2MANAGEMENT I believe it is essential that the conception regarding stereotypes be clarified in the beginning. Stereotyping is a kind of perception that maximum members in a group are having some typical characteristic. In order to reflect on the difference in attitude towards the implicit and explicit stereotypes the measurement score of the implicit Association test can be highlighted. The scores returned in the study shows simple preference towards the members who fall under the in group categorisation. Hence, implicit bias is reserved for some white respondents who were surveyed in the research articles. Most interestingly, one eminent fact that substantiated the favour for white people being implicit is that black participants on many occasions showed extensive implicit preference towards white people compared to the black people. This is a kind of reference which I feel cannot be explained by means of the idealism of in group bias also.In fact in many of the empiricalresearches,stigmatisingtermshavebeenutilisedthatarecommonlyusedfor describing the individuals who are experiencing substance addiction like “addicts”, “alcoholic” or substance abuser. Such terms might be associated with negative explicit or implicit biases. As per the researches of A. W and Wiers(2010), it can be communicated that positive terms should be include in their places that might be able to describe their position accurately and make them aware of the position they are in. in a study conducted by Brian (2007), I observed that much better outcomes were obtained when the negative inference like “substance abuser” were substituted with terms like “person with substance use disorder” or terms like “addict” were being replaced with the same terms as above. Hence a study of attitude towards biasness with two groups, explicit, shows that culture is the backbone that creates this essential bias. Use of appropriate terminology to ascribe their
3MANAGEMENT limitations and shortcomings can help to raise a craving in their mind to either reduce addiction or react to rehabilitation treatment in a better way.
4MANAGEMENT Bibliography A.W.,&Wiers,R.W.(2010).Implicitcognitionandaddiction:atoolforexplaining paradoxical behavior. BrianNosek.(2007,April19).Implicitassociationtest.[Videofile].Retrieved fromhttps://youtu.be/n5Q5FQfXZagand/or:SeriousScience.(2014,January 22).Implicit association test – Mahzarin Banaji.