
Conflict Resolution and Ethical Leadership in the Workplace


Added on  2019-12-04

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Conflict Resolution and Ethical Leadership in the Workplace_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................3Assessment Brief .................................................................................................................................3Traits and Attributes that have influence.........................................................................................3Developing leadership effectiveness................................................................................................5Leadership power and ethics............................................................................................................7References ...........................................................................................................................................92
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INTRODUCTIONLeadership is the art of getting the work done through other people of the organization and itespecially requires direction from leaders. In the concept of leadership, leaders needs to haveinfluencing power so that followers can consider all the directions and specifications given by theleaders (Northouse, 2015). Leadership is one of most important aspects of management where inleader plays chief role in providing directions to the subordinates so that they can perform all thetasks and practices in effectual manner (Fairhurstand and Connaughton, 2014). The present researchstudy has been discussing different theories and styles of leadership on the basis of diversesituation. The main aim of conducting the research study is to have brief analysis about the impactof leadership on others. Further, researcher has also discussed leadership power and ethics and howthey influence people for diverse work aspects. Moreover, along with this discussion, researcher hasstated why managers and leaders need to develop effectiveness. Hence, considering all such aspects,researcher has mentioned diverse vignettes which are discussing important elements of leadershipand management. ASSESSMENT BRIEFTraits and Attributes that have influenceVignette 1 Fore alarm in Bucharest Trait theoryTrait theory is an approach which studies the nature of human personality and the theoryprimarily focuses on measuring the traits. These traits can be defined as habitual patterns ofbehavior, thought and emotion. Traits are considered as relatively stable over time and it also differsamong individuals (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). The theory also states that there are certainpeople who are born with special characters and traits and who innate the qualities and featurespossessed by strong leaders. The theory also states that people born with special traits that helpsthem to acquire success. Traits of General ManagerAs per the case, it can be said that general manager has the personality to make others listento his speech. This is evident from the scenario because instead of listening fire alarm, no bodystood up from their respective places which also states that they were highly active in following thedirections of the higher authority (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2012). Hence, as per the situation, itcan be said that Trait theory is seen in the present case where in the leader has used his personality3
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in such a way so that each and every member can listen to his speech. As per the situation, all thepeople paid attention towards the speech of leader; therefore this depicts autocratic behavior ofleader's personality. As per the scenario, it is clear that all the managers were paying attention towards the speechof the boss which represents that they are highly dependent on the directions of the leader. Boss ofMunich worked as a leader here as all of them were paying attention to his speech. Further, withouthis instruction, no body stood up even after hearing the alarm sound (Avolio and Yammarino,2013). Hence, considering the case scenario, it can be said that leaders (boss of Munich) have thetraits to manage people through the autocratic style of leadership. The boss has the traits to directothers and this has been observed from the scenario. The managers were following the boss;however no one gave their opinion in between the session. Contradicting this, it can be said thatboss should not always direct others and sometimes, he should listen to the supervisors as well sothat to enhance the level of work productivity. Moreover, the situation could have hampered thepeople who were sitting there; hence it can be said that when it comes to all the employees, then inthat situation, manager has to consider views of all the employees.Individual Difference FrameworkThe framework includes diverse dimensions that helps the leader to become competent and tthat also aids in changing behavioral aspects of employees. Leaders must emphasize on ability andskills so that each and every situation can be managed prominently (Aaker and Joachimsthaler,2012). In terms of skill development, leader must focus on personal characteristics, socialcharacteristics and work related characteristics. The below mentioned table has been describing allthe major skills of leaders. Personal characteristicsSocial characteristicsLeader should be energetic and passionate aboutwork.Leader must cooperate others so that diplomacycan be avoided. Work related characteristicsPersonality Leader must be intelligent and knowledgeableperson and he must have the capability to handleall the responsibilities in pursuit of goal (Klibiand Oussii, 2013). Self confidence, Charisma and desire to lead aresome of the factors that needs to be there in theleader. Vignette 2 Michael is an excellent analyst. Its time for him to become a managerFrom this case scenario, Michael has been handling a team of analysts in a large company.Since, he joined the company 11 years ago; therefore he knows how to give quality output to the4
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