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Managing Performance and Reward: Reflection, Personal Development Plan and Learning Review


Added on  2023/06/13

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This report discusses the importance of performance management and reward management in an organization. It covers the reflection on performance management and reward management, personal development plan, and learning review. The report emphasizes the need for employees to learn organizational skills, time management skills, communication skills, motivation skills, problem-solving skills, and teamwork skills to improve their performance in the organization. The report concludes that developing these skills is essential for promoting success in career growth.

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Table of Contents
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Performance management and reward management facilitates an organization to retain its
talented and skilled employees and motivate them to work for increasing the productivity of
organization. A good reward and recognition system in the company ensures loyal and happy
employees in the organization (Dey, Ture and Ravi, 2022) . The kind of rewards such as extra
pay motivate the employees to take more tasks and increase economies of scale for the business.
Providing rewards to the employees keep them motivated towards work. Effective rewards
practices facilitate in hiring result driven professionals who make the organization successful by
working in performance based environments (Mer and Virdi, 2022) . The following report will
cover the reflection on performance management and reward management in the organization
and how it contributes to the success of organization as well as individuals. It will also cover the
personal development plan as a result of learning from this module. Further, the development
record and learning review will also be covered under this report.
Reflection through GIBBS Model
By reading the module “Project Management and Reward” I have learnt about how to
improve the performance by keeping ourselves motivated for taking more tasks and achieving
personal objectives. The first from among seven topics of my interest include Performance
Management and reward that includes retention of the skilful and talented employees in the
organization and providing them motivation to make them adopt more and more tasks for
increasing the productivity level of the business (Good, Hughes and Wang, 2022) . Here, I am
providing the reflection through GIBBS model. The GIBBS model is used for self-reflection
explaining about what one has learnt by undertaking any project. The GIBBS model facilitates
the individuals in making sense of the situations at work So as to evaluate what they did good
and what they could improve for future. It includes six stages to present the self-reflection. Those
six stages include Description, Feelings, Evaluation , Conclusions and Action (Zhang and et. al.,
2022) . I have developed interest towards Strategic Alignment and psychological engagement.
The strategic alignment refers to the organization of all elements of business such as meriting
strategy to facilitate the achievement of its long-term objectives. Here the description of my
experience through this project is given as per GIBBS model. From this model, I have learnt
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organizational skills to be organised in every stage of my career. I have also learnt the
reviewing , discussing an developing employee performance. By this , I am able to improve my
own performance for getting hired to well established company. I always review my
performance by getting feedback from my teachers and team leaders. To ensure success and
promotion in the success , I will learn some principles of performance management to manage
my performance in the future organization. At the time of making the project of performance
management and rewards, my feelings included enthusiasm of learning the skills of talented
employees of the organization. I had undertaken this project to learn about the specified skills
and career growth skills for improvement in performance to get position in the well-known
company for getting high package.
The project was undertaken by other group members as well. They also contributed to
the project in a very organised manner with fully utilization of their skills and capabilities. As
per evaluation , I have experienced that while executing the project I was not able to interact
with the team members and was not able to present my perspective in a sufficient manner due to
lack of communication skills. The conclusions by undertaking the Performance Management
project includes that for becoming successful in education as well as in job market, employees
are required to assess their performance by ensuring positive working environment and
managing the tasks for better results (Soundharrajan and et. al., 2022) . To review my progress , I
will develop an appropriate action plan or personal development plan that I have mentioned
below as well. Through undertaking this project, I will develop my communication skills and
problem-solving skills for promoting growth and be respectable in the future organization to
make high status and reputation among the employees. By getting employee benefits like
Bonuses, Incentives and other extra pays and perquisites, employees get motivated to work in
the interests of the organization. I have also learnt to stay motivated always and undertake more
tasks in an organised manner.
Personal Development Plan
A PDP or personal development plan is a process of creating an action plan for the
identification of individual goals. It includes the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals and
also covers the areas that an individual needs to improve for meeting the individual objectives.
The planning for personal development includes achieving of objectives for education and career

