
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004


Added on  2023-05-27

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Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004
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Author Note
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................2
2. Usefulness of PM tools and Techniques: Critical Assessment........................................2
3. Project Plan......................................................................................................................8
3.1. Project Plan: Software Development and Launch....................................................9
3.1.1. Project Background...........................................................................................9
3.1.2. Project Aim and Objectives.............................................................................10
3.1.3. Project Scope...................................................................................................10
3.1.4. Project Assumptions........................................................................................12
3.1.5. Project Constraints...........................................................................................12
3.1.6. Project Deliverables.........................................................................................12
3.1.7. Key Stakeholders.............................................................................................13
3.1.8. Project Communication Plan...........................................................................14
3.1.9. Project Justification and Need.........................................................................15
4. Management of a Project...............................................................................................15
4.1. Self Development Plan...........................................................................................17
5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................18
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_2

1. Introduction
Project Management can be described as a practice of project initiation, planning,
execution and control. Various tools and techniques are used for management of the specific
project goals and to meet the objectives of a particular project. The report aims in discussing the
usage of significant tools of project management and technique in development and launch of a
new software by the organization NEXT. The company NEXT is an American computer
software company that works in development of software and providing software solutions. A
project can be successfully executed only if the team of the project is able to understand the
project objectives. For that, appropriate communication among the team members is necessary.
The company NEXT mainly involves maintenance of an accurate communication plan for
maintaining appropriate communication among the team members. The aim of the report is to
shed light on usefulness of different project management tools and techniques that the company
NEXT make use of. The appropriateness of the use of such tools and techniques will be
evaluated in order to gain an insight of the working principle of company in successful execution
of a project. The appropriateness and the usefulness of the tools for project management will be
evaluated in relation to the development and launch of a Software in NEXT Company. Along
with that, a project plan is developed as well for implementing the project in a planned approach.
The project’s success is largely related to the ability of the team of the project and the project
manager in ensuring successful execution of a project.
2. Usefulness of PM tools and Techniques: Critical Assessment
A project of software development as undertaken by company NEXT will be evaluated in
this section along with the usefulness of different project management tools and techniques in
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_3

appropriate management of the said project. The different tools for project management that a
software project incorporates include Gantt chart, logic network, PERT chart, product
breakdown structure, work breakdown structure and others. There are a number of advantages of
making use of these project management tools in execution of a project.
A Gantt chart is one of the commonly used tools of project management that provide a
graphical illustration of the schedule of a project. A Gantt chart therefore helps in planning,
coordinating and tracking the major tasks in a project. A Gantt chart is mainly prepared in
scheduling software such as MS project (Marchewka, 2014). The purpose of Gantt chart, which
is a project management tool, is illustrating the process by which a project will run. The project
management team of company NEXT, will prepare a project schedule so that the project is
implemented in a planned manner. Therefore, Gantt chart as a project management tool is
important for planning and scheduling of the project and helps to ascertain that the project will
be delivered within the set timeframe (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). Another use of Gantt
chart is identification of the dependencies between the major project tasks, which is otherwise
not possible. In implementation of the software project, the company NEXT will made use of
agile project management methodology so that the major objectives of the project are fulfilled
(Harrison and Lock, 2017). The use of agile project management methodology will ensure
successful fulfillment of the entire identified objectives of a project. An agile approach of project
management is considered to be an iterative process that helps in planning and guiding the
progress of a project.
Another tool that is being used in accurate management of the software implementation
project includes the use of work breakdown structure. The work breakdown structure associated
with a project determines the major project deliverables and different components of the
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_4

deliverables of a project. The work breakdown structure divides each work processes in a
number of component parts that ensure better management of the work processes. Thus, work
breakdown structure as a tool is quite important for management of software projects.
A number of project management techniques help in better management of the major
work processes associated with a project. The technique of project management with which this
project will be implemented is agile method of project management (Meredith et al., 2014). The
agile project management technique ensures that all the objective of a project is accurately
fulfilled. The agile project management method is an iterative approach that divides the entire
project into smaller projects (Too and Weaver, 2014, p. 1385). Furthermore, the use of agile
project management technique helps in planning and guiding of a project towards it completion.
According to Kerzner and Kerzner (2017), it is essential for a project manager to choose an
appropriate project management technique and project management tool for ensuring successful
completion of a project.
Burke (2013) argued that different project management tools and techniques can be used
as major controlling technique for ensuring appropriate management of the project. It is essential
to ensure appropriate project monitoring and control in project management (Heagney, 2016).
The use of the required tools and PM techniques ensures proper execution of a project (Phillips,
2013). One critical success factor associated with a project includes the use of appropriate PM
tools that helps the project manager in guiding its project team in successful completion of the
project. Thus, the use of different tools for project management and the PM techniques ensure
successful project completion.
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_5

Thus, it can be concluded that the PM tools and PM techniques enables better
management of a project in its execution stage. The major usefulness of making use of different
PM tools and PM techniques are as follows-
1. The use of appropriate project management tools and techniques helps in linking the
project objectives and goals, to the needs of associated stakeholders associated with a project.
The stakeholders are an important component of a project mainly because the specifications of a
project largely depend on the views of the stakeholders (Mir and Pinnington, 2014). The first
step of any project is development of a project plan. The project plan is needed to be shared with
the stakeholders so that the stakeholders remain engaged with the project. Stakeholder’s
engagement is an important consideration of a project.
2. Another important benefit of making use of project management tools and technique is
that it focuses on the customer’s need and helps in building a customer centric product. The
company NEXT will be able to design the software, according to the needs of the customers, by
ensuring that agile process is chosen. The primary purpose of a PM tool is ensuring the managers
to execute and control the major project management processes (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). For
better comprehension of the PM tools and PM techniques, appropriate use of same is necessary.
NEXT has been implementing their project by making use of project management tools over the
years. It has been one significant need of implementation of a successful project.
3. Another benefit of making use appropriate project management tools and techniques
include scheduling and planning. With project management tools such as Gantt chart and work
breakdown structure, accurate scheduling of project is possible (Leach, 2014). The project
management tools will considerably help the project management team of NEXT in
Managing Project in the Organization BMSK 5004_6

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