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,appendix:ProjectLogbook Template r.1arne: Projecttitle:“ To art iculate t he posit ive, econom ic im pact of global izati on on mar keting- A c ase study on Coca- Cola.” Updateonweeklyresearch/tasksachieved Pointstoconsider: Whathaveyoucompleted? I have identified the impactposit ive, econom ic im pact of global iz ation on marketing- A case study on C oca- Cola.” Didyoufulfiltaskrequirements? Yes Areyouontrackandwithindeadlinesset? Yes Didyouneedtomakeanychangestoyourprojectmanagementplan? No Anyrisksand/orIssuesIdentified?Pointstoconsider: No Didyouidentifyrisks/issueswithalackofskillsrequiredforundertakingresearch/tasks? No Didyouidentifyanyadditionalrisks/issuesthathaveanimpactontheprojectmanagementplan?Problemsencountered Yes, I have faced the issues related with cost and resources. Pointstoconsider:Whatbarriersdidyouface? With help of setting adequate amount aids me to do the things effectively. Howdidyouovercomethem? By dividing the task. Newideasandchangeofprojectdirection No WhathaveIlearntaboutmyselfthsweek?Pointstoconsider: I have learnt that I can able to conduct the research in better and effective manner. HowdidFeelwhenHadtodeallwithtasks/problems?DidFinditusefultocompletethetasks?HowwellhavePerformed?WhatdidContribute?WhatcanIimproveonnextweek? Howmightthislearningapplyinthefuture?Tasksplannedfornextweek I have identified that this is crucial task and it is useful to work on it so that it aids to expand knowledge. This will be helpful in order to get the depth insights. Pointstoconsider: Whichtasksarepriority? The data analysis and interpretation. Haveyousetasidesufficienttimeforcompletion? Yes Projectplanstatustodate(on,ahead, behind) Supervisorcommentstoaddress