
Hilton Hotel's HR Practices and Challenges


Added on  2020-01-28

18 Pages4560 Words47 Views
Managing HumanResources
Hilton Hotel's HR Practices and Challenges_1

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INTRODUCTIONHuman resources' management is one of the effective technique on which efficienthuman recruit who fulfil the organisation goal as decided. Further human resource managementusing efficient techniques and method for identified efficient human as company strategies.Ararat from it, HRM also consist of programme, training, procedures which conduct forincreasing the work efficiency of individual. Therefore, many of professor and scholar introducesmethod and techniques which is useful for increasing productivities of worker. On other hands,flexibility model also necessary for development of organisation because this model state aboutbetter communication within workplace (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In addition, this reportalso state some general statement on which firm can made fair environment like discriminatebehaviour etc. 1.1 Guest modelDavid Guest introduced model for HRM which consist 6 dimensions of analysis. Thismodel is totally based on assumption further , It Is state that HRM is different from traditionalpersonal management. However, Mr Guest believe that concept of commitment is complex and itdifficult to perform with higher aim (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Furthermore, It is not possible tocompleting performance of work as accordance with commitment therefore, organization has tofollowed 6 dimensions for achieve aim as according to decided.HRM strategy – In this stage management should prepare strategies as according tocompany situation. Further, management has to prepare strategies by analysis currentcondition of organization (Chang, Gong and Shum, 2011). Therefore, managementshould scrutiny all enterprise's document further, ultimately prepare the strategies.HRM practices – in this management decided technicians and method for hiring,selecting, training etc. as accordance to organization objectives and conditions. HRM outcome – this dimension state that management required to good environmentwith workplace by adopting various techniques and tools. For providing proper outcome,then enterprise required to conduct proper training and program.Behavioural outcome – the behavioural outcome state that management of Hilton hotelshould prepare strategies for relationship management (Gruman and Saks, 2011). Inwhich company has to prepare strategies for maintained relationship within workplace.
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Performance outcome – management should appreciate their employee for their efficientwork performance. Further, performance of individual determined by various techniqueand method. Financial outcome – In these techniques' management provided financial reward for theirefficient work performance. Which reward may be monetary or non monetary (Guest,2011). On other hands management has to provided financial helps to their worker whenneeded.1.2 Differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, Personnel and IR practicesThe HRM model is more improved and advance than personal and industrial model. It isbecause it more systematic and efficient method which gives proper outcome to organisation(Martin and Whiting., 2013). The storery introduced this model in 1992 which has made somechanges in this model. Which is as followed.Human resources managementPersonnel IR practicesIt is focus on strategies'management of the employee.Personal management practicerelated to work arrangementwithin workplace. IR practice emphasized onemployer and employeerelationship.It is totally based on moderntechniques and rules(Schneider, 2011). It based on lawful practice andrules which management hasto applied with In organizationIt is focus on healthyrelationship This model need of businessoperation.It obligation for organization.It is a required for maintainedeffective relationship betweenall management criteria.The main purpose of HRM isto manage work with usingproper procedure and method.It manages on small level thatis why management is requiredto monitoring the small taskarise within organization(Wright and McMahan, 2011).The IR practice which isconduct for purpose ofreducing future tragedy.1.3 The Role of line managerThe Hilton Hotel operate their business in large scale further, it required organizationstructure for maintained proper work environment. So that company divided group of person intosmall pieces moreover, controlled gives to line manager (Bloom and Michel, 2012). Thus, this
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