
Personal and Professional Skills for Management (Pass Criteria)


Added on  2023-06-12

8 Pages2583 Words420 Views
Personal and
Professional Skills for
Personal and Professional Skills for Management (Pass Criteria)_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
The knowledge and understanding of conflict management is used to resolve a situation of
conflict at work and A clear understanding of coaching, its benefits and how the use of
appropriate coaching techniques ( Listening, Questioning, Clarifying and Feedback) and
models can be used to improve the performance of an individual at work............................3
Personal and Professional Skills for Management (Pass Criteria)_2

Conflict management is an activity of being capable to understand as well as manage the
conflicts in the company effectually, sensibly and fairly as well. Having conflicts in the
organisation are the natural element of the workplace, this is the essential as there are many
people that knows the issues and understand how to overcome them. It is crucial in current
business market more than earlier. All the people are attempting to represent that how much
valuable people are to the firm they operate in and sometimes it can might lead to the issues with
other people in the company (Binici, 2021). In addition to it, management of conflict is the
process of dealing with several disagreements as well as incompatibilities which are arises in the
company. The following report will cover about the knowledge and understanding of conflict
management is used to resolve a situation of conflict at work. Moreover to it, a clear
understanding of coaching, its benefits and how the use of appropriate coaching techniques
( Listening, Questioning, Clarifying and Feedback) and models can be used to improve the
performance of an individual at work.
The knowledge and understanding of conflict management is used to resolve a situation of
conflict at work and A clear understanding of coaching, its benefits and how the use of
appropriate coaching techniques ( Listening, Questioning, Clarifying and Feedback) and
models can be used to improve the performance of an individual at work.
There are several ways which can assist the managers in order to resolve the condition of
the conflict in the workplace of the organisation. Managers need to clarify that what is the source
of the organisational conflict. The initial step in the management of conflict is basically
clarifying the source of it. Understanding the reason of the conflict will support them to know
that how the conflicts has enhanced in the company. Moreover, managers will also be capable to
get all the parties to accept to what the issue is and in order to do this, leaders require to
communicate the wants that are not be addressed by all the parties (Bishop, Kayes, and
McPherson, 2021). They need to make sure that they possess information regarding the outlook
of the each side. Consistent asking for till they are more confident which all the parties involved
in conflicts understand the problem. In addition to it, management need to find a suitable as well
as private area in order to communicate. As several peopl usually thinks and ask that “which
Personal and Professional Skills for Management (Pass Criteria)_3

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