
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name


Added on  2023-04-22

27 Pages6938 Words484 Views
Running head: MANAGEMENT
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author note
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_1

Table of Contents
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................2
1. Organizations.........................................................................................................................2
HR Process.............................................................................................................................6
2. Performance...........................................................................................................................9
Economic profit......................................................................................................................9
Value creation......................................................................................................................10
3. Collective Intelligence.........................................................................................................14
Emotional Intelligence.........................................................................................................14
Maslow’s theory of needs....................................................................................................15
Schultz, the theory of fears...................................................................................................16
Trust, Responsibility, Freedom, Motivation........................................................................17
4. Human consciousness..........................................................................................................18
World Vision........................................................................................................................18
Human evolution..................................................................................................................18
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_2

Personal Development.........................................................................................................19
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_3

Literature Review
In the present scenario, the different organizations are transforming themselves
wherein the phrase applies that “Transforming a caterpillar to butterfly." It is the respective
process which is being implemented by them as to convert themselves into contemporary,
organic, individualized and learning corporation. The model of the organizational structure is
the process which is not permanent as depending on the conditions of the environment, it is
changing, and it affects the parameters of the organization.
The structure of the organization is modified and changed as per the proportional
development of the company, and the other name of the organizational structure is the macro
organizational structure. For instance- Jack Welch is one of the unique examples which
helped in turning General Electric in the modern organization par excellence which helped
and resulted in the overall excellence of the company. Furthermore, it resulted in the
extraordinary performance along with annual growth of the stock rate of 18.1% since the year
1. Organizations
Aziri, Zeqiri, and Ibraimi (2014), have commented that the contemporary architecture
of organizations does not recognize the different or new principles of the organization which
are not known from the traditional models of the structure of organizations. Furthermore, Van
Wart (2013), has hypothesized that in conventional organizational structure is based on
centralization and concentration and the range of control is narrow. However, in the
contemporary business model is decentralized wherein there is a wide range of power with
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_4

the implementation of a flexible structure. On the other hand, Tilly and Welfens (2011), has
commented that traditional organizational structure has a rigid structure which affects the
overall productivity of the firms.
Additionally, Thompson (2017), has commented that traditional organizations help in
representing the organizational structure in business which is hierarchical, meaning the flow
of power is vertical and upward, and the employees are departmentalized. For instance- The
manager is the chief coordinator of the different departments and employees are required to
follow the chain of command.
From the example, Shi and Wilson (2010), have hypothesized that traditional
organizational structure is like the military system, it is hierarchical, organized and
disciplined. The different departments have different rules and regulations, and the
employees have their accountability and job description to their superior. The hard kind of
structure of the organization has been tiresome from the perception of employees working in
the organization.
On the other hand, Muzio and Tomlinson (2012), have opined that the modern
organizational structure is the boundaryless company which is networking together and
collaborating more in comparison to the traditional corporate structure. These kinds of
organizations are well suited and apt for rapid innovation, and it is ideal for the organizations
in the growing technology industry.
Georgakopoulos, Wilkin, and Kent (2012), have hypothesized that the central concept
in the respective organization structure is to diversify the different activities along with
connectivity which has resulted in accepting the new challenges and they can set a goal more
frequently. According to Baruch (2006), the modern organizational structure largely depends
on the different soft skills which are inclusive of consensus building, listening, understanding
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_5

and taking the team and involving them in the decision-making process to make them feel
wanted in the different approaches of making the decisions useful.
As per Aziri, Zeqiri, and Ibraimi (2011), there are different points of disagreement
which are being discussed as follows:
Stability- Different individuals believe that the traditional hierarchical organization
structure is stable in performing various activities along with progress. On the other hand,
modern organizational structure is dynamic with different business strategies, and there is
multiple progress which will be beneficial for the overall success of the firm (Kopp 2016).
Flexibility- The modern organizations are flexible in their approach to change the
overall workflow as they mainly focus on engaging the different employees in the decision-
making process to gain a competitive advantage. On the other hand, the traditional
organizational structure is fixed and inflexible which is planned (Ashkenas et al. 2015).
Hierarchy- In traditional organization structure, the company follows the “Tall
Hierarchy” Structure, on the other hand, the modern or contemporary organization structure
follows the “Flat Hierarchy” structure (O'Neill, Beauvais and Scholl 2016).
Diversification- The major contradiction between the traditional and modern
organizational structure is the business policies which are being followed by them. In the
traditional corporate structure, the different systems are conservative, and they try to follow
the conventional procedures and regulations. On the other hand, the modern organizational
structure has flexible entity management along with dynamic business strategy by performing
a modification that will be beneficial for the success of the organization.
MANAGEMENT Management Name of the University Academic Name_6

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