of your negotiations the supplier has reduced the price to $1,500. If ordered today, the
s in delivery. You prefer quote 3 as it meets the business’s sustainability goals but quote 1 is
cheaperandhas a fasterdeliverytime.
you discuss thisissue with?
event manager/ owner.
will send an email to the office manager regarding purchase list and what should be the main priority
to buy from the purchase list first. Option 3 is food and beverages we will willing to prioritize
this thing. Because this the essential thing in the event.

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CompleteTask4 usingthepurchasegoodstemplate below.
CompletethepurchasingproceduretableforTask4: Purchase goods.
atoccurateachstep, who completeseachstep and whatdocumentationis completed.
Saveyourdocument onceyou havecompletedthetask.Youdon’thavetosubmitityet.
Purchasingprocedure (Task4table)
Step Procedure/action(s)taken Personrespo
Prioritize the main items which is
essential for the event
maintain a purchase list like mentioned
Purchase manager receipt
Obtain approval via mail,fax from
conference coordinator after that we
both discuss with event manager.
The main
responsible person
the purchasing
procedure is the
event manager.
The personnel to whom the purchase
of goods mainly assign will going to
place the order with the approval of
event manager.
As this is for the
event. the person
responsible is the
person to whom the
under the whole
event are going on.
That is event
manager and the
owner of the
CompleteTask5usingthepurchaseorder formsattachedbelow.
k3. Usethetemplate providedor yourworkplace’sstandardpurchase orderform.
Saveyour documentonceyou havefinishedthetaskand submitallthefullycompleteddocumentin LMS(
Task 5 Table:Prepare purchaseorders
Shipfrom: clever design Requisitionedby: Kings Resort
Date: 2nd September Deliverby: clever design
Productcode Qty Productcode Qty Productcode Qty
  UN3669
23 UN3669 23
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clever design

Shipfrom: clever
by: Kings
clever design
y: Kings
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Totalcost 250$
Shipfrom: juice and co. Requisitionedby: kings resort
Shipto: kings resort
Date: 3rd September Deliverby: juice an co.
Productcode Qty Description Unitsize Unit cost$ Totalcost $
j5624 50 l Healthy drinks and
refreshing juice,
welcome drinks,table
serve drinks, and after
dinner drinks.
50l 100
Additional cost 25$
Totalcost 125$ Totalcost
Shipfrom: JP Requisitionedby: kings resort
Date: 4th September Deliverby: JP
Productcode Qty Description Unitsize Unit cost$ Totalcost $
UB6678 1 Wireless lapel
microphone, USB
media player just for 2
1 1000$
Additional cost 500 $
Totalcost 150$

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You are employed with Kings Resort. As it is your supervisor’s day off you are required to receive and store
allitemslisted in the invoice below.
Youarerequiredtoanswerallquestionsbelowrelatingtothe receivingand storageprocessofthisdelivery.
08 12341234
Items Specification Qty/Vol /kg/l/unit Price Received Value
Salt Rock 1.000 kg $ 0.80 2 $1.60
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet $ 1.10 3 $3.30
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 0.78 16 $12.48
Soy Sauce 0.500 L $ 2.80 20 $56.00
Cream Thickened 0.600 L $ 1.52 20 $30.40
Milk Fullcream 1.000 L $ 1.18 4 $4.72
Butter Salted 0.500 kg $ 1.82 6 $10.92
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg $ 2.23 10 $22.30
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg $ 8.55 8 $68.40
Fruit &
Lettuce Butter 1.000 each $ 1.60 36 $57.60
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg $ 2.80 4 $11.20
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg $ 1.25 40 $50.00
Apples GrannySmith 1.000 kg $ 1.89 5 $9.45
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each $ 1.80 16 $28.80
Penswlogo HotelFutura 1.000 each $ 1.80 75 $135.00
Sanitarybags Bundle 500.000 each $ 7.68 3 $23.04
Envelopes C5 100.000 each $ 4.85 3 $14.55
SparklingDish 20 ldrum 1.000 each $48.99 1 $48.99
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Sanitiser 10lf/grade 1.000 each $18.70 2 $37.40
Bleach 10l 1.000 each $14.50 1 $14.50
Furn.Polish 500ml 1.000 each $ 7.70 5 $38.50
OrangeJuice freshlysqueezed 1.000 L $ 3.80 10 $38.00
MineralWater MountainSpring 750ml Bottle $ 1.55 36 $55.80
LemonJuice Fresh 750ml Bottle $ 3.25 5 $16.25
Hennessy XO 700ml Bottle $ 218.60 2 $437.20
PillowCases Eqypt/white 1.000 each $12.80 30 $384.00
T-Towels lintfree/white 1.000 each $ 1.80 25 $45.00

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1. List the details you need to check for the various goods listed on the invoice:
Item Category Details to be checked (quality, temperature, use-by date etc.)
