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Sustainable Management Marketing


Added on  2023/03/29

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This document provides an overview of the background and importance of Plastic Collective in sustainable management marketing. It discusses the strategies and issues faced by the organization, as well as alternative strategies to address these issues. The document also includes an analysis of the situation and recommendations for future improvement.

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1. Background
1.1 Background of plastic collective
Plastic Collective is an organization that is concerned with environmentalsustainability
that was founded by Louise Hardman. The aim of the organization is to empower communities,
application of innovative tools and sustainable eradication of plastic materials in the
environment. In order to achieve this vision and mission of the organization, the organization
came up with programs, and community or business involvement through Plastic Certification
business environment. The organization has various equipment and tools that remove the plastic
through the shredding process. This the Plastic Collective has used to empower communities and
businesses through seminars and workshop training. In addition, the organization is working to
remove the huge amount of plastic wastes and awareness creation among the communities living
near water bodies to reduce these plastic issues. The organization has various activities that it
carrie out during its programs as shown the figure below (Plastic Collective 2019).
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Figure 1: Plastic Collective events
1.2 Importance of the Plastic Collective
Plastic Collective plays an important role in the economy of the country. Firstly, the
company reduces the impact of the plastic material in the waterways. Secondly, the company
improves theeconomic impact of plastic in the country. The impact of plastic in the environment
reduces the benefits that the country gets from tourism, wildlife, and other
environmentalbenefits. Removal of plastic from waterways makes the environment appear
beautiful and attracts tourist that bring benefits to the economy. Thirdly, provides the knowledge
that is required for the reduction of plastic and its impact on the environment. The company has
been educating the public, community, and professionals on the chemistry that assist in reducing
the amount of plastic channeled to the waterways (Hansen & Schaltegger 2014).
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2. Body of knowledge
2.1 Plastic collective sustainability-related strategy
The vision and mission the company revolves around the eradication of plastic and
community empowerment. The strategies that the company uses to realize its sustainable
objectives are related to the vision and mission of the company. The mission of the company is
to empower the community by transforming plastic waste into resources. The plastic collective
as a company has some strategies that help it achieve sustainable goals and these include the
provision of tools and equipment, training and creation of awareness. The organization gives its
key priority as shown in the figure below (Schaltegger, Windolph & Hörisch 2014).
Figure 2: overal Plastci colective priority areas

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Firstly, the company has various training programs that are used to reach communities
that live within that remote places of the country on the dangers of plastic in the waterways. In
addition, the company is training people from the business community also on the importance of
reducing the amount of plastic in the environment. Secondly, the creation of awareness among
the community and businesses is another strategy that plastic collective has invested in a
sustainable way to reduce plastic. This enables the collective plastic to empower the community
to know the importance and impact of the plastic reduction in the environment. Thirdly,
provision of the plastic removal tools and equipment to both business and community is another
sustainable strategy that the company uses to reach its objectives (Giesler & Veresiu 2014).
2.2 Identification of sustainability-related issues faced by
Plastic Collective
There are some sustainable issues that the organization faces in dealing with plastic
eradication. Firstly, the international sustainable scope that involves the organization working
with various global sustainable organization and governments is an issue. Secondly, evaluation
of the organization activities is another area that needs focus as the company needs to have its
activities evaluated for corporate responsibility. The evaluation is an important aspect of the
organization that assists in the identification of areas that has not been explored. Thirdly, the
digital plastic monitoring system is another issue that the organization is faced with as this will
increase the speed of identification of areas that are affected (Jones 2017).
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3. Explanation of the case and synthesis with theory
3.1 Three alternative strategies to address the issue
There are some alternative strategies to deal with issues that have been identified as key
facing the Plastic Collective organization. Firstly, international sustainability branding of the
organization that works to gain international recognition in sustainability or corporate social
responsibility is another strategy. Joining international environmental movement and networks is
key for ensuring the company achieves its plastic eradication goal (Tueth 2010).The various
international organization that monitors to protect the waterways and other environmental issues
is a strategy that will ensure getting government support to deal with the plastic problem.
Secondly, the development of digital plastic monitoring system is another strategy that is linked
to oceans and has the capability to detect the amount of plastic within a certain area. The internal
monitoring system is also part of the digital transformation of the Plastic Collective that will
ensure that the company realizes its goals effectively. Thirdly, evaluation is another strategy that
will evaluate the operation of the organization in various projects to ensure that the objectives are
realized. In addition, the evaluation of the organization’s sustainability based on corporate
responsibility is important for future sustainability (Cramer 2018).
4. Analysis of the situation
4.1 Strategy Implementation
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The management of the organization is structured to allow the development of programs
and projects that aim to achieve a sustainable system. There are various functional aspects of the
organizations that will ensure the improvement of the organization.
4.1.1 The role of planning
Planning for the future strategies of the plastic collective involves some objectives. The
objectives are to eradicate plastic on the large waterways that include oceans and seas. The
second objective is to apply digital tools in sustainable eradication and monitoring of plastic in
the environment (Schaltegger, Lüdeke-Freund & Hansen 2012).
4.1.2 Role of organizing
The organization will develop an international sustainable framework that includes areas
to focus on as an organization and other partners. The second aspect of the organizing function is
to develop and use the digital evaluation, monitoring, and forecasting tool.The sustainable
framework that shows its ability to plan various sustainable programs that aim at reducing or
eradicating plastic in the larger water bodies. The organization, therefore, develop
comprehensive plan engraved within this framework to ensure empowerment of the community
through connection, certification, and partnership with other organizations in the eradication of
plastic material through equipment (Rashid, Asif, Krajnik & Nicolescu 2013).
4.1.3 Role of leading

