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Managing CSR


Added on  2023/01/13

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This study explores the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its management practices. It focuses on three core journal articles: marketing to vulnerable customer groups, unethical labor practices of Nike, and child labor in the mica-mining industry. The study discusses theoretical frameworks and their usefulness in addressing these CSR issues.

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Managing CSR

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Marketing to vulnerable customer groups such as adolescents or young children. ...................3
Unethical labour practice of Nike...............................................................................................4
Mica-mining in the Madagascar- Child labour within the supply chain.....................................6
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Corporate social responsibility in turn is referred to as the effective management concept
where companies tend to integrate with various environmental and social concerns in order to
effectively carry out business operations and effectively interact with stakeholders (Sinha and
Panda, 2018). CSR practice within the organization helps in self regulating business model that
helps company to be socially accountable. This in turn helps in building positive brand image
which in turn is useful for higher sustainable growth of the business. Furthermore, this study will
focus on critically evaluating the three core journal articles in a structural and appropriate
Marketing to vulnerable customer groups such as adolescents or young children.
Description of the issue: Marketing in turn is considered to be one of the most effective
platform for enabling a platform for selling goods and services. Young children and adolescents
in turn are considered to be as the target base for marketing and advertising (Subramaniam and, 2019). Advertisers tend to recognize the fact that, consumer habits and brand loyalties
which in turn has been eventually formed at the time when the children are young. Then this
would in turn create a vulnerable and magnificent impact throughout their childhood.
McDonald's tend to focus on selling food which is high in fat. This in turn is considered to be
rampant within the developing countries. This in turn eventually creates a high degree of
question on the advertising practices. McDonald's in turn is considered to be one of the most
unethical company across the globe because the of the way the business has been conducted. It
tends to offer huge range of fast food to the customers and also carry advertising on such fast
food without ethically telling people the cons of the products offered by McDonald's. This in
turn is considered to be one of the most ethical practice where the customers are not getting
information in the true and ethical manner. McDonald's tend to have complication with the
suppliers who in turn eventually affects the ethical practice of the company.
Theoretical framework: The key theoretical framework which in mainly associated with
the event is mainly associated with ethics of right and justice. The management team of the
company must focus on transmitting all the useful information to the customers in a fair and
honest manner (Wong and Dhanesh, 2017). The individual people in turn has the right to give
transparent information to the customers without hiding any material facts. This theoretical
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framework in turn also determines the fact that, they have the products provided to the customers
in turn are safe and are also considered to be as the efficacious products (Srinivasan and
Srinivasan, 2019). This framework focuses on treating each individual with mutual respect and
also focus on effectively understanding the needs and want of the customers.
Usefulness of the theory: Ethics of right and justice in turn is eventually considered to
be the most effective framework who in turn focuses on effectively dealing with the moral
choices. This is rooted to be as the legal system who in turn eventually applies to the Western
democracy in order to take on everyday moral decisions. Ethics of justice in turn is considered to
be very useful which in turn mainly constitute of ethical perspective in order to take ethical
decision. Ethical decision in turn has been made on the basis of various universal rules and
principles which in turn ensures equitable treatment to all group of people within the society. The
company must focus on offering those products which adds value and claim within the
communication process (Shirodkar, Beddewela and Richter, 2018). The company must focus on
honouring the implicit and explicit commitment and promises. The company must also strive to
be truthful all time in all situations. McDonald's tend to focus on improving there overall
business strategy by effectively incorporating various set of corporate social responsibility.
McDonald's focuses on to effectively comply with the various ethical practices, environmental
protection and long term viability of the economy. Effective ethical practice within the company
in turn helps in building the company's reputation and it also leads to higher sustainable growth
within ethical and reliable manner.
Unethical labour practice of Nike
Description of the problem: Nike in turn is considered to be one of the most leading
athletic brand which in turn tends to face greater criticism. Nike has been alleged of verbal and
physical abuse at the workplace. Employees in the organization were forced to wok for over 60
hours each week and they in turn were also punished if they refuse to work over time (Mhatre,
2019). Women in the organization were underpaid which in turn is considered to be hardly
enough to cover there basic living of their life. Being such a renowned company, Nike in turn
has the image to uphold. Nike must in turn focus on effectively resolving the issue associated
with the abuse in the factory. Nike in turn has eventually faced major criticism associated with
the difficulty working conditions and lower wages.