Dry goods Store of dry foods that could be 500F and also checked out with thermometer on
the wall of the dry storage area. along with this quality must be important for
taking the proper goods and services.
Dairy Parameter for the normal milk PH 6.6-6.7 and make the appearance milk.
temperature which could be maintain between 340F and 380F
Fruits and vegetables Checking whether temperature of hot or cold food every four hour. moreover,
checking the proper quality of the Fruits and vegetables for which the proper
temperature and many other things that could take place.
Paper Products Correct quantities, no signs of moisture of marks, packaging intact.
Chemicals Containers sealed, correct quantities and no leakage.
Beverages No leakage, correct temperature, use-by-dates, correct quantities.
Linen No marks, correct packaging, good quality and correct quantities.
2. List the correct storage areas and storage conditions for the supplied goods:
Item Category Details to be checked (quality, temperature etc.)
Dry goods With low humanity as 14-200C
Dairy As this products will absorb the color of some other foods, so meanwhile this
could be needed to keep separately from various foods product. along with this
temperature holding 20C and 40C
Fruits and vegetables As this could be required with some allow air for maintain the temperature
between 60C and 80C
Paper Products The temperature of paper products can be 20-220C and must be kept away from
the sunlight and away from the various products which could keep stains or
Chemicals Located from the storage area where the place which could keep reducing risk
of contamination, mainly this could usually kept between 140C and 200C
Beverages This could stores in cold room or fridge between 10C and 40C and also ensure
for keeping them at safe place.
Linen This may be received directly through sunlight and ideal temperature that can
be 200C and 220C .
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3. Which items listed on the invoice would need to be labelled for storage? Which details would this
include (Provide 1 example for details on a label)
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Items to be labelled
Portioned items that could be packed : Cheese and being possibly stamps for fresh jounce and milk.
Label Content
Raclette cheese (200 g )
Mr. Jack
4. Provide 5 examples for safe manual handling provisions to transport this delivery to storage.
Examples for safe manual handling
Carry only such quantities that allow for moving safely
Ensure walkways with some clean and clear
Lifts from the knee not from the back
Use device for carrying items such as trolleys or carts.
5. You have identified that the delivery includes field tomatoes instead of the Roma tomatoes that were
ordered. Some of the Mangoes have black spots. What would you do to handle these problems and what are
the requirements to document these discrepancies? (Consider multiple scenarios – for example no Roma
tomatoes are available; the supplier does not agree that the black spots on the mangoes have a negative
effect on quality because he knows you are not a chef; you are not sure what replacement would be
adequate etc. )
Actions and documentation
Refer the matter to supervisor or head before signing up the invoice copy.
Recording the issues and matter which could be accepts incorrect items and faulty.
6. Provide 3 examples for stock control documentation you will use to record this delivery and explain how
these works. (If you have no access to an electronic system your trainer will assess this on another
occasion). How many items did you receive as part of your delivery?
Receipt books
HACCP receipt sheet which can include the quality checks, signatures, delivered time, temperature checking and so on.
Number of items received
254 items

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7. In which sequence would you store the received goods in this delivery – list the key categories with
examples from your invoice. This must also include the security provisions for e.g. expensive
Sequence of storing received goods
Perishables- quality rapidly but not quickly as frozen items Fresh juices, dairy products, vegetables
Non- Perishables- lasts keeping longer than Perishables while
this can be put some away
Linen, chemicals, paper and so on.
8. You are storing all items in the designated storage areas. How should these be arranged to maximise use
of stock and to prevent any contamination issues?
Storage of all items
Perishables products such as milk, cheeses, cream such kind of products needs to store ways from the food products which might be
commonly contaminate such as raw foods, strong odors which could affect he herbal, garlic etc.
9. After placing all items in storage, you double check all storage areas and you notice the following issues.
What will be your actions for documentation, reporting and disposal where relevant?
1. Some lettuces in the cool room were not covered and start to look tired
Action: while by notifying the supervisor to integrate the staff meal and so on. moreover adjust the checking procedures
and storage.
