
Managing a Successful Business Project INTRODUCTION


Added on  2020-07-23

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Managing a SuccessfulBusiness Project
Managing a Successful Business Project INTRODUCTION_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Projects objectives and aims..................................................................................................1P2 Project management plan ......................................................................................................2P3 Action plan and time line ......................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P4 Organising small scale research using primary and secondary methods ..............................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P5 Evaluation and interpretation of project outcome .................................................................9P6 Recommendation of finding ...............................................................................................17TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................18P7 Reflection on research conducted .......................................................................................18CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20.......................................................................................................................................................21
Managing a Successful Business Project INTRODUCTION_2

INTRODUCTION Introduction of advancement in hospitality sector is very important part of the businessdevelopment and success. It is supporting the world in innovating in an essential manner. It willassist in advancing the activities and functions of organisation. This is considered as an essentialand supporting part in enlarging business operation in all over the world. It is apply by allorganisation with motive of attaining desire targets and values of business entity. It is veryimportant or beneficial for them to capture large number of market share (Ahmed Dine Rabehand et. al., 2013). One of the best and effective benefits of this to give different possibility togather necessary data or information for long period. Further, important quality of advancementis that it assist the entity to do promotion and advertisement of its products and services. This report is based on Thomson, is a travel and tourism industry in United Kingdom.This assignment shown about the project objective, aim and its development in the company. Inthis hospitality sector use different types of tools and technique's such as Gantt chart and Work-Break Down structure which is also includes in this study. In order to conduct research program,company use qualitative and quantitative approach in an effective manner. TASK 1P1 Projects objectives and aimsProject management is very important for the business success and development. It is thediscipline of planning, controlling, executing, closing and initiating the work of a group in orderto attain specific objectives and meet particular development at the limited time. Advancedtechnology is very essential and vital part because it capture different market share and attractlarge number of the visitors towards travelling services. So it is significant in order to decreasinguses of old approaches which is good for achievement of long term goals. In modern world,wants and requirements of clients are change in quick way (Chesbrough, 2010). It is significantfor organisation in order to satisfy their travellers needs and generate maximum revenue. Forattainment of desire objectives and goals, advancement is essential at the same. One of the mainbenefits of advancement in business operation is give different benefits to them in an effectiveand efficient manner.Topic: How Advancement in travel and tourism sector improve business performance. 1
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Project Background: Advancement in hospitality sector help the company in order to attractlarge number of the customers in an effective manner. With the use of this, company can achievelong term goals and objectives in an easy manner. It is use by Thomson in their businessoperation and function which support them in easily communicate with their customers.Thomson use Cloud technology which is a part of advancement, it is help organisation in orderto gather large information or data from one place to another (Crane and Matten, 2016). In thiscompany use various promotional mix in regards to transmit with its regular basis visitors andmake then alert regrading quality of its products. Aims: To expand the business operations all over the world – A case study on Thomson Objectives:To analysis different tools and techniques in order to achieve long term benefits. To determine needs and wants of travellers during visiting any destination. To analysis effectiveness and efficiency of advancement on business function or activity. To attain maximum profit and revenues by fulfilling clients basic requirement. Research Questions:How effective advancement is to alteration business activities?Why is essential to modify operations of business? How implementation of advancement in hospitality sector will take place?How customers can be attracted through the advancement in services by hospitality?P2 Project management plan In order to preparing an effective management plan is very essential and important for theThomson. It is a service provide travel and tourism industry that required better plan in regradesto attract million number of clients towards business facilities and product. It is also necessaryand significant part of the comply success and development (Den Hertog and et. al., 2010).Tourism wants to bring innovative variation in their services and goods as well as introduceadvancement for their travellers. Due to this, they are needed to show respond on entire pointswhich are determine under this: Scope of project: In the modern world, project scope is very advanced because there arelarge number of opportunities for the persons. So it is beneficial for achievement of higherprofitability and productivity of company. So, with the use of this factor Thomson can take itsoperations and functions in all worldwide. In this company use different communication channel2
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such as promotional, advertisement and other activities towards introduce their holiday tripinformation to clients. Project scope in the organisation is more essential and important for theThomson in order to maximise their sales in proper time period.Risk management: It is a basic element which is face by each and every organisation intheir business operations. Thomson is a travel and tourism industry in United Kingdom, it isfamous and popular sector which provides different facilities to their customers on daily basis. Inthe UK they have strong position but not like the upper travelling company (Doherty and et. al.,2012). So, in this management of the firm has to look minimum risk in their project that has beenorganised by them. They have to evaluate the uncertainty and take better judgement on timeperiod that will be capable to fulfilled on given time. In the organisation company face differentrisk in its products, process and many other that highly effects on business performance andproductivity. They also faced various issues regarding different customers are not aware aboutadvanced technology. Quality control: It is one of the essential part in which an organisation has to work orfunction because, there are large number of business already running advancement in their firm.Due to this, Thomson should organise a strong factor in which it should try to understand bythem as well not. It is another important part for the company to improve their services andproduct quality which attract large number of the customers towards travelling services. Cost: It is essential and vital part of the business development and growth. In this projectcost is so much high by providing advancement in technology and innovation in their operations.Organisation has enough fund and amount for managing entire activities in an effective manner.Cost of project about travel and tourism products also influence of business operations andfunctions in an effective manner. If there are different competitors who are provide sameservices which effect on company. Time: For success and development of effective project, time management is highlyrequired. In this manager of company provide different kind of facility and products on time totime to their potential and target customers effectively. Travelling sector have various time intheir to their development and research division for implementing innovative project insuccessful manner. Communication: Proper transmission is an essential and significant part of the successand development of company. For completing successful project in given time period, therefore3
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should better communication among the workforce of business and entire information or datashould be shared independently (Eckerson, 2010). So in this effective judgement related to themanger is done in an efficient manner. P3 Action plan and time line There are two essential elements such as work-Break Down structure and Gantt chartwhich are important for the business development and growth. All those are important inachieving long term goals and objectives of company in desired time period. These are identifyunder this:Work-Break Down structure: It is identify as an effective and significant structure thatincludes of business targets and values. It is necessary to attain in a specific period and alsohandling them within set duration (Gebauer and et. al., 2010). In this Thomson divided their allwork into different department and person, further, all work is easily done without any difficulty.It also assist them in decreasing workload and tension from an individual. Gantt chart: It is also important aspects to make an effective plan and activity whileorganising research and investigation for the organisation. It is helpful for the entity in order toreduce wastage and utilise proper resources in a systematic manner (Incelli, 2013). There arecertain phase to conduct investigation which is needed by each and every company in theirbusiness operations are as follows: 1.Recognise the cause for which investigation in organised 2.Evaluate the literature3.Clarify the issue 4.Identify concept and term of study 5.Respondents or population on which investigation will execute 6.Create instrumentation plan 7.Gather necessary information and data about clients wants or needs 8.Examine the information 4
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