
Challenges in Merger and Acquisition: A Management Perspective


Added on  2022-11-25

14 Pages3330 Words83 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: MANAGEMENT
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Author’s Note:
Challenges in Merger and Acquisition: A Management Perspective_1

Executive summary
Merger and acquisition among companies take place for the overall benefit of society. However,
there are many hurdles that the two companies have to overcome while they are about to enter
into an M&A. They will have to focus on the staffing and structuring of their company so that
the existing employees do not suffer from the fear of losing their jobs. Cross-cultural
competency has to develop. Managers have to train their employees to embrace the cultural
differences and support with each other rather than just trying to protect their employees.
Challenges in Merger and Acquisition: A Management Perspective_2

Table of Contents
Conflicting values........................................................................................................................4
Lack of matching mentality.........................................................................................................4
Lack of planning and integration.................................................................................................4
Lack of focus on people...............................................................................................................5
Staffing process...............................................................................................................................5
Resolving Conflicting interests........................................................................................................8
HR Executives functions..............................................................................................................9
The usefulness of management........................................................................................................9
Challenges in Merger and Acquisition: A Management Perspective_3

Merger and acquisition are essential as it helps in forming a very powerful company with
the brilliance and expertise from other organizations. However, the managers often face issues
like lack of proper planning and control, lack of sufficient funds, cross-cultural issues and others.
This report has dealt with the problems that are being faced by Steve and Kasper. They have
work with each other and try to resolve all the conflicting issues (Light, 2001). In order to form a
successfully merged communion between DeWaal and BioHealth, the two managers must work
over the staffing and create a proper organizational culture.
Conflicting values
Lack of matching mentality
It is evident from the given case that there is a difference between the mindset of the two
business owners. Steve and Kaspar want to get into a merger and acquisition for their company
but they lack unity and coherence. Classical management theory abides by the belief that
compensation is the best motivations for the retaining of employees (Khorasani & Almasifard,
2017). However, in this case, it is seen that Kaspar and Steve are not really concerned about
finding out methods that they can use to retain their best employees. Steve shows some concern
but Kaspar seems to be engrossed about other things (Light, 2001). The first conflict is seen
when Kaspar chose the restaurant rather than carrying on the meeting at their office premises
itself. On the other hand, Steve knew how to value punctuality so he arrived on time. In contrary
Challenges in Merger and Acquisition: A Management Perspective_4

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