2. cans of whole peeled tomatoes in the dry store will expire in 28 days
Action: this could be enable for incorporating in keeping menu. while this cannot be adjustment for stock level and
3. The vacuum seal of a small pack of chicken drumsticks is broken and the content smells
Action: place for keeping garbage bag and dispose the plastic bags and water bottles. make note about wastage and adjust
stock level.
4. A near empty container with bleach in the chemical cupboard has a crack which causes seepage of
Action: this could be remainder about into another container and keeping must clearly label.
10. List 5 measures which could be used to ensure that all storage areas you use to store the delivery of
your order are safe and secure to prevent stock losses.
Measures to secure storage areas
Storage area should be locked - while having such things this could led them for having less risk and also provide more
high security outside or operational hours.
Extra security for precious items- this could keep the safe and items additionally which could keep locks and have the safe
place for products and services.
Use secure design- cabinets, locks, cages and ceilings, this all should be well-designed and keep their working performance
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much better.
Adequate lighting- through which the employee can easily visible and storage area should be well-lit all times.
Use perpetual inventory system- while such kind of things helps for reducing possibility and pilferage.
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11. As part of daily and weekly checking processes of goods and storage areas, you are required to check, wash
and sanitise them. How would you ensure the following areas are clean, sanitised, in good order and free
from vermin?
Storage area Requirement to clean and maintain
Floors: Wash with detergent and water. allow to dry
Walls: Wash with detergent, rinse and dry. while by using some of the cool-rooms and immediate areas
around food production.
Shelving: Use a detergent and hot water solution then rinse well and checking more flaking paint with
potential rust.
Pest Control: Elimination of cracks, holes and damp sopts which could be important for being recovery.
12. Explain the following stock control systems in detail with an example for each:
Stock Control System Description
Bin Card System While this means given time for stock level which can give some time for monitoring. along
with this help for managing the work with having some minimum and maximum stock level
usually set and keeping them with stock level which could reached with new stock level.
Impress system This could happening with manually or automatically depending on the system. this could be
also reason for keeping the stock level at business. while also including the establishment
amount of the given period and maintaining the system for which the business can runs and
keeping their proper stock level. pr stock levels that can be used for such items as store in the
central stores.
Integrated point-of sale
Some stock control system use barcode system to delivering out and stock movements. while
having such things this must be important for knowing about can of peas, each items of
kitchen and knows about how usually this could work for them and keeping automatically
stock or hands falls with minimum required level.
Ledger system The stock quantities and values for which the recorded and updated during having purchasing.
sales, issues.
Designaflowchart ofthestock-orderingprocessinyourworkplaceortrainingenvironment.
e and allocationof stockwithintheorganisation.

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.Itshouldincludethefollowingprocesses andinformation.
Identificationofthe needtoorder stock
Deliveryandreceipt process
Anyreportingprocessestobe completed
Theflowchartshould beprepared usinganappropriatecomputersoftwareprograme.g(Pencil).
ring, receiptand storage, allocationanddistribution.
The format, symbols and text used in the flowchart to represent the sequence of events and tasks
completedmust be clearand easyto understand.
If desired, use basic flowchart symbols to aid clarity when preparing the flowchart. Go to your
‘ResourcesFolder’ and open
Flowchart symbols for a list of basic symbols and an example of their use.
Alternatively,search the internet to research symbols, their meanings and examples. Use of flowchart
symbols is not anassessment requirement.
If you are planning to use a specialised computer software program to draw or generate your flowchart,
makesureyourassessoris abletoaccess and open filesin that formatpriorto startingthis project.
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Q1: Whattypeofstockcontrolsystemsdoes yourorganisationortrainingenvironmentuse?
Stock reviews-
organization is using this stock control system because this system is easy to use and through this method business takes
stock reviews on regular basis so that to know that when new stock must be ordered. by seeing past figures business
managers decides that new stock has to be ordered or not. organization uses minimum stock level.
Q2: Brieflyexplainhow stock
In order to track the stockorganization should make sure that they are prioritizing its expensive products first. there are
many computer based software which is available in the market which is helpful in saving money and time of business by
doing complex stock calculations on their own. manager can feed items information in the software and software will
provide information when there is any shortage of stock.
Q3: Howdoyoudeterminethatstocklevelsarelow?Describethemanualorcomputerisedsystemsusedandwhat
triggers the needto ordermore stock.
Manager should build knowledge of production lead times as this will help them to know that when the need of inventory
has arises so that it can get ordered. it can be done manually also. it also considers the time which supplier takes to convert
raw material into finished goods. more stock can order when the company reaches its minimum stock level.
ssor communicate orders.
