
Managing Human Resources: Scope, Nature, and Limits of Employee Well-being


Added on  2023-01-12

13 Pages4007 Words53 Views
Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources: Scope, Nature, and Limits of Employee Well-being_1

Employees Well-being, its scope, nature and limits in general practice.....................................3
Scope of employees well-being...................................................................................................3
Nature of employee's well-being.................................................................................................4
Limitation of Employee's well-being...........................................................................................5
Tesco take initiative for employee's well-being..........................................................................5
Marks and Spencer's Efforts at Employee Well-being................................................................8
Managing Human Resources: Scope, Nature, and Limits of Employee Well-being_2

Managing human resource is a process that involve effective utilization of human
resource by enhancing their performance and productivity within organization. As people are the
most important resource that helps in growth and success of business so management of such
resource is an essential part of operation of business. Employees well-being is satisfying needs of
individual by providing attractive compensation, ensuring health and safety of people. Therefore,
it is necessary for effective performance and productivity of employees in the organization. This
report analysis and evaluates employees well-being scope, nature and limits in general practice
of business. Tesco and Marks and Spencer by taking various initiative to ensure Well-being of
employees is able to gain competitive advantages in the market and build strong brand image.
Employees Well-being, its scope, nature and limits in general practice
Employees well-being is associated with optimizing health and safety of all employees
that are working in the organization for achievement of common objectives. It is not only
limited to health and safety of employees, but they should be satisfied and happy with work and
organisation. Government and public are also forcing companies to ensure employees well-
being for smooth operation of business (Bowen, Pilkington and Rose, 2016). Therefore,
employees well-being helps in enhancing productivity, performance of individual and helps in
achievement of company goals. Thus, every employer of company has to ensure health and
safety and needs of employees are satisfied, in order to motivate them to perform work
Scope of employees well-being
Most of the companies are taking various initiatives for employees well-being by
organizing programs to understand employees needs and satisfaction in better manner. Thus,
scope of Employees well-being is increasing at rapid stage as it helps in optimum utilization of
human resource by enhancing their productivity and performance (Moore, 2017). Thus scope of
employees well-being in the organization is as follows:
It helps in engaging employees: Companies that take initiative to ensure well-being of
employees in the organization by render various services and benefit to them is able to satisfy
needs of individual. It also motivates employees to work effectively in coordinate manner with
other employees within firm to achieve desired result. Thus, employees will make extra effort as
Managing Human Resources: Scope, Nature, and Limits of Employee Well-being_3

their employer think about their benefit, so they are ready for handing stress and meeting
customer deadlines.
Helps in retaining employee's loyalty : Employees well-being also helps in retaining employee's
loyalty as they are happy and satisfied by various effort taken by employer for their well- being.
It creates a sense of belongingness and further motivate individual to improve performance in
order to render standard and qualitative services to customers (Lumbera and et.al., 2019). Thus,
it benefits to company in long run by retaining employees within firm and helps in building
strong brand image as loyal employees promote company image to other people living in the
society. Therefore, it helps in increasing profitability and sales of company and gaining
competitive position in the market.
Reduction in Employees turnover: Employer of company by ensuring heath and safety, needs of
employees by providing good working environment is able to reduce employees turnover.
Individual more likely to come office and perform effectively for achievement of desired goals
(Demerouti and et.al., 2017). They put all their effort and work hard, avoid conflict with each
other to work as a team for growth and success of company in the industry. Therefore, it helps in
reduction of cost of recruit and absenteeism within organization as the employees are highly
satisfied and motivated to performance effectively.
Nature of employee's well-being
Employees well-being is necessary for company to increase productivity and
performance of employee's by satisfy their needs and ensuring health and safety of them while
operating business.
Better working environment: Manager by providing good work environment and building
strong relationship with employees is able to understand needs and demand of individual. It also
makes effort to built strong interrelationship among employees so that individual efforts are
coordinated towards organisational goals (Puri and Tiwari, 2016). Therefore, manager is able to
satisfy needs and motivate them to work effective and improve its performance for company
growth. It also reduces number of absenteeism and employment turnover as employer ensure
needs of each and every employee in the organization. They are ready to face difficult situation
and make extra effort for growth and success of firm in the industry.
Attractive compensation: Company have to provide attractive and equal compensation benefit to
every individual working in the organization. As money is basic needs that satisfy and motivate
Managing Human Resources: Scope, Nature, and Limits of Employee Well-being_4

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