
Managing People and Organization- PDF


Added on  2021-05-27

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Leadership Management
Managing People and Organization- PDF_1

MANAGING PEOPLE AND ORGANISATION2Managing People and OrganizationIntroductionWhat would happen if an organization would be led by a manger with no ethical decision making skill? Obviously such an organization is doomed to fail, right? Ethical decision making skills is part and parcel of management and it is the basis for the decision making process in all organizations. Managing people and organization is not a simple task for managers since it requires a lot of professional qualities as well as personal values that promote effective management (Crane & Matten, 2016). Managers are always faced with different dilemma in carrying out their day to day activities and such situations require ethical thinking to make the appropriate and timely decisions. This essay is a discussion of ethical decision-making principlesand how this influences the ability of managers to be effective in managing people and organizations. The discussion include a assessment of the related literature on ethical decision making process and the management practice lectures we learnt in class and how this contributestowards effective managerial practice. The report is going to focus on the questionnaires I answered in class activities to evaluate my potential of demonstrating the ethical decision making practice as a future manager. This evaluation is going to be done by mainly analyzing my personality and the current managerial capabilities I can demonstrate. The essay also will include a thorough plan to help me develop these crucial managerial abilities and skills based on my personal evaluation. This plan should facilitate me to acquire the necessary skills required to become an ethical manager who will eventual be an effective manager for people and organizations.Literature Review on Ethical Decision Making Principles and their Association to Management
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MANAGING PEOPLE AND ORGANISATION3There are several articles, journals, books and publications that have given an insight on ethical-decision making principles and how they affect the management of people and organizations. Samson, D. &Daft, R. (2015), Management (Fifth Asia Pacific Edition) is one of the major books that comprehensively discuss the application of ethical decision making principles in management. In the business sector, managers are always mandated with the responsibility of making decisions in various situations that come up during the day to day operations of an organization (Knapp, Gottlieb & Handelsman, 2015). The decisions made may either affect the internal stake holders or the external stakeholders. These decisions may have very huge impact on the business organization and therefore ethical principles have to be considered before making decisions. The managers are expected to act very ethically when making decisions, that is, they should observe all the ethical principles and code of professional conduct. Internalizing the principles of ethical decision-making provides the managers with a framework or guideline to follow in ensuring they make ethical decisions. The code of ethics is adocument that outlines the blue print for managers to use in making ethical decisions.The code of ethics can ether contains normative or descriptive ethical principles. Normative ethics is where the managers use the social ethics in the society to make decisions based on the possible end results. In the other side, a descriptive code expects the managers to question what people think is right hence follow the same line of thinking when making decision in the various business situations.In business, the decisions made by manager affect so many stakeholders either directly orindirectly. For instance, organizations that are publicly owned will always focus on maximizing shareholders profits. Managers however have to use ethical decision making principles to balance between maximization of shareholder returns and the effects the business will have to
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MANAGING PEOPLE AND ORGANISATION4other external stakeholders such as the suppliers and consumers. The decision to optimize the revenue of the company should not compromise with other ethical factors such as the working conditions of the employees, impact on natural resources and the environmental issues (Epstein & Buhovac, 2014). This will ensure that all the stakeholders in the organizations are equally treated leading to smooth operations of the business.In many governments or states have regulations and requirements put in place to govern the business operations in various sectors. Sectors such as health, financial services, manufacturing and healthcare have strict regulations to be followed due to the huge public impact these sectors have. The managers should make their decision on ethical ethics and also consider the legal boundaries and regulations expected of them in that specific sector. Ethical decision-making in organizations or when dealing with many people sometimes require involvement of different individuals to help the manger identify the diversity in perspectives. Every individual may have different views based on their background and personality hence the manager will gain insight on what direction the company activities should take.The other way to ensure that a manager makes ethical decision is for them to use refer to previous decisions. Organizations usually document most of their major decisions or decisions for most common situations and how they impact the company activities (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The manager therefore can analyze these decisions on ethical basis to come up with the most appropriate decision. The manager can identify ethical violations that occurred in the previous decisions and make decisions that will not repeat the same mistakes.Ethical decision making is not a simple practice that comes naturally or easily to managers. It requires experience, knowledge and skills to acquire this essential management tool (Dane & Sonenshein, 2015). Critical thinking skills and techniques are the most needed skills in
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