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Theoretical framework: The company must comply with the Triple bottom line because
it helps in encouraging the overall business performance (Sharma and Jain, 2019). The
performance of the business is usually based on three key important areas which mainly includes
people, profit and planet. The development job satisfaction and employment policies in turn is
considered to be one of the most ethical and theoretical practice carried out by the Nike in order
to motivate employees to carry out task within the stipulated time frame. Nike must respect the
needs and want of each employees within the organization. This in turn eventually leads to
greater productivity of the employees and higher growth to the business. This theoretical
framework in turn usually focuses on five key components which mainly comprise of respect,
recognition, praise, engagement, motivation and fair compensation. Respecting each individual
and focus on striving for the better performance. Nike wants to focus on achieving breakthrough
moment in order to attain the best of the company. It helps in creating an effective workforce
environment by hiring large number of people in order to reduce pressure on the current
employees of the organization (Kavitha, 2019). This theoretical framework helps company in
reducing overtime and in turn also helps the employees to maintain work life balance. The
company also focuses on female empowerment from there advertising campaigns. They also
focus on committing towards paying living wages across the supply chain. This in turn
eventually results in high operational growth and sustainability of the Nike company. Triple
bottom line theory helps in effectively reporting to the various social dimensions associated with
company's activities.
Usefulness of the theory: Triple bottom line theory is considered to be very useful
because it helps in posing an effective and simultaneous way by combining various metrics in
order to gain financial success (Wolf and Thiel, 2017). Triple bottom line is considered to be one
of the most effective approach because it is useful in creating greater value to the business. This
theory is useful because it helps in determining that, job satisfaction in turn is considered to be
very important because it helps in retaining prospective employees within the company. It helps
in respecting each employees without any discrimination. The triple bottom line approach in turn
helps in measuring the financial, environmental and social performance of the company over a
specific period. The company must also focus on effectively determining the needs and
requirements of the employees. Each employee within the organization is treated with mutual
respect and is considered to be very valuable for the sake of the company. Triple bottom line
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approach is useful in condemning violence and racism within the organization (Blake, 2017).
This in turn helps in effectively carrying several business operations in an appropriate and legal
manner. This framework tends to comply with the social and environmental sustainability in
order to gain better results and perform ethically in future. One of the major limitation of the
triple bottom line is to apply within the monetary based economy.
Mica-mining in the Madagascar- Child labour within the supply chain.
Description: Mica in turn is considered to be as the mine in the Madagascar. It mainly
comprise of the poor where the families tend to comprise of minors who in turn are aged
between 5 to 17 years. Around 87% of the Mica in turn goes to China which in turn
manufactures cosmetics, paints, coatings, construction, in the electronic and automotive industry
(Ronghangpi and Bhowal, 2020). Large percentage of Madagascan mica has been transported to
the China by boat which in turn ends up in the various products of the companies such as
Panasonic in Japan. The customers of the Panasonic company in turn are also linked to the risk
of engaging in child labour within the supply chain. The business community of the Panasonic in
turn tends to fail to carry out business with due diligence.
Theoretical framework: The company must comply with the “Protect, Remedy and
respect” framework alongside with the key UN guiding principles on Human rights and business.
These are considered to be the key three pillars of which in turn helps in protecting against
various human rights by effectively protecting human rights associated with the abuse of the
third parties (The United Nations “Protect, Respect, Remedy” Framework for Business and
Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights,
2020). This framework in turn is considered to be very useful because it helps in protecting
human rights and also focus on effectively addressing corporate associated human right abuse.
Panasonic tends to focus on effectively protecting various international human rights and act
with utmost due diligence in order to sustain in the market. Panasonic tends to focus on engaging
within the corporate responsibility which in turn eventually helps in respecting various human
rights (Sharma, Csuri and Ogunyemi, 2017). This theory help company to engage within such
abusive activities taking place within the territory. This framework is considered to be very
useful in redressing abuse with the help of implication of effective legislation, policies,
adjudication and regulation. Panasonic tends to prohibit the use of child labour who in turn has
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been required by the supplier in order to treat all employees, staff and worker s with utmost
respect and dignity.
Usefulness of the theory: “Protect, Remedy and respect” framework in turn is
considered to be very crucial because it helps in protecting human rights of the individual.
(Mishra and Sarkar, 2017) This framework helps company to work within the act of due
diligence which in turn eventually helps in positioning the company at a greater height. Effective
standards and legislations must be implemented in order to avoid conflicts and also focus on
effectively carrying several business operations in an ethical and reliable manner. It helps in
providing better prevalence to the victims in order to attain high operational goals and objectives
within the organization (The United Nations “Protect, Respect, Remedy” Framework for
Business and Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human
Rights, 2020). This theory in turn helps Panasonic to protect the human rights and carry out
operations with accuracy and ethnicity.
From the above carried out study it has been summarized that, corporate social
responsibility in turn is considered to be as one of the most effective practice which in turn helps
in integrating environmental and social aims in order to carry out several business operations.
This study comprise of various journal entries such as Marketing to vulnerable customer groups
such as adolescents or young children, Unethical labour practice of Nike and Mica-mining in the
Madagascar- Child labour within the supply chain. Furthermore, it also demonstrates theoretical
framework in order to engage in sustainable practice. This helps company to perform sustainably
within the market.

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Books and Journals
Blake, L.J., 2017. Differentiated CSR: Standing apart from the CSR crowd. Journal of
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Wolf, R. and Thiel, M., 2017. CSR in China: The road to new sustainable business models.
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