
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London


Added on  2023-01-11

37 Pages10365 Words64 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataLanguages and CulturePhilosophyReligion
Research Dissertation
(Managing culturally diverse
workforce at Eurostar London)
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_1

This paper presents study over increasing workforce diversity within the business
environment, thus, workforce diversity is recognised to be the most effective area of study which
refers as the most considered issue of human resource management in the modern business
environment. Thus, businesses now a day’s are facing a lot issue in relation to the area of
managing culturally diverse workforce and it is evaluated as the most prior aspect of business
which helps the business in developing the operations and progression of the business.
Workforce diversity defines similarities and differences in between of employees in terms of age,
cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, gender, and sexual
orientation. Therefore, individual are alike as they are different in not only the perspective of
gender, culture, race, social and psychological characteristics but also in their perspectives and
prejudices. Society had discriminated on these aspects for centuries. In this specific analysis the
study has been executed over the area of Eurostar London, as it is the large and high speed travel
service provider, which has its major concern over promoting diversity at workplace, thus it is
effective for the business in attaining higher growth and success. In this present study,
quantitative research is being applied as it is effective in conducting detailed analysis which
helps in assisting the whole work in right manner to over come the issue. In addition to this,
primary as well as secondary both the tools are being prominent in executing this analysis in
imperative manner, therefore, primary research is being considered as the major source of
accumulating first hand data via the help of conducting survey as in this questionnaire is being
developed to gather information. On the contrary side, secondary study is being equality in
developing theoretical perspective via the opinion analyse of authors and writers, thus in this
books, journals, published articles are the major source of information accumulation.
Furthermore, conclusion has played an effective role in providing summary in regards to the
findings of the research.
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_2

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2: Literature Review...........................................................................................................3
Chapter 3: Research Methodology...................................................................................................8
Chapter 4: Presentation of Results and discussion and findings....................................................15
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation................................................................................27
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_3

To identify the impact of managing culturally diverse workforce in improving business
performance and productivity. A study of Eurostar London.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Overview of the Research
The present study initiates to determine the potential the impact of managing culturally
diverse workforce in improving business performance and productivity. Therefore, it considered
as one of the key challenge of human resource management within modern business era because
of globalisation of business, alternation in economic or political environment (Cano, 2020).
Workforce diversity mainly refers as the key concern of each size of business, thus it defines as
the means of differences and similarity among individual within a workplace in terms of age,
cultural background, physical abilities, religion, race, gender and sexual orientation and so on.
However, businesses now a day’s are very much concern over promoting diversity at workplace
for the intention of exploring their operations and progression, thus people from diverse area are
more liable in attempting business operations in effective manner via the contribution of their
unique skills and abilities. In the present investigation the overall analysis is based on the study
of Eurostar London, thus it is an international high-speed railway service provider. However, the
business is concern over enhancing diversity at workplace in respect to attaining higher growth
and success (Fine, Sojo and LawfordSmith, 2020).
Background of the Business
In today’s modern business environment, the primary motive of each business is to
attaining higher growth and success and for this, businesses are concern over managing diversity
at workplace (Dover, Kaiser and Major, 2020). Therefore, in this the study is based on Eurostar
London and it is an international high-speed railway service provider which connects London
with with Amsterdam, Avignon, Brussels, Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Disneyland Paris, Lille,
Fréthun, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, and Rotterdam. Therefore, All its trains travel by the Channel
Tunnel among the United Kingdom and France, owned and operated separately by Getlink. The
services of Eurostar is began by the year of 1994 and make sure to provide high speed train
facility to the people (Lyon, 2020).
Rationale of the Research
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_4

The research into consideration is based on analysing the impact of managing culturally
diverse workforce in improving business performance and productivity, therefore, it is a wide
academic writing which is imperative in providing an effective knowledge base regarding the
area of cultural diversity and how it is beneficial for the business growth and success (Harry,
2020). This analysis is worth studying because cultural diversity is recognised as the key
challenge in today’s modern business environment which influences the operations and
progression of the business. Thus this study provides in-depth analysis over the chosen area and
provides benefits to the businesses to resolve the issue if diversity at workplace. In addition to
this, the analysis is also being executed for the sack of the personal interest of the researcher, as
the investigator wants to get better idea about the recognition and attempt their future projects in
more liable manner.
Research Aim
To identify the impact of managing culturally diverse workforce in improving business
performance and productivity. A study of Eurostar London.
Research Objectives
To develop basic understanding about the culturally diverse workforce in context of an
To determine the different ways for managing culturally diverse workforce at Eurostar
To analyse the importance of managing culturally diverse workforce on business
productivity and performance of Eurostar London.
To determine the challenges that may be face by Eurostar London while managing
cultural diversity.
Research Questions
What is the concept of culturally diverse workforce in context of an organisation?
What are the different ways for managing culturally diverse workforce at Eurostar
What are the importance of managing culturally diverse workforce on business
productivity and performance of Eurostar London?
What are the key challenges that may be face by Eurostar London while managing
cultural diversity?
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_5

