
Managing a Successful Business Project


Added on  2023-01-11

25 Pages4881 Words23 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHigher EducationPolitical Science
Managing a Successful
Business Project
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................5
P1 Aims and objectives...............................................................................................................5
P2 Project management plan.......................................................................................................7
P3 Gantt chart and WBS..............................................................................................................9
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................12
P4 Small scale research.............................................................................................................12
P5 Interpretation of findings......................................................................................................14
P6 Recommendations................................................................................................................23
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................24
P7 Reflection.............................................................................................................................24
Managing a Successful Business Project_1

“ For determination of the strategies and initiatives that can be helpful for an organization
in developing an diverse and inclusive workforce”. The case study has to be done over Tesco.
Business is an expanding itself and competition in the market that is increasing and it is
important for the employees of a company to be highly skilled and talented. This is necessary for
working together into a coordinative manner to achieving of goals. Trend should be there to have
diverse workforce within the company that has unique and variety of skills, talents, backgrounds
and experiences this has to be increased to gain competitiveness within the market. That is why it
is important to have diverse workforce within an organization to work together. Such thing is
going to help the company in fulfilling of its objectives on time. This assignment is based upon
Tesco plc that is an British multinational supermarket which has been established in 1919 and
has its headquarters in England. The companies employees has more than 450000 employees in
its 6800 shops which are located all over the world. Further in this assignment an importance of
having an inclusive and diverse workforce is going to be covered with strategies that is helpful in
building of such environment at workplace. Also an small scale research has to be carried out
with various research tools.
P1 Aims and objectives
An inclusive workforce is that kind of workforce within which an organization has been
valued through including of opinion and views while taking decisions in order to make
employees feel important towards an organization. Also it leads towards improving of
performance and commitment towards organization. It leads towards achieving of goals in
effective manner. This creates an harmony among workers that creates an friendly working
environment in an company.
Managing a Successful Business Project_2

Aim: “ Determining of strategies and initiative that is going to help an organization in
developing of an inclusive and diverse workforce”. A case study on Tesco plc.
For creating knowledge over inclusive workforce
Determination of strategies and initiative which can be use by Tesco for creating an
diverse workforce.
Identifying of advantages of such workforce is necessary.
Research questions:
What is an inclusive workforce in an oragnization?
Which strategies and initiatives can be used by company to create an inclusive and
diverse workforce?
What are the advantages of having such a workforce?
Literature Review
Inclusive workforce in a company
As per (Nagorny-Koring and Nochta, 2018) having an inclusive workforce within an
organization which means people belonging to various religion, age, sex, talent, skills,
experience etc. this lead to working with togetherness that is valued in an organization. It is very
important to create an inclusive working environment within an organization. This is going to
help with increasing of an employee engagement within the company and they are also
motivated towards creativeness. Innovation is going to increase through the inclusive working
environment and is also the employee turnover which is going to reduce because employee feels
valued towards the company. These are working performance which enhances performance that
eventually lead towards achieving of goals in affective manner.
Strategies for building an inclusive and diverse workforce
In the view of..., there are various ways which is helpful in building and inclusive
workforce within an organization which leads towards benefitting a company to achieve goals
and objectives in effective manner. Also training and development program can be helpful for
employees in understanding the work and completing it with togetherness which is going to
Managing a Successful Business Project_3

increase acceptance within workers towards each other. Employees engagement can increase in
an organization by way of perspective leadership so that an employee can also be involved in
decision making that is going to help in raising of value with ideas and thoughts. This results into
creating of confidence and commitment towards the company. Also performance appraisal can
be used for judging of an employee irrespective of difference which helps in improving
performance of workers. Also create an inclusive environment.
Advantages of having inclusive and diverse workforce
According to(Marnewick, 2016) in the area of economic globalization the companies are
putting efforts for creating of a diverse workforce in order to mark out thoughts, skills and talents
which can be hired in an company. this helps in increasing of number of innovation and
creativity within an company. So, that better process, products and services can be manufactured
through an company. It is also going to lead the company in increasing its productivity. This is
an inclusive workforce and can help in boosting of performance of workers as they can be
focused on their work. Also help in building a strong image of company in an market that is
going to help in attracting of customers at large and talented workforce of an company.
P2 Project management plan
This is an formal and a well documented approved plan that is going to help in executing,
monitoring and controlling the project. This helps in identifying of the things that is important
for achieving a task. Further this also helps in following of essential components of the project to
achieve desired results (Martinsuo and Hoverfält, 2018),.
Cost: This is one of the most important components of a project that helps in
determination of total cost that has been used while carrying out activities of project that
is related activity can be effective completed. This is going to help in ascertaining budget
which is going to lead towards carrying out a task in efficient manner along with
optimum utilization of resources. For completing of project an total of £68000 is
required. This is required to be utilized to generate resources and completing of various
activities related to the project to achieve desired goal.
Managing a Successful Business Project_4

Time: This is related fro determining of total time that is going to help in performing of
research and to complete project in effective manner. This is important for determining of
accuracy in time that is required so as to achieve result out of research to be done. For
completing of this project in effective manner a time of 3 weeks is required.
Scope: This is related for determining and documenting of a list of specific goals which
are to be achieved, features, functions, deliverables, costs, deadline etc. this is related to
project in which actions are required to be performed for completing of project within
duration of time period and cost can be determined. Researcher is needed to determining
of project scope for taking action that is needed.
Quality: This is related to quality of the product that has been produced out of the
process. This depends upon quality of data production during a project. This is very
important as researcher has been collecting data from reliable and authentic sources for
maintaining of high quality of project with more efficiency.
Communication: This is related towards using of devices that is going to help in
establishing of effective communication among the team member for making them
achieving of goals or objectives. Also it is going to help in achieving of goals. Effective
communication is the most essential thing to be achieved by an organization because it
helps in connecting of completing project in effective manner. The researcher will require
communication channels like internet, computers, mobile phones etc. so that effective
communication can be established.
Managing a Successful Business Project_5

Risk: This has been related to the contingencies which might occur while carrying out the
project that can be affective in terms of quality of project and is also going to lead
towards it demolition. That is why such risks are being analyzed that helps in taking
appropriate steps which can be minimize. This is going to make project in desired manner
for achieving of high quality results.
Resources: Such resources are required to carrying out project for utilizing it during
project accomplishing task. Office, printers, mobile phones etc. are various types of
resources can be used in a research to complete the project on time.
P3 Gantt chart and WBS
Gantt chart: It is that kind of chart that is responsible for defining of different time which
could be assists from each and every activity which has been performed for achieving of
objectives in timely manner. In this effort has been included which could be implied by each and
every individual for gaining success and make project run smoothly. Also this helps in getting to
know that how much time is going to be acquired by an task to be completed. This helps in
providing of adequate information regarding whole project which helps in gaining more
relevancy in accomplishing it (Marinho, Sampaio and Moura, 2018).
Managing a Successful Business Project_6

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