
Project | Sustainable Management of Food Waste


Added on  2022-08-15

11 Pages2537 Words23 Views
Running Head: FOOD WASTE
Sustainable Management of Food Waste
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Project | Sustainable Management of Food Waste_1

Table of Contents
Theme of the project........................................................................................................................3
Food sustainability Measures and Metrics..................................................................................3
Environmental Issues...................................................................................................................3
Association of Food Print Index..................................................................................................4
Rationale of the Theme....................................................................................................................4
Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................4
Implications on Social, economic, political aspects....................................................................5
Purpose Statement.......................................................................................................................5
Reason for R&D approach...........................................................................................................5
Research Question...........................................................................................................................6
Description of the food waste sustainability....................................................................................6
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Food is one of the vital attributes that contribute to the existence of the living organism.
The distribution of food availability is not equal at every corner of the world. Some countries are
dying from the food scarcity and on the other hand, some are wasting the abundance of available
food (Tielens & Candel, 2014). Hence, the sustainable management of food waste is required at
the highest priority in every country and it must be the prime concern of the government.
The undertaken project will discuss the various aspect of bringing sustainability in food
waste and those are; the main theme of the project, rationale behind the theme, the research
questions and overall description of the topic.
Theme of the project
Food sustainability Measures and Metrics
The concept of food sustainability is about utilizing the food in such a way that the future
generation has no scarcity of it. The factors that are associated with the sustainability of food are
the ways the food is grown, harvested, packed, transported and finally sold in the market (Dou et
al., 2016). All the steps are quite important for carrying out the entire sustainability of the food.
The food sustainability measures is about the development of a system in which the food
waste can be reduced and provide a value in its surrounding. Whereas the food sustainability
metrics is about the quantitative approach that can track the intake of food, quality of food,
dietary choice of people, living environment of the people, fitness of food system and
accessibility of food.
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Environmental Issues
The issue of food waste mainly occurs during the production, harvesting and storage of
the food items. The rest occurs when the food is processed, transported and consumed. The
wastage of food occurs globally. It not limited to only one country or nation. The energy and
resources required in the process of the food are ultimately getting wasted at the end (Yildirim et
al., 2016). The landfills are getting overcrowded day by day by the amount of food waste
producing. The increase in the greenhouses gases and as a result the global warming is also
increasing at greater speed. The biodiversity is getting effected and exhausted to provide food for
Association of Food Print Index
The Print index is directly associated with the issue under consideration. There are two
sides of this index one is the Food Loss Index, and the other is the Food Waste Index
(Sandaruwani & Gnanapala, 2016). We will focus on the FWI, it is associated with how the
suppliers of food take the decision about the quality or quantity of the food, actions of the food
retailers, consumers and food service providers.
Rationale of the Theme
Problem Statement
The undertaken issue of food waste is crucial to acknowledge for the long run, as
sustainability is a huge factor that is associated with the future of the new generation as well as
the environment. The basic problem of food waste generates at the time of production of food,
the un-skilled practitioners waste a huge quantity of food while harvesting it, the unavailability
of knowledge of the procedures and ways to store the food or transport it to the different places
are the root for the food waste (Aschemann-Witzel et al., 2015). The production of food is
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