Chapter 2: Literature Review
It is most crucial aspect of exploration project, as it leads effectively to creating a profound
theoretical structure that allows the overall research to achieve true and reliable results. The
secondary sources are the literature review and therefore do not analyze the experimental work.
The secondary sources which used in collection of data are books, articles, journals, scholars and
others. The main purpose of the literature review is to examine the views of previous authors so
as to highlight a given topic (Barak, 2016). The Literature Review chapter under which purpose
knowledge is explored in depth. This data is collected through credible and accurate online
sources. It is easiest way to receive accurate and credible knowledge.
Culturally diverse workforce in context of an organization
As per viewpoint of Dr. Richard T. Alpert (2020) at workplace, cultural diversity is when
organizations are open to requesting staff members from all the different backgrounds regardless
of religion, culture and race. When the organizations higher and sustained it was full of the
people this brings about various advantages to organization as well as it staff members. People
from the different background various perspectives and their contribution permits group to look
at the issues from all angles. Cultural diversity at workplace is result of practices, traditions and
values of staff members based on the age, religion, Gender and ethnicity. Economic globalization
is main driving force of the cultural diversity at workplace. Managers have realized that the
workforce diversity gives material as well as intangible benefits. In context to managers, main
advantages of cultural diversity at workplace, they should communicate their commitment to
addressing challenges of diverse workforce. Manager should see to celebrate staff member’s
diversity to avoid the issues at workplace such as hostility and awkwardness. Every person can
be described as being diverse because they have the unique view point, diversity at workplace is
related to particular group who have experienced discrimination. Diversity and inclusion
programs in company are introduced to overcome from barriers of various group of the people
working together in productive manner (Bouncken, Brem and Kraus, 2016). Cultural diversity is
not really a fad in near future. Globalization is still there, which means that companies need to
promote programs that build a diverse cultural workforce. Though guidelines in a company
manual are good beginning, multiculturalism is more concerned with thought than with
guidelines in a company manual. Professionals should also be coordinated in the same way that
cultural diversity is embraced. There is no underestimation of the value of cultural diversity at
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_6

work. Different workers make the ultimate difference and help to stay on right side of law.
Organizations with transparent strategies for diversity and inclusion benefit from happy,
successful and profitable workers.
As contrary to this Don Potochny (2020) Cultural diversity is known as multiculturalism, a
broad set of values that recognizes and encourages the interests of all the communities that make
up the organization. Cultural diversity is a significant factor in the implementation of diversity
and inclusion programs in the business. The introduction of a systematic Diversity and Inclusion
Policy will also be illustrated by cultural diversity. It is not only to follow federal guidelines that
specifically state discrimination on the basis of demographic issues that should be considered
unlawful that Cultural Diversity programs must be created. Multiculturalism has many
advantages at work, beginning with raising bottom line such as enhance profit, increased
creativity, Positive Brand Reputation, Reduce Employee Turnover and others.
The Equality and Diversity policy of Eurostar London stated that colleagues deserve to
respect and values. From the hiring, training and development have policies to assure it
recognize talent in the every form. It is committed to improving the gender balance and have
more initiatives to support recruitment as well as development of the talented women across
business (Emeh, Njoku and Ukenna, 2017).
Different ways for managing culturally diverse workforce at Eurostar London
On the basis of Eric Dyson (2020) Managing cultural diversity at work successfully allows
each employee to accept them, enables them to take an active part in company decisions and can
also improve the credibility of the company to attract talented and best talents. Stereotyped
interactions can cause destruction. Prejudiced members do not respect minority members as
individuals. Only race, sex, or sexual orientation can be seen. They want individual to comply
with their loss. As a consequence, the contact and actions of the minority are mediated by their
damage. Once team combines, it becomes more creative and more effective with diversity. The
outcome for those on team is better salaries, rewards and even product choices. On the other
hand, to hire the diverse workforce is complex, sustain and maintain diverse workforce is more
challenges. There are different ways for managing the culturally diverse workforce at Eurostar
London given below:
Understanding Cultural Differences- This is necessary to know about the dimension of cultural
diversity of staff members at an organization consisting perception of the time, communication
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_7

patterns, Hierarchy, distance and others. This is important to educate Human Resource
Department as well as management team regarding issues which may arise in order to optimize
performance level of staff members and reduce adverse consequences that arises the cultural
differences at workplace. With adequate comprehensive towards differences, managers of
Eurostar London can work together with human resource persons to set the better policy for staff
members at workplace (Han and Beyerlein, 2016).
Practicing effective communication- Conflict at workplace arises when any misunderstanding
occurs. For the locals, on their communication style may be different but as the local they do
understand what forms useful. For the people which belong to other country, they have entirely
different style. There is a need to Staff members to learn in- depth about each other and also
communicate in casual way other than just on the working area so that they can able to learn
about the different style of speaking of each other. This will help in understanding each other and
also able to share their view points and opinion with each other. This is necessary to develop
better working relationship but more necessary to work together is team. In this manner, one
knows the style of other work can be effectively communicated without arising any
Introducing free speech- To develop the harmonious workplace, acceptance and appreciation
are main important factors with culturally diverse workforce. Managers and human resource can
work together for in inculcate environment for the staff members can able to talk comfortably
with each other regarding differences. It can be done through introducing Mentoring programs
for the new hires as well as open the communications section periodically for the each employee
to share their ideas as well as new knowledge. With various backgrounds of staff members, this
is nice to celebrate necessary holidays of each other country. When the staff members feel
secured as well as accepted regardless cultural differences which they form from the each other,
their moral can be enhanced and their capability to perform the activities can be increased
(Lambert, 2016).
Working calendars- It is much easier to run a culturally diversified team as it incorporates
national holidays in their work schedule. This allows employees also to efficiently manage and
prioritize their work, knowing that on those festive days they will spend short period of time. In
this way, other than to remember the staff members how organization appreciates them. The
Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce at Eurostar London_8

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