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Management 8
The implemtation of the strategies will be caried out by the project implementation team
that normaly take responsibility over various projects. In addition, the taks will be dirrectly
monitored by the senior managemnt since the scope of ths strategies requires wide connection.
4.1.4 Controlling
The Plastic Collective controlling function that ensures that the organization fully
implement the strategies is based on the evaluation and monitoring operations. Firstly, the digital
monitoring system functions both as a monitoring system and a sustainable system. The
monitoring aspect of the digital organizational strategy will help in monitoring various projects
around the world. Secondly, the organization’s overall evaluation and reporting system is another
area that will ensure that all operation runs to completion. The organization through its project
implementation team will evaluate the extent of completion of projects to ensure its realize its
objectives (Geissdoerfer, Morioka, de Carvalho & Evans 2018).
There are some indicators that will help determines the achievement of project goals.
Firstly, project outcomes interms of the number of communities and areas reached are the first
indicator that will show achievement within one year. Secondly, the number of plastic remains
and wastes that have been shredded will also act as an indicator of the implementation of the
project within one year of implementation. Lastly, percentage completion of projects as reported
by the project team is another area that also shows the achievement. Determining the percentage
completion of the project is some important indicators that can assist the organization to
determines its course (Bansal & DesJardine 2014).
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Management 9
In light of the analysis of the Plastic Collective, there are some recommendations that are
important for future improvement. The company needs to come up with modern technologies
that assist in the identification and monitoring of plastic high places. The company can develop
identification and mapping technologies that are important for identifying areas with a huge
amount of plastic or are where plastic is channeled into the environment. Secondly, the
organization needs to come up with comprehensive operational evaluation framework and
system that will ensure the evaluation of its projects. Evaluation framework offers the company
an opportunity to complete its projects according to its goals and objectives. Lastly, the
organization needs to form a connection with both the government and other organizations with
the aim of increasing its operations within the environment. Connection with the government
will help increase it's business plastic neutral environmentcertification within the country. In
addition, the connection with other international organizations is important for widening its
operations to reach the international level (Edgeman & Eskildsen 2013).
In conclusion, sustainability is an important aspect of business operations that ensure
corporate social responsibility of business. Plastic Collectivehas a wider scope that involves
communities and businesses to carries out the sustainable eradication of plastic wastes within the
environment especially waterways. In order to achieve this noble task, the organization has some
strategies that ensure smooth operations. There are some other alternative strategies that will help
the organization realize the global goals of plastic eradication in collaboration with other
international organizations that are also part of the sustainable environmentalgoal.
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Bansal, P. & DesJardine, M. R. (2014) Business sustainability: It is about time. Strategic
Organization vol.12, no.1, pp 70-78.
Cramer, A. (Jan 29, 2018) Redefining Sustainable Business: Management for a Rapidly
Changing World, Business for Social Responsibility. Available at
[accessed on 2, June 2019]
Edgeman, R. &Eskildsen, J. (2013) Modeling, and Assessing Sustainable Enterprise Excellence.
Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol.23, pp 173. doi:10.1002/bse.1779

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Management 11
Geissdoerfer, M., Morioka, S.M., de Carvalho, M.M. & Evans, S. (2018) Business models and
supply chains for the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.190, pp 712–721.
Giesler, M. & Veresiu, E. (2014) Creating the Responsible Consumer: Moralistic Governance
Regimes and Consumer Subjectivity. Journal of Consumer Research, vol.41 (October): pp 849–
867. doi:10.1086/677842
Hansen, E. & Schaltegger, S. (2014) The sustainability balanced scorecard. A systematic review
of architectures, Journal of Business Ethics, Springer
Jones, G. (2017) Profits and Sustainability. A History of Green Entrepreneurship.Oxford
University Press.
Plastic Collective (2018) Home of The Plastic Collective, Available at [accessed on 2, June 2019]
Rashid, A., Asif, F.M.A.; Krajnik, P., & Nicolescu, C.M. (2013) Resource Conservative
Manufacturing: an essential change in business and technology paradigm for sustainable
manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.57: pp 166–177.
Schaltegger, S., Windolph, H.D. &Hörisch, J. (Eds.) (2014) Corporate Sustainability in
International Comparison: the State of Practice, Opportunities, and Challenges. Cham: Springer
International Publishing.
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Management 12
Schaltegger, S., Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Hansen, E. (2012) Business cases for sustainability. the
role of business model innovation for corporate sustainability, International Journal of
Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No. 2, 95-119
Tueth, M. (2010) Fundamentals of Sustainable Business: A Guide to the Next 100 years.
Hackensack: World Scientific Publishing Co
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