Distribution requirements planning:
it is the process which ensure that delivery of goods happens fast and efficiently by including information regarding which item,
quantity and at which location it is needed.
electronic commerce:
under this system purchasing and selling of goods and services and transferring of money happens through electronic network like
electronic data interchange:
under this system documents gets exchanged in the electronic format within business partners.
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Q5:List the people or job roles responsible for determining stock requirements, preparing orders and
makingpurchases.Brieflydescribetheirresponsibilitiesin the orderingprocess.
Inventory manager- they evaluate suppliers because they are responsible for finding suppliers who can fulfil company’s
needs. they are also responsible for managing inventory documentation. they are accountable for purchasing new inventory.
purchase department- they check contract with suppliers and make sure that invoices are paid timely. they ensure that
goods and services are ordered and received in a proper manner. they also make sure that procurement practice meets
company’s goal.
Q6: Describe how you identify, record and report stock losses. What techniques, processes or systems
areused to identify stock losses, what are your responsibilities, who must be informed, what documentation (if
POS system- it is the modern system which allow company to set permissions so that can restrict specific activities to being
carried.employees who are handling stock should inform stock manager in case of stock loss.
inventory management tools- if manager does not have control over stock then it can lead to stock loss. this system will
help manager to track stock in an effective manner.
Q7:Completethetablebylistingsix typesofstockpurchasedbytheorganisation,itsnormallifespanand a brief
description of the storage conditions required to maintain quality, hygiene and
safety.Asampleresponse is provided.
Stockitemname Averagelifespan Storageconditions
Flour 1 month Safety
Chicken patties 3 days Hygiene, security
Lettuce salad 1 day Safety, quality
Frozen beef 3 months Refrigerated at 1-3 degree C.
Salame 6 days Hygiene, racks etc
Mixed fruit salad 1 day Quality and dry room
Youhavetoplanandorganisea stocktakeforoneareaofyour establishment.

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Day,dateandtimewhenthestocktakewill becompleted.
All stocktakingtasksto beperformed in yourchosenworkarea.
Whichjobrole orpersonisresponsibleforcompletingeachtask.
nisation’s template.
Savethecompletedstocktake planandsubmitthe completedplan.
it is the procedure which is used when there is new stock arrival into the business. it is very important to have right stocktake plane
which can be followed by workforce and managers so that company never went to out of is essential to follow stocktake
process few times in a year in order to maintain inventory level and also losses can be minimized in the business. business require such
stocktaking process which is fast and accurate. maintaining stock is one of the most important business activity so that is why it
require proper planning and with stocktake plan company can fulfil its stock related needs.
day- Friday
date- 30/11/2021
time- 12 noon
Beverage item category Purchase unit Cost ($) Responsible
juice beverage 5 boxes 300 Inventory
Cold drink Beverage 10 boxes 800 Inventory
chips Food item 4 boxes 350 Inventory
chocolates Food item 6 boxes 600 Inventory
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Q1:Explain why you chose to organise the stocktake at this particular time, day of the week and date.
Whatorganisational factorsinfluenced yourdecision?
I have chosen this day and date and time because based on past experience I have realized that at this particular date and
time I can able to evaluate that what is needed and can get shortage if order will not place. I believe that in this competitive
world company should never go out of stock because that can shift their customers towards their competitors.
Q2:How often is this stocktake completed: daily, weekly, monthly, and annually? Explain why you
the stocktake is completed on monthly basis because it is easy to check and fulfil demands when it is done on monthly
basis. as the storage area is big so stock is ordered in large quantity which can fulfil monthly demands. hence stocktake is
formed at the end date of every month at afternoon.
Q3:How do you inform relevant staff and management about the stocktake? Describe who you need
tocommunicate with, what you must tell them, and when and how you will do this. A sample response
hasbeen provided.Jobrolesorpeoplelistedandinformationsharedshouldreflect contentsof stocktakeplan.
Person/jobrole Informationprovided Whenandhow
Purchasing manager When will stocktake occurs, stock
Through email and one week before
Front staff When there is less stock at food section Daily and face to face
Storage employee When stock arises Face to face and monthly
chef When stock is less in kitchen Face to face and daily
Q4: Describehowtheresultsofthisstocktakeareusedonceitiscompleted.Howtheinformationiscollatedand/
oranalysed, whatreports aredeveloped,who are theydistributedto?
