
Financial Aspects and Sources of Capital Funds - Report


Added on  2020-07-23

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Financial Aspects and Sources of Capital Funds - Report_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................3TASK 1.......................................................................................................................................................31.1Ascertaining the difference between management and financial accounting...............................31.2 purpose of various financial statement in profit and non-profit organization.....................................41.3 ascertaining the group of stakeholders and their specific requirements.............................................5TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................72.1 Analyzing the financial health of Stratford Yachts Ltd......................................................................72.2 presenting the report which ascertains the financial performance of business...................................8CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................10
Financial Aspects and Sources of Capital Funds - Report_2

INTRODUCTIONTo perform the business operations the requirements of finance and funds is the mostessential thing. There are various sources from which the firm can become able to gather theadequate amount of funds. The present report will elaborate the financial aspects and the sourcesthrough which the firm can gather capital funds for the business activities. There will bediscussion over Stratford Yachts Ltd. Financial health and the managers will be suggested thefruitful techniques will be implicate as to have improvements in the financial health of thebusiness.TASK 11.1Ascertaining the difference between management and financial accountingIn accordance with the perspective and importance of this terms which in turn helpfulcontrolling of internal and external accounts of organization. The motive of such accountingtechniques to improve the financial stability as well as bring the capital strength on which firmwill have adequate growth. The managements accounting is useful for executing and managingthe internal operations of the entity such as executing the operations in each units. It alsodetermines the preparation of budgets for each activity which in turn used for enhancing thegrowth (DePasquale and et.al., 2017). Thus, the implication of such technique benefits theprofessionals in analyzing the outcomes as well as in accurate decision making. On the otherside, in accordance with the financial accounts, these are the accounts which were made out ofthe summary of various accounts which will be presented among the external users of suchaccounts such as investors, shareholders, and government and banking authorities. These are theusers which seek for the financial conditions of the organization. Therefore, there has beenvarious differences among such accounting terms such as:BasisManagement accountingFinancial accountingPurposeThese are the accounts whichare being prepared with themotive of making accurate andefficient decision which willThese are the accounts whichwere being prepared fordisclosing the financial healthamong the external users. The
Financial Aspects and Sources of Capital Funds - Report_3

improve the internalperformance of entity.main motive is to attract theinvestors for capital funding.UsefulnessIt is quite essential ormandatory to be prepared.It is optional (Yawar andSeuring, 2018).UsersAll the external users such asshareholders, governmentauthorities and bankingagencies.Used by internal stakeholdersto improve the cost efficiencyand up bringing theperformance level of entity.FrequencyThese are being prepared onquarterly, half yearly andannual basis.These are on the daily basis oras needed and required.ScopeThe preparation of suchaccounts is on the basis of pasttransactions which will beused for the motive ofimproving the companystrength (Hoekstra and et.al.,2017).There will be discussion isover the production andinternal process of thebusiness which will bemodified and changed as perrequirements.1.2 purpose of various financial statement in profit and non-profit organizationIn relation with the financial statements these are the data sheet which contains all thefinancial history of the business. Therefore, this statement represents the efficiency of thebusiness in meeting the short term as well as long term debts of entity which will be fruitful forthe shareholders to make investments. They seek the information about the annual turnover andprofits earned by the business over a period which will be profitable to them in having thefruitful returns over their investments (Knowing the Differences Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Accounting, 2015). Thus, many profit and non-profit organizations use such accountingtechniques which will be helpful to them in revenue gathering as well as to have effective controlover cost utilization. There has been preparation of various statements such as:Statements used by the profit organization:
Financial Aspects and Sources of Capital Funds - Report_4

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