
Management, People and Teams | Report


Added on  2022-09-16

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Leadership Management
Management, People and Teams
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Author Note
Management, People and Teams | Report_1

Management of people is considered as toughest of all the jobs in an organisational
framework. Managers have to have the powers of a psychologist who communicates and
looks after the problems of the employees in the firm. Managing people is a real life
implication of psychological theories and leading a team or group to certain specified goal.
The purpose of this report is to highlight the implications of people management theories in
an organisation and the impact on organisational culture.
Theories and concepts of people management
With reference to the personal experience of working in a firm dealing with industrial
chemicals, the theories and concepts of leading and managing people are found to be more or
less same (Katou, 2015). With diversity comes variation in religion, language and colour, but
the common motive of serving the target of organisations bring the employees under one
platform and cooperate while operating their functions (Noe et al. 2017).
The basic theories related to the development and managing people and teams are
related to the ways an organisation likes to have its culture as. Organisational behaviour is the
outcome of individuals’ performances in the firm in a collaborative aspect (Bester, Stander &
Van Zyl, 2015). The theories of human resource elaborates and evaluates the influence of the
actions in positive or negative perceptions. A proper understanding and interpretation of
human resource management and organisations behaviour can turn on and maximize the
productivity of the company and minimize employee turnover.
Employee behaviour is a crucial factor that impacts the organisational culture and
therefore, organisational behaviour includes behaviour of human mechanism. The
organisational mechanism includes structure and culture of the company whereas the group
mechanism reflects behaviour of leader and leadership functions implied until now. The
personality of an employee, their values and capability of performing are considered as
Management, People and Teams | Report_2

parameters in regards to explain their differences from mechanisms. The individual
mechanism is the list of expectations employees have from the company and that focuses on
stress, learning, motivation, decision making and ethics (Omotayo, 2015).
Synergies of organisational behaviour and human resources are supported on different
science theories and their synthesis. The departments of science dealing with humans and
society are several in list and each of the streams have significant importance. The different
approaches of the theories and concepts of people management in an organisation varies from
performance to motivations and managing the ineffective structures (Jaques, 2017).
According to the theories of performance, human resource management in an
organisation aims to provide two essential outcomes involving increasing efficiency and
increasing effectiveness of jobs done. Unless a sense of motivation is implemented in the
workforce, it is not possible to energise them and make them understand their part of benefit
in serving the organisation (Shek, Chung & Leung, 2015).
Integration of the concepts and implication appreciation
The concepts of performance development and motivation influences the culture of
the organisation with regards to maintaining the organisational motives. The concept and
implication of the strategies to maintain organisational culture are supported by the need of
employees and responding to their thoughts. Having worked in an integrated organisation
culture, employees expect recognition, benefit and most importantly a good guide. The aspect
of leadership in the company is hence, reflected as the pathway to stratify the organisation in
a leading position of the market. The speaker focuses on to discuss the development of
working environment with healthy organisational culture that will motivate the employees
and increase their potential to welcome innovation (Ali Taha, Sirkova & Ferencova, 2016).
The speaker wants to emphasize on the utilisation of a person’s ability for creating
growth in the organisation. Having worked in an organisation that operates globally, cultural
Management, People and Teams | Report_3

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