Information about every stock is discussed with the purchase manager directly face to face or by filling check list of the
item. then the manager check the stock before placing the order. for the beverage part front staff checks the availability of
stock and then report to the purchase manager.
Q5: Describehowstocktakeproceduresenhancethesecurityofstock.
Stocktake process plays vital role when it comes to stock as it solely work for stock only. it is helpful to check the number
of stock which is available in the storage area. it also guides manager with receiving process of stock till it reaches to the
Q6: Whatothertechniquesareusedbytheorganisationtomaintainsecurityoftheirstockandreducelossesona
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in order to reduce loss employees of the organization should have undertake waste management properly.
manager should make sure that stock is used in effective manner and with the help of computer software
manager can find out that which stock is using in excess so that strict action can be taken against such
employee who is unnecessary using stock.
allyperishablefoods? Name at leastthreetechniques.
always keep food items at cool and dry place so that it can save from quality deterioration. when food item is keep at dry
place then chances of getting contamination becomes less.
staff should make sure that cooked and raw materials are kept at different places. those items should have keept separately
which have dangerous smell like non veg.
employees should ensure that only those perishable items are grouped together which have same nature. different perishable
goods when kept together can increase the chances of spoilage and contamination.

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Your work area is running out of essential stock items on a regular basis. There is a reorder cycle in place
formost of the stock items, but the stock is being used more rapidly than usual. Staff are constantly
tellingcustomersthat certainitemsaretemporarilyunavailable.Thishasledtoanincreaseincustomer complaints.
Q1: Whatdoyoudoto addresstheproblem?
this is serious problem when company goes out of stock because it can shift their customers and company can lose their
potential customers. in order to solve this problem electronic method will be used which will check the stock level, just in
time inventory method will get used. different staff will be given responsibilities related to stock.
The gaming lounge has recently introduced free snack food for patrons between 7 to 8 pm. You notice
kitchenand waiting staff are helping themselves to food on the platters of finger food before taking them into
thegamingroomfor the patrons.
Q1: Whatistheproblem?
the problem which is noticed is related to not following stock security process. there is also the fear of stock getting
Q2: Youarethegamingroommanager. Whatoptionsareavailableto youtoaddresstheproblem?
as the gaming manager he is responsible to take decision in order to solve this issue. In order to solve this issue
responsibilities of waiting and kitchen staff will be given to someone else which means that other staff will get appointed
who can carry their responsibility efficiently. process will be changed in regards to stock security.
Q3: Describehowyouimplementoneormoreofthesolutionsyoudescribedinquestion2.
in order to implement the solution, training and development will be provided to the staff and changes will also get
implemented in work practices.
It’s 10 am and the kitchen staff advise you they are short 10 kg of fresh prawns for tonight’s dinner
service.They were ordered yesterday from the regular supplier but the prawns were rejected on delivery due
to poorqualityandinsufficientquantity.
Q1: Whatdocumentationoragreementsinfluencehowyouresolvethisissue?
product specifications
supplier agreements
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Q2: Thesupplierisapreferredsupplier. Whatdoesthis mean?
Preferred supplier means those supplier who is responsible to supply goods and services to the business on time and at
agreed quality to the business. the supplier and business have agreement regarding the same. business chooses those
supplier because they agreed with company’s terms and conditions.
ofulfil thebusiness’sorderstotheagreedproductspecificationstandards.
Solving supply issues are essential if business want to continue with same supplier. as this time goods are ordered from different
supplier then there are chances of arising supply related issues like no timely delivery or wrong delivery etc. if problem is small then
employee can deal on their own but in case of serious problem management should be informed. when communication does not takes
properly then many such problem arises. in case of any problem communication should been done with the supplier so that goods
delivered on time.
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Q4: During discussions, the supplier states they have fresh prawns but they do not meet the business’s
there will be no change in the method of resolution. it is the responsibility of the business also that they are fulfilling their
suppliers need so that they also fulfil business needs. effective communication skill will help business to maintain good
customer relationship.
Scenario 4
Sales –
Sales –
Bayside 462 34% 398 29% 512 38% 1,350
Mountain 798 59% 968 72% 1,289 95% 1,350
Citysights 989 73% 1,025 76% 1,090 81% 1,350
uildings 368 27% 374 28% 315 23% 1,350
Q1: Basedonthisinformation,what areyourfastest andslowestsellingitems?
fastest selling item is mountain as its sales is 1289 which is greater as compared to other day trips.
slowest selling item is historic buildings whose sales is 315 which is lowest when compared with otherday trips.
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