
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHigher Education
Managing a
Successful Business
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_1

Table of Contents
P1) Prepare aims and objectives.............................................................................................3
P2) By including scope, communication, resources, cost, time, quality and risk design Project
management plan....................................................................................................................4
P3) Explain Gantt Chart and Work Break Down structure....................................................6
P4) Discuss quantitative and qualitative approach so as to attain set goals and objectives. . 8
P5) With the help of appropriate tools and techniques explain data analysis .....................10
P6) Draw conclusion from the findings................................................................................19
P7) Study the undertaking to accomplish set goals and objectives and own learning and
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_2

“ Equality and diversity in the workplace”. A study report on Tesco.
To gain competitive advantages in cut throat competitive world it is very important to
adopt diverse culture in the workplace. By doing so more and more innovative ideas is generate
from distinguish background of people (Al-Jenaibi, 2017). In today's era everyone is framing
strategies to build equality and diversity in workplace so that tough competition can be created
for others. In to order to survive for longer time duration it is the most essential element. In order
to complete this report Tesco is selected. It is general merchandise retailer store whose
headquarter is in Welwyn garden City, United Kingdom. This successful company came into
existence in the year 19119 by Jack Cohen. This organization is serving it's product and services
across Thailand, Malaysia, Hungary, Poland and so on. The product served by Teso is
supermarket, Hypermarket, superstore and convenience shop. There are numerous subsidiaries
offered to the customers such as, Tesco banks, Tesco Ireland and so on. This assignment covers
aims and objectives of the project. Project management plan is prepared so that all resources can
be utilized properly. Enterprise is using Gantt Chart and work break down structure is studied in
order to make complex task simple in nature.
P1) Prepare aims and objectives
“To analysis strategies through which company can overcome impact of equality and
diversity within workplace” A study report on Tesco.
To enhance knowledge regarding equality and diversity in Tesco.
To examine how it influence overall workforce efficiency of Tesco.
To identify advantages of building equality and diversity in working premises of Tesco.
To study the strategies by which impact of equality and diversity can be overcomed
within Tesco premises.
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_3

P2) By including scope, communication, resources, cost, time, quality and risk design Project
management plan.
A document that contains complete details regarding every phase of a project is known
as project management plan (Bardach and Patashnik, 2019). PMP main components are,
planning, executing, monitoring, initiating, executing, controlling and controlling. It is used by
the organization so that set goals and objectives can be attained easily. This plays a significant
role in an organization as well as assist firm to run the business smoothly in cut throat
competitive world. The main purpose of project management plan is to ascertain project
outcomes, who will be involved in the project, how a successful outcomes will be attained, how
the project will be determined and communicated. The benefits of project management plan are
as follows:
Helps in setting scope, schedule and budget accurately from starting.
All the resources related to business are arranged in effective manner.
The ratio of meeting desired outcomes is increased.
Project management plan by including scope, communication, resources, cost, time, quality and
risk are explained as follows:
Scope: The project scope is wider in nature all the resources are utilized properly in order
to attain the set standards in intense competitive world (Bryson, 2018). All the data gathered
from should be arranged in effective manner so that best results can be attained in cut throat
competitive world. However, this research will help the project manager to enhance their
particular skills, which are, analytical skills, data collection skills, research skills and so on that
directly open up opportunities for them in future.
Communication: Researcher in order to attain desire results use two way free flow of
communication. Proper communication channels are adopted by the team mates in order to
transfer the important information among the members so that in the set deadline project can be
completed. Moreover, an adequate communication must be there to designed in order to
complete specific research work in open market place. Along with this while conducting the
research work effectively and efficiently both oral and written communication is used in an
organization (Carter, 2018). Additionally, equal opportunity is given to all team members to take
decisions regarding this research.
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_4

Resources: To conduct the research work effectively and efficiently numerous resources
such as, human capital, technical, financial, physical and other resources are utilized properly so
as to accomplish set goals and objectives in proper manner. To complete the set task in the set
deadline it is very important to use the resources in productive manner in global market.
Cost: To grow the business in neck to neck competitive market place cost plays a
significant role. Investigator having sufficient fund can accomplish the set aims and objective
effectively. Moreover, firm is able to gain competitive advantages against rivalry in cut throat
competitive world. Lack of funds can be overcome by gathering cash amount from banks,
relatives, friends, friends and other financial institutions and so on (Ferenczi, 2018). The
estimated budget required for research work is mentioned below:
Estimated Budget
Particulars Amount (£)
Expenditure on publicity £3000
Technological expenses £2000
Catalogues £1000
Other Expenses £800
Total Cost £6800
Time: In order to create tough competition for others in intense competitive world
researcher requires 7 weeks to complete the assigned project effectively. Company frame tactics
to complete each and every task in the set deadline so that in the set time frame project gets
finished in proper manner. This plays a significant role in an business administration.
Quality: Data are collected from primary data collection method for their research work.
Along with this qualitative approach is used by investigator for their research work (Gurung and
Prater, 2017). It mainly focus on quality which is a positive mark for the company. By doing so
large customer is attracted for the project and it's information.
Risk: While completing the assigned work in effective manner many risk factor like, less
interested people in answering question, funds, etc. is faced by company. This involves certain
barriers that affects the research quality in negative manner.
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_5

P3) Explain Gantt Chart and Work Break Down structure
Gantt Chart: It is a bar that is used in illustrating schedule of a project and in showing
relationship between certain activities and current schedule status. It is utilised by project
manager to able to showcase extra information about different tasks and phases of a specific
project. It also shows the manner in which each and every task is utilised (Hajro and Pudelko,
2017) .
Work Break Down Structure: It is a tool of project management plan that helps in
breaking down a project into smaller components. This method is usually taken into use for
simplifying the execution of a project by breaking down managerial chunks. It helps in
accurately organising of a project and adequately assigning responsibilities to the project team .
Moreover, by using this tool researcher can estimate the time, cost and risk that is utilised to
implement this project (Ibarra and Kitsuse, 2017).
Managing a Successful Business Project - Tesco Assignment_6

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