
Unicorn Grocery Financial Performance Analysis


Added on  2020-02-12

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Unicorn Grocery Financial Performance Analysis_1

Unicorn Grocery Financial Performance Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONManagement and managerial accounting use by managers the provision of accountinginformation in order to inform and collection of themselves before all managers decide amatters with in a company which aids their management function are related to performanceand costs are control. It is a process of planning, analysis, interpretation, controlling andpresentation of accounting information collected with the help of financial information acosting element, in order to assists the all process of decision making (Baldvinsdottir,Mitchell and Nørreklit, 2010), day to day operations and creations of policy for organisation.This accounting system measuring of performances of employees and efficiency.Management accounting include effective planning process which is helpful for the long termgrowth and development of the organization. Members have to play effective role in order toattain their target and fulfil their objectives as well. Various types of choices providedmembers in order to fulfil their target and goals as well. This company controlled bydemocratically members or owners to run the business with a management structure and withan equal rate of pay. This company work on a model co-operative structure or employeeparticipation and revolve around direct often bulk purchasing direct from the manufacturer,on side chain processing to add value, matching super markets prices and competitivemargins. TASK 1 P1It is a process of planing, identify, measuring, interpreting, analysing andcommunicating information fro the achieving the organization objectives. Managementaccounting is the effective process which is helpful for the long term success of everybusiness organization. Through this various types of options received by companies in orderto meet their objectives. Companies needs to reach target of satisfy needs to their targetedcustomers. Through which they perform function in better way. Managerial accountinghandles the analysis the margins, amount of profits, cash flow generated by sales of productsin market. Aim of this function is to assess the risk in order to maximize risk and theallocation of resources. This function helps to modifying the available accounting data byrearranging and restoring a process of classification or combinations similarities retention of
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the data without eliminating or dissimilarities. It’s also analysis and interpreting the data witheffective planning and decision related the cost functions. Analytical tools such as companyfinancial statement, ratio analysis, trade percentage and common size statement of a project.Managers use the qualitative information of financial data, records of company (Bennett,Schaltegger and Zvezdov, 2013).This accountant is responsible for maintain the performancebusiness team or having a report relationship at the same time and responsibilities (Busco andScapens, 2011). To prepare a management accounts to offer accurate as well as timelyinformation about financial data and statical information or data required by mangers to makeday to day and short term decision within an organization. The traditional accounting systemfocus on generating and filtering internal information and strategical function pay attention toinformation that is external factors of business and then integrate same in manner that willnot lead suboptimal decision within the company. Several types of management accountingsystems are mentioned such as cost-accounting, inventory management, job-costing andprice-optimizing systems. This process has been defined in various ways which are as alignedbelow-Budgets in accounting- This function of a financial condition of firm is an operationway, provide information and data in effective manner that help to managers planning,controlling as well as analysis the all procedures. This element includes and summarised theprojected activity of cash flow income statement and balance sheet (Luft and Shields, 2010).Revenues representing the sales of goods, expenses and administrative cost. Cash flowelement analysis the inflows as well as outflows of cash in an organization on a daily basisfunction related with internally or externally transactions. A financial budget outlines the howcompany receive as well as invest the money on a corporate level included the revenue fromcore business including income and costs from business capital expenditures. A staticsfunction related with elements where expenditure remain unchanged with variations to levelof sales of the company. The company use the all accounting budgets in their all activities ofcash outflow and inflow. Cost accounting system- The cost have a direct impact of profit margins and viabilityof company. Manufacturing cost included directs material, labour and cost of manufacturingwhich determine the overall business profitability (Christ and Burritt, 2013). Company usethis element for calculation of all expenses related to production, distribution of its products
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in market. Non-manufacturing or marketing function related to salaries and administrationsexpenses of business. These expenses related to the profitability of a company and its abilityin the market place. Opportunity elements views the value of all alternate investment orallocation decision and funding the money in a project. It is an important look for risk werecomparing costs as well as the return on investment (Cinquini and Tenucci, 2010). Job costing system- This system is helpful for organization to maintain theirperformance in international market. Through members can analyse budget.Price-optimizing systems- Unicorn grocery use this system for the the mathematicalanalysis by managers and researchers to determine how consumers will respond to variousprices for its goods or services with the help of several channels and its competitors (Lukkaand Modell, 2010). P2Management accounting is able to collect information or data related to operationalfunctions of company which is beneficial for their performance. This system taking exitingoperational data and information report related to sales analysis which is products or itsproduction time-specific, analysis of the cost of storing of material before its production, andcomparing of budgeted and actual expensesof company. Managerial accounting techniquesuse to formulate financial strategies, explain the financial consequences in decision making,evaluate all expenses and maintain profit margins (Contrafatto and Burns, 2013). The role ofmanagement accounting and management accountants in a company to influences all aspectsof a business operations and transactions. Types of managerial accounting reports.Budget report-Through this term companies are easily attaining their target maintaintheir operational functions as well. It is able to control cost of firm. It is based on all actualexpenses of prior years of budgets. Managers use this report to provide incentives andcompensation to employees. Company use this report for detailing plan its expenditure andallowing comparisons to what they are actually were (Macintosh and Quattrone, 2010).Business create this formate in two columns one for budget outlay and other one is outlay(Dillard and Roslender, 2011). This formate help in business to identify how closely its endof budget mirror and its costs (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener, 2014). Accounts Receivable report- It is an important tool for business to maintaining cashflow for operations of company that extend credit to their targeted audiences in marketplaces.
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Unicorn grocery managers opted this report in order to find problem through the company'scollections process, information, method and techniques. Many consumers are not able to paytheir balances, the firm create its credit policies (Lee, 2011).Job Cost Reports- Business use for this system show the all expenses for a particularproject. Companies are usually try to matched estimate revenue and inventories so the firmcan identify job's profitability for peoples in the marketplaces. Company create this report toidentify greater earning areas of the firm so the unicorn grocery focus on its efforts thererather than of wasting time as well as money on jobs with low profit margins.Inventory or Manufacturing- Company through physical inventory needs to optedmanagerial accounting reports in order to make their manufacturing processes more effectivecomparing its competitors. Unicorn grocery create this report include all the items likeinventory cost, hourly labour. Company identify its manufacturing cost and expenses formaking the products and services to create an expenses report weekly (Håkansson, Kraus andLind, 2010), monthly and yearly. The manager uses this function to compare severalassembly lines within firms to see how can enhance its profitability. Task 2P3There are different types of techniquesto create income statement including margin an absorption costs to calculating net profit.Absorption costing-Unicorn grocery method which are helpfulfor costing in which all fixed as well as veritable costs are appropriatedto cost centre by accounted using observation rates(Herbert and Seal, 2012).The key cost elements are including those material that are include a finished products andalso include the factory labour costs required to production a goods an and services.Company make this statement use those costs to operate a manufacturing facility for itsemployers, its production volume and rent and insurances of employers.Income statement for absorption costing method:Selling Price£35Unit costsDirect Labour£5
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