
Management Practices Assignment Sample


Added on  2021-04-17

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Management Practice 1MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Student’s NameProfessor’s NameUniversityCityDate
Management Practices Assignment Sample_1

Management Practice 2Management Practice Component 1Presentations call for a widespread input to accomplish the ultimate need for a presentation and meeting the needs of a target client. As such, it needs composure, organization, and confidence in outlining information in a fashionable manner. Working as a group proved profitable for me due to the extensive knowledge I received. Group projects that are appropriately organized can cement skills that can be of help to both individual and group work, including the ability to: Breaking down complex tasks into more straightforward and workable parts and steps, time management and planning and most critically via explanation and discussion edifying classroom understanding (Cohen and Lotan 2014).Working as a group assisted me to discover the essence of group effort where the knowledge unknown to me was delivered and the gap covered by the rest of the team. At the same time, it gave me the chance to specialize in an aspect that is familiar to me and added more knowledge emanating from the group discussions held. At some time, I felt uncomfortable to prepare for the presentation as I was a little bit nervous. However, I gained the courage from observing the rest of the team present during our personal rehearsal moments thus gained confidence and new styles of presentations. Besides, working in a group taught me a lot of things such as accompanying body movements and speech in fostering understanding to the audience (Potoski and Callery 2018). The group assisted me discover the leadership in me as exhibited in guiding and remaining in charge of the presentation.Further, the experience obtained therein remains beneficial to my future career and communication capability. There are numerous benefits of classroom presentation: Group 2
Management Practices Assignment Sample_2

Management Practice 3projects can help learners to build in them an assemblage of skills that are increasingly critical in the workplaces and even the nonexecutive encounters (Caruso & Woolley, 2008; Mannix & Neale, 2005). At the same time, working in a group taught me the fact that not all aspects planned occur within scope and thus learned to appreciate the aspect of working on challenges for a better and enhanced future performance. Presently, I can confidently become a leader having understood the management of a group and aspects ranging from conflict resolution, communicating issues and proper guidelines during presentation of information. Success in group presentation comes from proper leadership from a group leader in the ability to organize individuals and inspect their personal contribution to reflect the overall goal of a question at hand. Component 2Effective Communication In the course, I enjoyed the effective communication topic which I think left a lot to be desired during my study and future career. I learned substantive information on coordination, planning, organizing, and controlling functions in the field of communication. At no time can one conduct all the activities perfectly as an individual and thus needs group efforts where each is experienced in their field thus delivering final success based on an organization’s objective (Gundersen and Berg 2016). In this, I discovered that different individuals specialized in varied fields contribute immensely to the overall performance of an organization. In such a case, there is no a ‘one fit all’personality thus justifying the application of the Belbin theory in the aspect of communication roles. Belbin theory on team role model has a direct relation to the elements in communication 3
Management Practices Assignment Sample_3

Management Practice 4while working as a group (Simpson and Richards 2015). According to the theory, there exist no wrong or right answers and no particular team role is greater than the other as long as one understands their strengths and allowable weakness on a given role. After such an understanding,one can best utilize the strengths to deliver success to a group effort.As such, it fits the definition of the tendency to behave, interrelate and contribute with others in a specified manner. The aspect contributes effectively in the field of communication. During group presentations, assigning of roles are given based on individual’s ability to deliver where one role is no better than the other. As such, every little effort by the members determines the overall group performance in the long-run. At the same time, I enjoyed the importance of communication topic where several discoveries were made. Communication allows us several aspects such as interaction, persuasion,control, influence, and management. Without proper communication, reaching an agreement becomes a nightmare thus the need to exercise the same effectively in organizations (Mackenzie,Golembiewski and Rahim 2018).I feel that the present knowledge acquired from the Beiben theory and the importance of communication would assist me become a better communicator and implementer in team work. Iunderstand that my future career shall involve working with different people and thus have to learn to appreciate, discover, and allow them to exude their competency in attaining overall organization goals. The newly found knowledge would undoubtedly be essential in my future operation and communication needs not only at workplace but also in my daily social life. 4
Management Practices Assignment Sample_4

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