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by self-improvement (Duckworth and Putnam, 2022) . My personal development plan by
undertaking the above performance management project is mentioned below :
What I need
to learn
Required actions to
achieve this
Resources Required Success criteria Target dates for review
I can learn the leadership
skills for ensuring high
status in the concerned
organization that I will
choose to work with. To
achieve this, I need to
take tasks and interact
with the team leaders to
take their perspective
regarding the project.
I can also learn the
leadership skills by
learning various
leadership theories
for an organization . I
can learn this from
any scholar or
articles on google
By learning these
skills, I will be able to
maintain high status in
the organization as
compared to other
employees. I will be
appreciated for better
conduct of tasks by
effectively leading the
I will manage my projects
through making effective
schedule of work to
complete all tasks on
I will undertake the
team projects
meeting in virtual
mode so as to save
time and completing
the individual
projects on time.
It will help in my
career by contributing
in the job opportunities
as organizations tend
to hire a fast performer
in their business.
I need to learn the
organization skills for
better conduct of
organizing the tasks in
the job role.
I will take the help of
organised by various
universities and
institutions for the
improvement of
individuals for job
By learning
organizational skills, I
will be able to enhance
my productivity that
will help me in the
organization as well
where I will get hired.
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I will learn the self
evaluation of
performance by using
appropriate performance
appraisal frameworks like
personal SWOT Analysis.
I can get the help of
my teachers and team
leaders for reviewing
my performance.
By self-evaluating
skills, I will be able to
improve my
performance in the
organization and will
get the employee
benefits and other
incentives for better
productivity and
Development record-
A development record is used to contain the information that enables individual to
demonstrate what appropriate steps they have take in order to maintain their competence
as well as provide proper standard of service in effective manner (Lyons and Campbell,
2022) . The development records which demonstrate the overview what I have learned
from the module of managing performance and rewards in order to manage my future
team in proper manner are described below:
Dates What did I do? Why? What did I learn
from this?
How will I use
03/10/22 Learning
I am learning
skills because it
helps to
information more
accurately ad
From learning
skills I have learn
how to
other effectively
as well as
This is most
important skills
for me because it
helps me to
influence my
future employees
in order to give
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effectively. influence them in
order to give their
their best in their
04/08/22 Learning
motivation skills
In order to
performance and
motivate them I
have learned
motivation skills.
I learn from this
that it is
important to
analyse the needs
of the employees
in order to make
motivated in
order to give their
best and perform
more effectively.
This is also an
effective skills
which I can used
my future in order
to motivate
employees to give
their best in their
05/09/22 Learning
problem solving
In order to solve
critical problem
that may occur in
my future in order
to manage the
performance of
my employees in
proper manner.
From this learn I
am learned what
are major steps
can be taken in
order to solve any
critical situation
in proper manner.
I can use this in
managing the
performance of
my future
employees my
solving problems
in better manner.
25/06/22 Learning team
work skills
For working
effectively with
the team and
their behaviour in
order to get
effective results
from it.
I learn how to
collaborate with
other team
members and how
to perform each
task while
performing within
a group.
This will help me
in my future in
order manage a
team properly and
understand the
behaviour of the

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Learning Review
Managing performance and rewards was the most effective tools which helps me to learn
how to manage and influence employees in the organisation in effective manner. This will also
helps to understand the power of rewards in order to manage the performance of employees and
make them to give their best in their performance. From this module, I can understand that
various skills are needed in order to manage the performance of the employees and become more
effective for my future. In order to manage my future business properly, it is important me to
understand the importance of managing results, base pay and employee benefits properly. All
these things are essential for making employees more motivated in the organisation and also
helps in making them engaged. This will helps an organisation to enhance their overall
performance as well as achieve their organisation goals. By providing effective rewards to the
employees can also in making them to give their best in their performance. The skills like
communication, motivation, problem solving and teamwork that I have learned from this module
helps me to become more effective for my future and manage performance of the organisation in
proper manner. The communication skills is most important skills for my future career because it
makes me to interact and communicate other properly as well as can easily influence others. The
motivation skills helps me to understand the needs of their other in order to feel them motivated
so, they give their best in their performance and helps in achieving the goals more effectively
(Miyahara, 2022). Problem solving skills makes me to understand the particular problem and
situation properly in order to find effective solution in order to solve it. This will make me more
effective for may future career. The other important skills is teamwork skills which makes to
understand the behaviour of other ream members in order to make them to perform more
effectively. Many other skills can also make me to develop in order to manage the performance
in the organisation in proper manner. These will includes decision making, planning, planning
and delegation which makes me to get develop in order to improve my future and manage
performance of the employees in proper manner.
From the above discussion, it has been concluded that for ensuring successful
accomplishment of the objectives of organization, it is imperative to increase the productivity of
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business by ensuring management performance of the employees. For increasing the
productivity, organizations must use reward and recognitions to motivate the employees in their
own interests for taking more tasks with the interests of organization as well. Employees feel
motivated by having positive, safe and healthy working environment ad by getting various
employee benefits. Individuals need to ensure their better career growth by learning the skills
that help them in getting hired with the well- established and well-known company. But they
need to develop some personal as well as professional skills to improve their performance in the
organization for ensuring productivity there. They must learn organization skills to execute the
tasks in an organised manner; time management skills to complete the tasks with deadline. So,
they are recommended to develop these type of skills for promoting success in their career
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Books and Journals:
Dey, C., Ture, R.S. and Ravi, S., 2022. Emerging World of Gig Economy: Promises and
Challenges in the Indian Context. NHRD Network Journal, 15(1). pp.71-82.
Duckworth, M.L. and Putnam, J., 2022. The Importance of Supporting the Social-Emotional
Skills of Teacher Educators in the Post-COVID Era. In Redefining Teacher Education and
Teacher Preparation Programs in the Post-COVID-19 Era (pp. 79-98). IGI Global.
Good, V., Hughes, D.E. and Wang, H., 2022. More than money: establishing the importance of a
sense of purpose for salespeople. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50(2). pp.272-
Lyons, T.S. and Campbell, C., 2022. Defining, Measuring, and Developing Social
Entrepreneurship Skills: A Crucial Element of Social Entrepreneurship Strategy. In Strategic
Entrepreneurship (pp. 161-181). Springer, Cham.
Mer, A. and Virdi, A.S., 2022. Artificial Intelligence Disruption on the Brink of Revolutionizing
HR and Marketing Functions. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational
Transformation, pp.1-19.
Miyahara, K., 2022. Dreyfus and Zeami on Embodied Expertise. In Knowers and Knowledge in
East-West Philosophy (pp. 345-366). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Soundharrajan, V., and et. al.,2022. The advent of manganese-substituted sodium vanadium
phosphate-based cathodes for sodium-ion batteries and their current progress: a focused
review. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Zhang, Q., and et. al., 2022. Manipulating the Conversion Kinetics of Polysulfides by
Engineering Oxygen p‐Band of Halloysite for Improved Li‐S Batteries. Small, 18(6). p.2105661.
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