
Management, People and Teams


Added on  2022-11-26

5 Pages1081 Words130 Views
Leadership Management
Running Head: Management, People and Teams
Management, People and
Management, People and Teams_1

Management, People and Teams
Self-awareness is the key of identifying our own personality and helps people to assess the
self-weakness and strength (Andersen, 2016). As a student of management, I feel that self-
awareness not only help me to overcome my weakness rather it also helps me to grow and
achieve my personal milestones. This report reflects my personal abilities and skills to
motivate and guide people in an organisation and guide them towards the organisational goals
and objectives.
Self-awareness and its role in organisation
In any nature of organisation, it is really difficult for a person to establish and manage a good
relationship with employees (Caldwell and Hayes, 2016). As I closely observed in my
previous organisation that communication and personality of a manager play an important
role in guide people and motivate them towards the organisational goals. However, it is really
important for an organisational manager to assess their own skills and strength and I analyse
my personality and skills that I have all the qualities of a good leader who can manage the
situation and people when needed. I was working in a multinational organisation and I
observed that it is very easy to identify and detect the perception and feeling of other people
about a person when a person is self-aware about their skills and personalities. I feel that
when I was entered first time in professional life, I felt a strong need of self-motivation and
requirement of self-confidence to talk and communicate with my other colleagues. However,
within the workplace, there were many people from different culture and nations are working
together (Hopkins and Yonker, 2015). I was really so desperate to establish a good
organisational relationship with those people. However, my skills and qualities of
communication and establishing a good relationship with people helped me to get out from
this problematic situation. The ability of self-awareness helps me to identify my own
emotions and passions and how my personality can help me in my life.
Effective communication
As a part of human resource of an MNC company, I feel that communication is one of the
important parts of any one’s life. Way of communication set the tune of relationship with
other person and it also helps a leader to convey effective message to the people and
Management, People and Teams_2

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