
Project Management and Performance Review


Added on  2020-07-22

23 Pages5534 Words32 Views
Project Management and Performance Review_1

Project Management and Performance Review_2

Digital technology is considered as the emerging concept which is followed by the firm
in today’s era. Normally people are those who are using such for business development, it has
completely changed the business in very much efficient manner. Earlier it was seen that
traditional method was used to do innovation or growth but now it has seen that technology has
already taken places in great way. Although these technologies has made the small company to
to develop in near future in better context. Technology is also seen as one time investment by
companies and thus it makes them to earn higher profits in for longer period of time. The report
is based on Unicorn Groceries which serve millions of people with their fresh-processed dried
drinks and food items which is organic in nature. The firm is founded in year 1996 and number
of employees working with firm is around 70. In this project report the aims and objectives with
management plan, action plan will be done which is related with impact of digital technology on
small business. Along with this, data analysis with interpretation will be done as a part of
P1 Aims and objectives.
Small business organization play a very important role in the society as it aims in
development and increase in productivity of the business. With the introduction new and
advanced digital technology that foster continuous growth and sustainable market share so that
they can able to produce products that lead to fulfillment of customers’ demands in effective and
efficient manner. Unicorn grocery is a co-operative society which sell number of dried, fresh and
processed drinks and food items and it’s organic in nature. It is among the largest independent
grocery in UK as compared to its competitors. As it is small scale business organization adoption
of modern and innovative technology helps in producing high quality of products as well as
goods that will yield high outcomes in form of profits and goodwill. There are number of
activities that are performed in single business organizations hence, it become necessary to study
nature of these actions so that particular decision could be made in order to bring various positive
changes in the system that will result into achievement of final goals and purposes in adequate
Topic: Impact of Digital Technology in supporting small business growth and innovation
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Background of the Project:
As every business have to operate in dynamic business environment, technology play a
vital role in their development process hence, it supports its growth and results into working with
innovations process. In Unicorn Groceries it is necessary to make changes according to the need
and wants of customer’s demands so that they can deliver high quality organic products and
goods to their customers so that they remain happy and satisfied for longer period of time. There
are number of options that are available in front of the management, they have to value all these
factors and choose most appropriate options that will bring high growth and sustainability in to
the business. There are number of resources that have to be utilized efficiently and optimally
thus, it become important to gather all these resources in such manner so that all these coordinate
properly in order to accomplish final goals and objectives in set time period.
Aim: To examine the impact of digital technology in bringing innovation and growth in small
and medium sized business organization”
To find out the needs and wants by making effective utilization of digital technology
system in Unicorn Groceries.
To evaluate the positive impact of digital technology in Unicorn Groceries.
To locate number of methods through which Unicorn Groceries can able to achieve
significant market growth and share in current market place.
Research Questions:
What are the influences that will allow Unicorn Groceries to analyze the impact of digital
technology in the business organization?
What are the requirements that allow Unicorn Groceries to use digital technology system
to their system?
How to evaluate the importance of digital technology on various business transactions
and operations in order to transform their work into successful structure?
What are the advantages attached to digital utilization of technology?
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P2 Project management plan.
If any work has been done with planning then the chance of receiving the success also
gets increases. If this work is being done with better plan then it will definitely get good result.
So, when doing the better project then, therefore it becomes the responsibility of the project
manager to provide the proper management plan in right context so that every activity can be
done and completed on time as well in better way. Project management plan is such which do
include the activities which will going to take place while working in better manner as well.
Moreover, it is being considered as the formal document which is somewhere necessary to be
produced with the help of various things in better manner, with manager guide, monitor and also
control the employees in right way. Although managers are such which has to work in between
the team members on some basis of their abilities. So, there are some steps which help company
to allow the chances of making project successful in great way.
Resources: Unicorn Groceries are such which is using the different sources for
conducting the effective market research. There are human resource, workers, funding, capital
with, technological resources in great manner and thus it also include the latest technique in great
manner. Having major resources are those which exist for the completion of task of work by
several thing with doing research collection of data is there.
Time: This is among the leading factor which does help in managing the business
function and various activities as well in proper manner too according to the given time period as
well. Certain activities are there which do help in deciding the aims and objectives with primary
and secondary data research, with management plan etc. This is somehow it is necessary for the
company to have proper maintenance of time which does help in doing effective research.
Researcher is such which also should design Gantt Chart and critical path for allotting time in
various parts which does assist in correct decision.
Communication: It is such unicorn groceries should have communicate effectively with
their customer and thus it also attract the purchasing firm with product and services in better
manner. They do use internal communication tool and thus they do resolve the business problem
with issues and thus make them to occur within organization in right context too.
Risk management: This is considered as the essential part of project which is having
risk which is arising from the business activity and having an major functions which does help in
reducing and also remove in effective way too. An Firm is such who use digital technology for
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identifying the risk factor which does create the issues and problems and occur at the time of
taking decision in right manner. Although, it is required that the project and activity should have
been done on time and rest of time which is save it will be used for doing an extra work. All the
major risk is that which will be found on investing large amount of money.
Quality control: It is that procedure which do state the maintenance in their product
quality and services which do have serve large number of people in the huge market place.
Unicorn Groceries is that which already based on quality based goods and services which they
have an less complaint against the product with most of users like their product. Although they
can also help in of modern techniques which will somewhere manufacture the good quality
product and less time period which use less amount of quality product and services in right
context too.
P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart
When UNICORN Grocery is starting a new project in market for completing this on time
it is essential to manage entire activity of business properly. In this process work breakdown
structure and Gantt chart helps. How these both work its description is given below:-
Work breakdown structure- this involves objectives and strategy of organisation which
is important to be achieved in specified time period. For accomplishing this work breakdown
structure is best way because in it work is divided in small parts and assigned to different
employees. As well for completing all these activities time duration is decided and given to
personnel also. Thus, they have to do work on the specified time period. Generally these are
short term goals and when these are achieved it motivate staff members. Hence, work break
down structure help in achieving goals and objective of UNICORN grocery on time in effective
manner. Instead of this, it remove work pressure of individual person as well other staff thing
they are also involved in company when duty ansd responsibility is assigned to them.
Gantt chart- this mainly illustrate schedule of project with its finishing time. In this
width of horizontal bars represent duration of activity which is to be accomplished on specified
time duration. Along with this, its shows starting and finishing time of work assigned to each and
every employees. Although, when services and products are rendered to customers on time with
fine quality it can easily satisfy them. Gantt chart is mainly used by enterprise for competition
their work on time. It is made in the form of pyramid. Below mention are action plan which is
formed by company:-
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