
Boosting Sales Team Performance: The Role of Team Leaders


Added on  2019-10-01

12 Pages3162 Words165 Views
Boosting Sales Team Performance: The Role of Team Leaders_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1TASK 1: Evaluating Effectiveness of Current Sales Performance Management Tools andTechniques............................................................................................................................................11.1 Theories of Motivation..........................................................................................................11.2 Explaining Link between Motivation and Performance.......................................................22.1 Explaining need to monitor Sales Team Performance..........................................................32.2 Identifying tools required for monitoring Performance........................................................32.3 Key Performance Indicators and their roles..........................................................................32.4 Managing Performance Variances........................................................................................42.5 Importance of two-way Communication..............................................................................52.6 Support to the performance of sales team members.............................................................52.7 Explaining impact of members on sales performance..........................................................6TASK 2: Producing Training Notes to assist Sales Manager is regards to recruitment andSelection of Sales Team.......................................................................................................................63.1 Reviewing Staffing levels in light of Organisation’s Strategy and Budgets.........................63.2 Explaining process of Recruitment and Selection................................................................63.3 Developing a job profile for a Sales Person..........................................................................73.4 Developing Person Specification for Sales Person...............................................................73.5 Contribution to Selection Interviews....................................................................................8CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................9
Boosting Sales Team Performance: The Role of Team Leaders_2

INTRODUCTIONManaging a sales team is an Art that requires dedication and efforts of sales manager and alsosupport of the organisation. It could be difficult to strike the right balance betweenoverwhelming sales representatives and encouraging top performance with impossible goals.Success of a sales manager depends upon the ability and performance of its sales team. Thus, toeffectively manage sales team, manager needs to keep in mind various points that are discussedin this report.TASK 1: Evaluating Effectiveness of Current Sales Performance ManagementTools and Techniques1.1 Theories of MotivationTo have an efficient sales performance, organisation needs to motivate sales team as it is keycomponent of effective selling. Different people get motivated in different ways and for thisvarious theories of motivation have been proposed that explains trigger points that motivatespeople.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: This theory compresses human needs into five basic categories.Maslow categorised all human needs into hierarchy beginning from basic needs to the need ofself-actualisation (Theories of Motivation to increase productivity, 2018). As per his theory,lowest unsatisfied need becomes the most dominant one which activates a person to act in orderto fulfil that need. On the other part, once the need is satisfied, it does not motivate a person anymore. Thus, individuals may get satisfied or dissatisfied from their work depending upon thecharacteristics and environment of job as they seek for higher level needs. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory: This theory describes some factors that are classified asMotivation Factors and Hygiene Factors. Motivating factors are those that cause motivation andjob satisfaction once met, while Hygiene Factors are those that cause dissatisfaction amongindividuals if not met ( Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman, 1959). This theory emphasises uponthe satisfaction of Hygiene factors as those factors are needed to ensure that employee is notdissatisfied.
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Vroom’s Expectancy Theory: As per Vroom’s theory, behaviour and action of a person dependsupon Expectancy, Instrumentality and Valence. Expectancy is the belief that the outcome ofefforts will be better performance, Instrumentality is the belief to receive an award if expectedperformance is met and lastly Valence is the value that an individual places on the reward basedon their goals, needs and values (Kaplan and Norton, 1992). According to Expectancy theory,Motivational Force = Expectancy x Instrumentality x ValenceIf any among this is Zero then there will be Zero motivation among employees.McClelland Theory: This theory focuses on satisfying existing needs of an individual rather thandeveloping or creating further needs (Auh, Spyropoulou, Menguc and Uslu, 2014). McClellandaffirms that there are three major motivators:Achievement: Need to achieve mastery or competenceAffiliation: Need for love and belongingnessPower: Need for controlling self or other’s workAbove mentioned needs could lead to variety and diversity among employees.1.2 Explaining Link between Motivation and PerformanceSales manager has a strong influence on working conditions and thus can have both positive andnegative effect on employee motivation. Employees of MARKETING EYE can be de-motivatedif motivational factors are not considered. For example, if an employee has achieved a targetperformance and is not recognised, it may lead to dissatisfaction which eventually will causenegative impact on his performance (Motivation and Performance, 2018). Further, employeescan be motivated by giving them responsibility and making them realise their worth to theorganisation. More will be the motivation more effective will be their performance.According to Hackman and Oldham, if there is a meaningful job with some responsibility andthe results are known in advance then an employee’s performance can be increased (Maslow,1943). Therefore, to boost performance along with motivation, MARKETING EYE needs tocreate clear sales target which are then linked back to the valuable incentives.
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