
Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in Organizations


Added on  2022-12-26

8 Pages1795 Words1 Views
Running head: MANAGEMENT
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Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in Organizations_1

Collective bargaining is a very crucial fact for the proper running of the organizations.
The collective bargaining and employee negotiation has been regarded as the most important
functions for the employee unions. The rights of the workforce should always be given by the
organization and the only way to achieve that is the collective bargaining. The first question of
the essay will deal with this factor. In the second section, the topic of discussion is the
implementation of the shared governance to increase the working efficiency of the nurses in the
hospital facilities (Troy, 2016). The importance of the magnet accreditation will be highlighted
in this essay as well. The shared governance is a crucial aspect for the development of the
nursing care. On the other hand, collective bargaining and employee negotiations will have to be
made better so the workforce can be given their due facilities.
Collective bargaining in organizations
In the contemporary organizations, the collective bargaining is rendered as a very
interesting matter to provide the best facilities to the workers. Sometimes it has been seen that
the rights of the employees have been violated and they have not been given the prior facilities
that they deserve in return of their hard work. Collective bargaining is considered as a
fundamental right for the workers in the countries (Troy, 2016). The collective bargaining is that
method by which the employers and trade unions look to establish a proper working environment
and culture within their organizations. When the problems occur, they will look to curb these
issues and make negotiations between the employees and the employers. This process of
collective bargaining provides the proper opportunity for setting up effective labor relations
within the organizations (Dastmalchian, Blyton & Adamson, 2014).
Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in Organizations_2

Critics are of the opinion that the employees should not be deprived of their facilities and
rights since they put in a lot of hard work for the progress of the organizations. Some of the
issues that occur within the periphery of labor relations and collective bargaining are employee
wages, working hours, treatment of employees in an equal manner and occupational health and
safety (Troy, 2016). It is indeed very important to carry out these negotiations so that the terms
and conditions of the employment can be regulated properly (Dastmalchian, Blyton & Adamson,
2014). The rights and responsibilities of the parties should also be considered properly so that the
employees will be able to get all their benefits. These negotiations within the organizations often
lead to the harmonious environment within the organizations and they will remain productive as
much as they are (Wilkinson et al., 2014).
On the other hand, another aspect of the collective bargaining within the organizations is
to provide them with proper protection and reduce the rate of inequality that often takes place
within the organizations. This is obviously important to retain the employees and human
resources of the organizations. The employee relations should be kept properly so they can act as
per the clauses of negotiation (Wilkinson et al., 2014). In fact, both the parties (employees and
employers) come to a decision and they opt to follow all the things that have been signed in the
contracts after a lot of negotiation and discussion. The important functions of the collective
bargaining should be noted here (Marginson, 2015). These functions are to settle the disputes
within the organizations and manage all the employee grievances.
The employment contracts, salaries and benefits of the employees will also be looked
after through the collective bargaining process (Kelly, 2015). The critics of industrial relations
have said that the workplace safety and occupational safety should be ensured by the employers.
It can only be done through the means of collective bargaining. Organizations must think about
Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in Organizations_3

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