
Managing Health Organisation Reflection - Assignment


Added on  2020-07-23

6 Pages1107 Words32 Views
Managing Health Organisation
Managing Health Organisation Reflection - Assignment_1

I used to determine about the significance of health management in an organisation.
Managing health in an organisation is not an easy thing and for this first I used to determine
about the organisational performance management. It could only be maintain and manage
through applying relevant and appropriate functions at workplace so that better and effective
understanding of work could be maintain and manage for long term consideration.
Through this project, I used to learn about functions of performance management. In this
aspect I determine that management have to evaluate their work with every due period of time.
Like if I am doing a task I used to evaluated it properly and determine the deviations as well.
This would enhance my work and bring out efficiency as well. The other function for which I get
understand is all about the external performance management. In such aspect, I understand the
importance of stakeholders for whom each and every information required to deliver them
properly which is essential for managing various task and operations.
The scenario of performance management have to implement in my work properly so that
my working could be enhance and improve for long term. I used to learn that evaluation of
actions is essential with every definite time period so that a balance could be maintain and
manage in order to reach the targets and goals properly. With assistance of this project, I learn
that a performance management involves and behaves on five step model which have to
understand properly so that efficiency could be maintain and manage for long period of time.
The five step model for performance management system define and signify as follow:
Firstly I understand that targets and clear objectives for future need to be implement
properly. This support me to reach my targets and goals properly which work for
essential as a future course.
Next thing is to clearly frame out the long term and short term objectives. I used to learn
that some targets enhance my work towards perfection where few of them belong to short
period of course.
Also I learn on third step that how to manage a team specifically. At such course of time I
leant that as a group we need to divide our responsibility and roles properly so that better
and effective accomplishment of targets could be done which enhance long term
Managing Health Organisation Reflection - Assignment_2

I used to learn that accountability of working is must which support and build a
leadership quality into me. This is a fourth step which I have to understand and
implement into me properly so that it should work for my long term purpose as well as I
become able to manage things effectively.
At last step I get aware that some results could be positive where some will be negative.
Thus, I have to understand them effectively which further assist in deriving better and
suitable outcome.
All these things have to learn by me so that I could maintain and manage my performance for
long term consideration.
On the basis of outline forum I get understand that organisational performance
management is must and really required at each and every level of business functions. For
organising health of a business performance management is a generic term which I used to
understand properly. With this aspect I could enhance and promote effectiveness in
organisational health so that better and associated targets could be accomplish which support in
deriving appropriate and effective outcome. It could be both strategic and operational in
reference which support business and mine skills as well internally and externally. This function
is pervasive in tenure which supposed to support in better and definite working of course so that
efficiency and appropriateness towards working could be maintain and manage.
With such consideration, I learn at managers and management have to implement a
culture of organisational performance management. Without this culture better and effective
working proposition would not become possible. Along with this, it would also use to get restrict
in achieving targets and goals properly and in better frame as well. Hence, I need to understand
such aspect and consideration properly and implement this section into my real life.
With this reflection, many things lead to get went well, like me and mine team work
properly and apply this technique into working as well. For this consideration we divide the work
among us properly and separately provide accountability. Although, division of work enable us
to reach the goals and targets properly and effectively so that better chances of working could be
enhance. Moreover, it is really important at each and every level of a management which
facilitate to grab and gain positive results and attribute which support me into my long term
consideration. With such consideration better and effective working options could be gain and
derive which enable me to work properly and definite course of gain as well. It have to maintain
Managing Health Organisation Reflection - Assignment_3

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